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Y/n pov
I woke up in the morning still in yesterday's uniform. Levi was holding me closely. So close in fact I could hear his heartbeat. He was warm and his breathing was peaceful. This was one of the rare few times I was awake first. He usually only slept this long after a wild night or if I knocked him out forcibly so he'd rest. I pecked his chin with my lips and one of his eyes opened very slightly to see me smiling.
"You're up early today." He said roughly.
"You're up late today." I giggled.
"Let's just stay like this. No work, no friends, no responsibilities." He suggested. I tried to get up but his tight grip kept me down.
"Levi we should at least get breakfast." I ran my hand though his hair.
"You're good enough for me." He said biting my neck.
"What are you a vampire now?" I giggled at his nonsense. He was acting strangely today. Like something had gone wrong and he was trying to make up for it. Then I remembered the past few days.
"What? You look sad again. Don't tell me you've decided to burn me at the stake?" He joked terribly.
"No. Just thinking." I said blankly
"About?" He wanted to know everything. He was always searching through my thoughts.
"It's not important." I smiled fakely to cure his curiousity.
"Fine then." He squinted and sat up looking at a clock on the wall.
"What's with the time check?" I asked him questions now.
"Seeing how much time we have." He turned back to me.
"For?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Baby making. We should start a family while we're young enough to." He smiled devilishly. And baby make he did. Four rough rounds later and he finally quit.
*timeskip by two months*
I had found out this afternoon I was definitely pregnant. From the doctors assessment I had been for two months which matched up pretty well with that day. So much could have gone wrong in between then though with all the Titan fighting since the walls were mended. I didn't go back to the room but instead made my way to Hanji's office to request time away. Hopefully I'd be able to get my job back too once the baby was old enough. I'd volunteer myself to help around here still if that's what was needed. Currently though she was flipping through piles of paperwork while I talked to her. New recruits wanted to join so they could be recognized as heroes.
"So. You're sure you want to take a break for some years? Like no question?" Hanji inquired from the other side of her new desk. Erwin previously appointed her as commander if he died. She filled his spot as was asked of her.
"Yes commander Hanji." I nodded in my seat.
"Five years. I'll give you five years. If you aren't ok with that then you'll have to quit." She said stoutly. I accepted the conditions.
"Thank you." I waved goodbye as I was leaving. While I was on break from scouting missions my only duties were to cook and clean. That was fine by me. I just wanted to relax and build a family. I entered my room I was allowed to stay in with Levi since I'd still be helping around base.
"Babe! I'm back! I have good news!" I said shaking off my jacket and placed it on a hook. No answer. "Levi!" I called out again. Still no answer. I walked forward and from around the corner I was tackled into the bed.
"Gotcha!" He laughed as he straddled me from above. "You should be more vigilant." He winked and leaned down to kiss my lips.
"Get off me!" I pushed him up and over my head. I laughed as I heard him land above me.
"That's not funny! You can't hurt your future husband!" He scowled.
"You can't tackle your future wife and current baby incubator!" I crossed my arms and sat up. His eyes widened at that sentence.
"Current what? Tell me this isn't a joke." He crawled over to me and kissed my shoulders.
"Nope. I'm about two months along now." I smiled proudly as he embraced me.
"That's great y/n. We'll be great parents. Well teach them to be an amazing person and we can be a happy family together." He sounded ecstatic. "I love you." He kissed my lips between each word which caused me to smile.
"I love you too you secret dork." I pushed him off me. He was smothering me with affection which was honestly a little new. He was usually more distant but now he couldn't keep his hands off of me for a second.
"We have to tell Hanji to give us both off some time. I want to be here as much as possible." I stopped him there.
"Levi. I already requested off five years. You on the other hand are very important. You're probably the only reason humanity survived this long." He sat next to me.
"That's true but I really want to spend time with the two of you. I don't want to be away all the time. I want to take the baby to the ocean some time as a family trip and hear their first words and hear their little laughs." He was practically begging me. It wasn't my choice though.
"Here's the plan." I started. My new power with this pregnancy was him always listening. "Once the baby is born you can request time off. Until then they're going to need you. We can't visit the ocean if there's Titans there." I smiled and pet his head.
"Ughhhhhh fine. But you better send for me immediately if I'm away and you're in labor. And then you better wait for me to be by your side to push out little mister out!" He demanded. I laughed at him. He probably didn't know you can't pause giving birth.
"Fine whatever you ask captain." I winked. He kissed me deeply and pushed me back onto the bed while taking his shirt off.
"You're one sly seductress y/n l/n." He smiled and started to unbutton mine. I stopped him.
"We can't have sex while I'm pregnant. It'll hurt the baby." I scowled.
"What? How's that even possible?" He raised an eyebrow and sat back releasing me from his grasp.
"Did you not know that? It's basic knowledge Levi..." I taunted him. He pouted.
"Of course I didn't know that y/n I was still a virgin before we fucked." He blushed a little.
"I couldn't tell." I said laughing
"You couldn't? Does that mean you've... with other people?!?!" His eyes widened.
"Yes? I was 27 when I met you and I was a rowdy kid." I laughed harder now. How did he not know this? How was he still virgin when we did it? I asked myself.
"Gross I don't want to hear about your vibrant sex life!" He groaned
"You asked asshole!" I yelled and he laughed.
"I guess I did didn't I?" He pecked my cheek. "No sex. Got it." He clicked his tongue and left the room. He was really set on having the kid.

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