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Y/n pov
I woke up from yet another long night with Levi. Despite him having bags under his eyes he always seemed awake with me. I sat up and rubbed his back. I noticed where I'd left small scratched and leaned down to kiss each one. I don't know, maybe I thought it would help? He jumped as my touch and turned himself to face me now.
"Oh are you trying to seduce me in my sleep lieutenant?" He joked
"Maybe." I winked at him.
"Ahh I see. Maybe I should teach you a lesson then." He gave a seductive glance and then an alarm went off.
"Nope, we are going to breakfast on time today." I got out of bed. Instead of listening and getting dressed he came up behind me and ran his hands from my waist to my thighs.
"They can wait... you said you wanted a family." He bit my shoulder and left love marks.
"Levi we've been trying all week. If I'm not pregnant by now I'll be surprised." I escaped his grasp. He groaned.
"Fine! But no cuddles tonight." He threatened me.
"You wouldn't." I turned to him as I put on my shirt and handed him his.
"I would." He smirked. Then a got an idea.
"Fine then I'll ask Hanji or Jean or someone. You can here sleep by yourself." I teased. His face went from playful to angry and I knew immediately I messed up. He walked over to me and pushed me against the wall while grasping my face tightly in his hands.
"You better be joking." He growled. God he was hot. I continued.
"Maybe I'm not. I can't live without cuddles." I smiled evilly.
"Listen here you little shit. You're mine. If you ever! And I mean ever! Ask anyone else to give you our cuddles I might just snap." He kissed me aggressively and released my cheeks.

"You know that was hot. You should try being dominant more often." I smirked and he turned away blushing.
"You don't know what you're talking about." He rolled his eyes finally dressing himself.
*timeskip brought to you by dom Levi au*
We headed to the training field so we could train squads. Appearently I was taking on moblit's group while he was recouperating from a cold. I trained them while he got the rest of Levi squad. I started my assessing their fighting styles and further more their resolve with a simple two in one test.
"The easiest way I can think of how to asses you is based on a game I used to play. You'll go Mano y Mano since there is four of you here. You'll be matched up randomly by a hat draw. It's basic rules from there, fight how you normally would, no below the belt hits, first to knock out or tap out loses." I explained they saluted me and then gave me their names to write and draw from a hat. Over all their skill were almost perfect and they were a lot younger than the rest of most recruits. A lot of them were talented and they held out well until they were in a sticky situation. The first round, the person on the losing end tapped out. Only one guy refused and he turned the situation around. The girl he was against wouldn't tap out either but he also didn't want to hit her too hard to knock her out and he didn't know how to restrict airways without killing her so I ended the match on a draw.
After I finished scoring their abilities and critiquing their lacking parts the guy who turned the situation around came to me. I believe his name was Marvin.
"Y/n! I heard of you before! You were a famous assasin in my city." He fan girled externally and was shaking with what seemed like joy.
"I don't do that anymore kid. I'm turning my life around." I said blatanly writing down the final score of the group. Levi had just finished and walked over to me kissing my cheek.
"Hey what's up?" I asked him trying to remember the math for this. Was it add all them and divide by four? Or was it just add all of them?
"Just add them and divide them by four y/n." Levi said almost as if he read my mind. "Who's the fanboy?"
"Oh uhhhh I think his name is Marvin yes?" I asked and he nodded excitedly. "He was in my group today. He's pretty extraordinary. He was losing first but then refused to tap out and turned it around, then wouldn't hit the girl to knock her out. He doesn't have much technical prowess however and can't restrict airways properly. He never learned probably." I answered with him still standing there listening to my judgements.
"Get to your next assessment soldier." He demanded and the kid tensed up and saluted then continued to leave.
"Thanks! I'll take that criticism to heart!" He waved goodbye with a smile.
"Weird kid." I sighed looking up from my clip board.
"Definitely, let's get dinner." Levi grabbed my waist and escorted my to the mess hall. I sat at the table and he sat next to me today. It was always switching depending on how protective he was feeling that day. Our friends so filled in the table except Erwin who was stuck doing paperwork. We were talking as we normally did when the new recruit marcus... or Marvin? Marvin is his name. He sat down at the table.
"Hi y/n! I figured I'd sit here since I knew you out of everyone here." He smiled brightly. Oh I'm so gonna crush that light in him.
"What... are you doing?" Mikasa glared with a death eyes at the young boy. He had to be about 14.
"I already explained that lady. I'm here to see y/n!" He turned back towards me.
"Kid how old are you?" I asked not entertained by his enthusiasm.
"14. I graduated the cadets early. They said I was too good!" He bragged.
"From what I've seen out of you I'd say they have some shitty assessment makers. And you have an even worse case apparently. This table is for a specified squad just like every other table. I suggest you rejoin yours since you'll be stuck with them for the rest of your time here if you don't die." I said hoping to see his smile fade. If there was anything I hated more than myself it was people who thought they'd for sure outlive everyone because they're "too good".
Not once did he even hesitate. "Ok. Have fun." He waved goodbye without a break in his spirit.
"Y/n! You can't be mean to your recruits! They'll hate you forever." She gave a thumbs down.
"I hope you're not saying that you signed me up to train those brats permanently. I was told it was three days until Moblit returned." I gave her an icy stare.
"Of course not!" She laughed nervously. " I kinda signed you up to be... their... captain??" She rubbed the back of her head.
"You didn't!" I shot up from my seat and slammed my hands on the table. She jumped up and backed away carefully.
"I'm sorry. It was a good opportunity for you! And Erwin already put out in the forms so it was too late to take them back anyways!" She defended herself.
"Zoe Hanji you know as well as me that you'd need her signature for that." Levi pointed out.
"Ok so I forged it beforehand because I thought you'd say yes! Besides you'll learn to like it! They become close like family!" She admitted now.
"I'm leaving. Tell those pack of brats to get a new captain or go back to training. They suck anyways." I sneered and left the building. Levi was catching up behind me.
"Y/n come back! It's not that awful leading some kids in battle." He grabbed me and stopped me twenty ish feet away from the mess hall.
"Try saying that when you're leading a bunch of 13, 14, and 15 year olds to their deaths knowingly. It's not that I don't want to I just can't Levi. I can't do it again." I snapped around. He saw my distress and pulled me into a hug.
"It will be fine. You're talented and that boy already trusts you. I think it'll be perfectly fine." He sighed and pecked my head. I nodded. He didn't even bring me back to the table either, just to the house. I stayed there for the rest of the night.

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