Breakdown: chapter 16

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- A/N: in case you guys haven't noticed I'm doing one chapter for each couple. Last time I did a raura chapter now I'm doing a hangel chapter then the next will be a rinessa chapter.-
Hunter and I go into school holding hands as always.
I'm really hoping me and Hunter will win homecoming king and queen. Today, Hunter is dressed in a blue button up Jean top with black khakis and his hair is a bit darker due to the weather so it's more wheat colored now than dark blonde. His eyes are looking a bit more green than normal. He's looking gorgeous.
Hunter and I are greeted by lots of our friends.
"Hey look, it's HANGEL!"
"future king and queen are coming in!"
I smile at their comments and look up at him.
He smiles down at me and squeezes my hand.
It's still surreal we're together. I mean, seriously, think about it. I've liked Hunter for the longest time and he's the most gorgeous boy in the world and he's mine.
What does he see in me?
Hunter and I go outside to the back of the school to do our project in peace.
Hunter sighs and stares at me. "What?" I ask.
"Have I ever told you that your the most beautiful girl in the world?" He asks me. I blush and look down. "

Well you'd be wrong." I laugh. He scoots over closer. "What are you talking about? Your gorgeous." He said leaning and kisses me sweetly on the lips.
He pulls away two boys appear at the doorway. "Well isn't it Hunter Ryan and his little girlfriend." One of the boys say. Those boys are jack and carter, the bullies of the school and hunters ex friends. "What do you want, Carter?" Hunter asks.
"Nothing, but we have practice out here so scram," jack said.
Hunter pulls me behind him.
"You can do your stuff in the front, we're working." Hunter said. Carter gets closer to him and hardens his look. "Are you telling me what to do?" He asks.
Hunter shakes his head, "I'm giving you an option."
"Well I don't want your options. Fuck off." Carter says.
Jack comes over to me and plays with the curls of my hair making me feel uncomfortable. "And take your skank with you," Jack protests.
"DONT TOUCH HER!" Hunter pushes jack back with so much force he tips him over.
"you son of a-" Carter punches hunters nose and Hunter kicks him in the groin while holding his nose in pain. Jack comes around and pins Hunter the wall.
Hunter punches jack and now Carter pins him, and smacks him in the face.
"Hunter!" I run towards him but jack pushes me away.
Their hurting Hunter a lot now and I can hear him.
"Stop!" I cry and pull Carter off of him.
Carter and jack laugh, "what a wuss!" They enter the building laughing all the way down the all.
I run to Hunters side and he's bruised bad.
"Ow." Hunter said as I touched him.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry." I said gently touching his shoulder. He flinches then relaxes. "I'm fine. Don't be sorry."
"No buts." Hunter replied.
"We need help, your hurt badly." I said to him. He shakes his head, "I don't need it. Just help me up."
I grab ahold of his arms and pull on them he gets up groaning from the pain.
"Your nose " I said touching his face.
"It's bleeding." I take a napkin from my bag and press it to his nose.
"Angel, you don't have to-"
"Shh." I hush him.
He lets me continue and I lean in to kiss his swollen lips.
He doesn't pull away, but only respond slowly.
I pull away and grab his hand. "Let's go."

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