Chapter 30 - Wheel of Fortune (Part 1)

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Word Count: 4060

Loitering about on the bank of the Ganges river, night had set in.

After you, Jotaro and Kakyoin had spent some time exploring the city, you came back to where you were supposed to meet the others, only to have to wait an hour for anyone to show up.

Turned out Mr. Joestar had been attacked by a Stand and was now a fugitive – having spent a good two hours trying to stay out of sight and not go to prison – and had dragged Polnareff into his escape.

So now here your little group was, waiting for Mr. Joestar to finish aquiring the blue car standing behind you so that he could get the hell out of dodge.

While the two male teens were standing, talking with each other, you had decided to sit next to Polnareff, who seemed to be in a real depressed mood.

Despite asking what was wrong, the man hadn't really wanted to divulge anything, only muttering something of a 'betrayal of his heart'.

So instead of talking, you just sat next to him for hopefully some form of comfort. The moon reflected beautifully on the river you had been walking by all day and you simply looked at the gentle waves, lapping onto the river shore.

"If the old man hadn't screwed up, we wouldn't be out here, hiding from the cops." Jotaro's deeper voice drifted to where you sat as he stated his thoughts matter of fact, looking rather annoyed.

"I took care of things. We can take this car." Joseph chose right that moment to come walking in, tossing a key in Polnareff's direction. It hit the man in his head as he hadn't even turned to face your fellow Crusader like the rest of you had, a key now sticking from his hair.

Getting up from the ground, you dusted off your pants a bit while the two men spoke back and forth about the Stand attack. Before long however, you all were getting into the car.

"Ladies first." Kakyoin spoke as he held the door open where you stood with him on the left side of the car.

"Oh, what a gentleman, letting me sit squished in the middle between you guys."

Chuckling at your remark, you then climbed in, seeing Mr. Joestar had claimed the front seat, forcing Jotaro into the back with you and the redhead.

As you sat down, doing your best to keep a modest distance between yourself and the delinquent, a thought occurred. "Ah, Mr. Joestar? Given you are wanted by the police, is it clever to sit in the front for you?"

Blinking owlishly at you with comically wide eyes, the man then hummed a short hum. "Actually, you might have a point." Letting out a bit of an awkward laugh, he then threw his door open.

"Kakyoin, don't get in yet, let's swap."

- - - -

Letting out a tiny groan in the back of your throat, you – as discreetly as possible – swapped which side of your ass you were sitting on.

Squished between the Joestar men, it had been two days of driving through India by car, travelling towards the Pakistani border. Not much had happened in that time, apart from Polnareff talking about France in excessive detail.

Your head angled back, you were simply nodding off a little bit, not too concerned with the conversation going around in the car. It was so easy to let your head fall to the side, have it land on either Jotaro or Joseph's shoulder, but every time you would catch yourself and snap awake, raising your head upright before nodding off once more and having it fall backwards. If either of the men noticed, neither of them said anything of it, which you appreciated.

Suddenly, the car which had been gently brumming along, revved up hard and you were jostled violently, your temple slamming into Jotaro's shoulder, which made him grunt in surprise while you yelped.

"Polnareff, calm down!" Kakyoin chastised while the white-haired man simple cackled a bit.

"This four wheel drive is great!"

"Could do with a little more finesse next time, Pol." You groaned, Polnareff looking in the mirror to see you holding your temple while Jotaro looked annoyed as he rubbed his left shoulder.

"Hey, did you just fling a bunch of rocks into that car?" Mr. Joestar remarked while looking through the rear window, you turning around a bit in your seat to indeed see another car on the road. So that's what just happened.

"Yeah, your point?"

"Another incident is the last thing we need right now. I'm still wanted because of what happened in Varanasi. I'd like to cross the border in one piece." Crossing his arms, Mr. Joestar spoke while Polnareff sped down the road.

A silence took over the car and you discreetly rubbed the back of your neck, really regretting your decision to try and sleep in the car as the painful cracking in it now taught you the meaning of consequences.


It was a soft whisper from your right but you heard it all the same and turned your head towards Jotaro, seeing him eyeing you from the corner of his eye while his lip held the lightest of upquirks, and you playfully elbowed him, a small snort leaving the delinquent at your weak attempt.

Before you could do anything else, Polnareff absolutely slammed on the breaks, the back of the car lifting a smidge from the sudden stop as you were all choked out by your seatbelts, the wind knocked out of you.

"What now, Polnareff?" Kakyoin huffed out, Mr. Joestar leaning on the seats in front of him as he scolded the French driver.

"I just told you! We can't afford another mishap!"

"I-I know that! Look over there!" Pointing wildly, you followed the Frenchman's arm and your eyes immediately bulged out of their sockets together with the other occupants of the car.

Standing there, further down the road, was a waving Anne.

Next to you, Jotaro sighed, pulling his hat over his eyes as he spoke through gritted teeth. "Yare yare daze..."


With Anne now on your lap, you all had continued on your way.

You'd thought she would sit up front with Kakyoin, given your previous car arrangements, but Anne hadn't even given you a chance to suggest that as she'd simply clambered in the backseat after Mr. Joestar had stepped out to greet her, launching herself at you in a hug before turning around and plopping down on top of you.

All the men in the car looked a little weary but joseph had admitted that leaving her stranded wasn't something you could do.

Letting your head fall back once more, Anne was just chatting off about becoming a woman after Polnareff had asked what she was doing on the road anyways, something about not being able to travel when she was grown up.

"Don't do that. I keep hearing your neck cracking and it's annoying." Grumbling those words, Jotaro put his hand on the back of your head, lifting it up to sit straight before you even had the mind to do anything.


"What are you talking about, Y/N is a woman and she's travelling just fine." Polnareff's voice cut you off and suddenly all eyes in the car were turned on you, given ample view of Jotaro leaned in, holding your head.

Instantly, he ripped his hand away and sat up straight while you shifted upright, clearing your throat as you felt a blush growing on your cheeks.

"Well... Y/N is different."

Anne broke through the awkward silence and you sighed in relief as the others seemed to realise they were staring and turned around.

"She's a woman, no?"

"Polnareff, are you calling all women the same?" Kakyoin questioned from beside him and the man instantly started spluttering, protesting very vocally as he started praising women for everything he could think of.

Suddenly, loud honking sounded from behind and you all looked back.

"Hey, it's the car we passed. Guess he's in a hurry now." Jotaro hummed, his face still half hidden behind his hat.

Agreeing with the boy, Joseph spoke. "Let him pass."

Rolling down the window, Polnareff signed his hand for the car to move by and it slowly started passing on the right, your anxiety rising a bit as your car moved closer to the cliff edge because of it, not liking the unprotected large drop.

Finally the car passed and you centred back to the middle of the road, only for the red car to suddenly drastically slow down. Forced to slam the brakes as well, Polnareff now tailgated the car, dust and dirt blowing into the car through his open window.

"What's with this guy?" The Frenchman coughed and Kakyoin looked at him.

"He's probably still mad from your maneuverer from earlier."

Sitting forward, Jotaro leaned his hand on Polnareff's chair. "Catch the driver's face?"

"Nope.. Windows were all covered in dust. Couldn't see a thing."

"Me neither." Jotaro then remarked as he sat back in his chair, you silently observing him.

Usually Jotaro didn't speak something like that unless it was somehow important. He wasn't just commenting on how dirty the car was.

You weren't the only one who noticed, as Joseph turned a lot more serious. "Be careful, Polnareff."

Suddenly, the driver of the car in front stuck his hand from the window, signing Polnareff to pass. The white-haired man started to shittalk the car and you rubbed your forehead a little, uncomfortable with the whole situation as Polnareff revved the car and passed the other driver quickly – as if showing how much better his car was.

"Should've just stayed behind me, dumbass!" He gloated as he sped up, only to freeze up as a giant truck raced straight towards you. "WHAT?!!"

Panick seized in your whole body as the truck slammed on the horn, the giant grate on the front headed straight for you.

"We're stuck, we're gonna crash!" Kakyoin shouted out and right then, the front of the car connected with the truck.

In a blinding speed, White Knight had shot forward, setting herself between the car and the truck as you felt the giant steel box connect.

Next to White Knight however, another Stand stood – Star platinum punching the truck in a single powerful punch, the impact and collision of it all sending your car airborne.

With a harsh crash, the car landed on its wheels off to the side, a collective sigh of relief blowing through the vehicle as you registered you were safe.

"Can I lean my head back now?"

Looking around the car to make sure everyone was intact, Jotaro then breathed a heavy breath out. "Yeah." Your head thudded back as you breathed rapidly, your eyes closed as you tried to calm yourself down. "Y/N." You felt the hand placed on your arm but you tightly bit your lower lip as you instead abruptly sat up.

"I need a moment, I'm sorry."

Seeing you turn towards him, Jotaro quickly got the hint, knowing exactly why as he let out another quick 'yeah' as he opened the car door and stepped out.

Setting Anne in your place, you quickly scooted out, passing Jotaro as you rapidly walked away from the car and smoking truck.

"What's that about?" Polnareff questioned, looking at you in confusion while Anne and Kakyoin held a more concerned expression.

"Jotaro, we need to keep going." Mr. Joestar spoke as he leaned forward to better see his grandson, except this ticked the delinquent off as Jotaro leaned forward to look into the car and glare at him. "Jotaro."

"Just wait a goddamn second, old man. It's not gonna harm us."

"No. We really need to-"

"I'll go fucking talk to her!" Slamming the car door shut harshly, Jotaro leaned back into the vehicle as he fished his pack of cigarettes and lighter from his pocket, lighting it and taking a deep drag before blowing it out in a sigh.

Getting up off the car, he then slowly made his way to you where you sat near the edge of the rocky cliff, overlooking the landscape.

Watching where the smoke from the end of his cigarette was blowing, he decidedly sat down on your left, grunting as he did.

"I'm sorry, I'll be back in a second, I swear-"
"Fuck that." Cutting you off, Jotaro put the cigarette back between his lips. "Take all the time you need."

"I-" Looking at him with a little bit of surprise, you then brought your legs back up to your chest, hugging it tight. "T... hank you."

Getting merely a hum in response, Jotaro then continued to sit with you in silence while he smoked. It was clear to him that your mind wasn't really there in the moment and he didn't feel like interrupting your thoughts.

Every drag from the crayon between his lips settled his beating heart a bit.

Just once, Polnareff dared to hang on the horn and he instantly turned around, an intimidating glare sent back as he vehemently stuck up his middle finger at the car, to which Joseph shielded Anne's eyes, making the delinquent scoff. She knew a lot worse than that gesture.

A several more minutes passed as Jotaro eyed you from the side, seeing you seemed to be breathing normally again. Well, sorta.

"You can stop holding your breath, I'll put it out."


Chuckling softly, Jotaro deeply breathed in the nicotine one last time before pushing the cigarette out in the dirt to his left. "You doing alright?"

Breathing in deeply, you then sighed out. "Yeah. I'm sorry."

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop apologising."

Finally turning your head a bit, you looked at him from the side, the smallest of smiles on your face. "I don't think you'll ever be able to stop with me."

"Good grief." Pulling his hat down, you hummed.

"Good grief indeed, you stink now."

Rolling his eyes, Jotaro leaned back on his elbows. "Fuck off, so do you."

"Not my fault I'm constantly stuck between two giant, muscly men. You guys are like a blanket, of course I'm gonna sweat." Scoffing in amusement, he crossed his legs at the ankles, looking away from you to overlook the view.

Nothing was said for a few seconds before Jotaro looked back at you, seeing how you held your left arm a bit. "It hurt much?"


Sighing softly, he sat back up straight. "Taking a truck at full speed has got to hurt, even through a Stand."

Smiling a reserved smile at him, you then huffed a bit. "You tell me then, you were there same as I was."

"I didn't take the impact, you did."

"Eh, details."

"You're a moron."

"And you're a dick."

"I have one, that's quite different."

Looking at him, you then harshly hit his upper arm upon seeing his smirk, him taking the punch without much fuss as you scoffed at him in response.

"Asshole! ...Don't say it."

Chuckling a little, Jotaro put his hand on your head and pushed it down, standing up moments later.

"Let's get going, lest the old man throws his back out."

Giggling softly, you followed his lead, seeing everyone out of the car, stretching their legs a bit as Jotaro was walking ahead.

Seeing you two approaching, they soon started piling back into the respective places within the car, but not before Jotaro threw his cigarette butt in the little garbage bag hanging on the passenger door side.

Having to walk around the car, Jotaro was the last to enter, you having put Anne back on your lap while Jotaro was getting in, the car shaking a little from the shifting of weight.

"What should we do about that truck? With that damage it's not going anywhere." Kakyoin pointed out as Polnareff started up the car again, relatively intact due to White Knight and Star Platinum's protection.

"We pretend we never saw it, now let's get going."

- - - -

"G-Guys, this is not the answer!" Calling out, you were just looking horrified as Polnareff, Jotaro and Mr. Joestar were beating the poor men visiting the diner for all they were worth, cringing for every punch and slam they received.

Kakyoin seemed of the same mind as you, trying to pull the men apart, only to do nothing as they just continued.

Holding Anne, you watched until suddenly, a car engine starting from behind caught everyone's attention. Looking back, you watched as the guy from before sped up, tires screeching as it raced away.

"Quick, everyone to the car!"

So much for a quiet drink.

Running quickly, you held Anne's hand as you dragged her along, sprinting to and consecutively clambering into the car, Polnareff pushing full peddle as he sped off after the offending red car.

"S-Should we really do this?" You called out over the loud engine, more audible now that the trunk of the car was a little dinged up and no longer fully covered.

"We don't know if it's a Stand user or just a guy with a grudge, either way we can't have them come bite us in the ass later." Jotaro spoke, a little angry, and as much as you didn't want it, you had to agree.

Hauling ass through the countryside, you chased the red car for how long you didn't know.

"Damnit! For a piece of junk, that car can really get up and go!" Polnareff grumbled as he tightly grabbed the steering wheel, dust and rocks crunching under the wheel the only senses you really had, just holding onto Anne for dear life with how fast you were going.

"That's strange." Kakyoin spoke up from the front, looking down at something in his lap. "According to the map, we should be running parallel with train tracks here."

All of you in the backseat shared a look while Polnareff merely gnashed his teeth. "Who the hell cares?! I'm gonna nail him once we round this curve!"

Wildly yanking on the steering wheel, he rounded the bend, only to exclaim in shock, your heart dropping as you saw the path ahead.

"A dead end?! That's impossible!"

Slamming down on the breaks, all of you were choked by your seatbelts as the car screeched over the loose dirt of the rocky cliff face, slipping to a halt slowly right before the edge.

"Y/N!..." Anne squeaked a little and you gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"It's okay, we're safe." You spoke, breathing heavily as you didn't dare look to the front and down the edge.

"W-Where the hell did the car go? It's gone!"

"He couldn't have passed that suspension bridge..."

"So then where did it go?"

Suddenly, you all were rammed from behind, retching forward in your seats as the red car pulled back, only to slam into you again, over and over and over, pushing you further.

"It's him! He keeps ramming us!" Mr. Joestar called, Anne having turned around on your lap, holding you close as you had your arms firmly around her, terror spreading through you with each crash.

"How'd he get behind us?!" Kakyoin called as Polnareff rapidly put the car in reverse, trying to fight it back, only to get nowhere.

Slowly, you were pushed closer and closer to the edge, resulting in Polnareff speaking up. "It's no use! Everyone get out of the car!" Fiddling with his seatbelt, he was just about to jump out when Kakyoin grabbed his arm.

"Polnareff, you idiot! You're the driver, you can't get out until the rest of us are! Who's gonna hold down the brake?!"

"Huh?!" Slipping over the edge, the front wheels of the car dipped down. "S-Sorry!"

With a last push, the car plummeted down the cliff.

Terrified yelling sounded out in the car as it tumbled, gravity taking hold as your heart just simply stopped beating, seconds away from dying.

"Hierophant green!" You just barely heard Kakyoin call out his Stand, Anne and Polnareff's yelling blowing your ears out, up until the whole car stopped mid-air, whiplash racking through every single occupant as you groaned, desperately holding onto Anne as you were hanging from only your seatbelt, no chair or dashboard to push yourself off of like the others had.

"Not bad, Kakyoin." Jotaro's voice broke through your catatonic

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