Chapter 26 - To India!

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Word Count: 2844

Walking into the hotel room, a troubling look spread on your face. You didn't imagine yourself here but somehow you also weren't at all surprised.

"Oh dear lord. You sighed as the other five walked in behind you.

After a long boat ride and a delay when one of the cars crashed into another upon unloading from the ship, you all finally made it to a hotel near the docks, needing to be closeby if you wanted to make the ferry departing for India in the early morning.

However, you weren't the only ones with that idea, and with this being the only hotel in the nearby area, there was no choice but to stick with it. Leaving you right here, with all six of you in one room.

"Well, it was bound to happen at some point. We're lucky we got a room with big beds!" Mr. Joestar smiled behind you, his hands on his hips as he observed the room. "So! I guess we'll just have to divide the beds. Three on that one and then three on this." He spoke as he pointed to the correlating beds.

"And how do you think we're all going to fit on that, old man?" Jotaro snapped back.

"Guess it's time for a cuddle party." You sarcastically called out, looking around on the floor to see if maybe that was suitable to sleep, but given the state it was in and the amount of space the beds took up in the relatively small room, maybe you would rather sleep in a bed with two of your travelling companions.

"That's the spirit, Y/N!" Mr. Joestar slung his arm around your shoulders, the sarcasm of your statement going completely over his head. "Me, Avdol and Y/N will take this one and then you three can get on the other bed." He pointed to the bed on the right, pushing you towards it already.

"Wha- I honestly don't think we're all gonna fit-"

"Nonsense, let's just get ready for bed and have a nice sleepover. We have to be up bright and early again tomorrow after all!"

And so you did. Surprisingly enough, everyone fit! But only just. You were squished in between Avdol and Joseph, and you could only pray for the other three men together in the left bed.

You just hoped you would get better sleep than you would get when sleeping on the floor...

- - - -

What must have been a few hours later, you woke up.

Everything was still dark out, and suddenly you were harshly made aware by what woke you up.

Arms around you, you were locked in a protective dad embrace from one Joseph Joestar. He apparently was a heavy cuddler and since you were right beside him, in his sleep, he had decided to smush you into his body.

Unfortunately for you, you had somehow rolled down lower onto the bed in your sleep and right now, Mr. Joestar had one arm around your shoulders, keeping you close, and one arm around your head, squishing your face into his chest which made it a little hard to breathe.

Letting out a muffled noise, you attempted to pull your head back, only for it to be squished in between old man tiddies even harder, even cutting off your view of the world around you – it didn't help that he had a literal décolleté in his pyjamas either.

The need for air becoming more important than letting the older man get a good night's rest made you start squirming in his hold.

You lifted your arms and put them on his stomach, attempting to push him away from you so that you could breathe, but no mater what, his hold did not relinquish.

Was this it? Was this how you were going to die? Not by a Stand user or ancient vampire, no. Smothered by Joseph Joestar's man tits.

You were frantically trying to think of other ways to break free, contemplating using your Stand to shove the man out of bed as your pushing became less powerful, yet before anything else could happen, someone took a hold of your ankles.

With a rough yank, you were pulled downwards out of Joseph's hold, immediately rolling on your back and taking in a big gulp of air. You were now on the lower half of the bed, laying in between two pairs of legs.

Lifting your head to your rescuer, you saw Jotaro standing there, still holding your ankles.

"Yare yare daze."

It was still dark out, a small crack in the curtains allowing for one sliver of moonlight into the room that now illuminated the side of Jotaro's face.

"Sweet Jesus, thank you." You whispered, slinging your arm over your face and shielding your eyes for a moment. "What time is it?"

"3AM give or take." Jotaro spoke back, lowering your legs to the floor since you were now far enough down the bed to be able to do so. He wasn't whispering, but he had lowered his voice considerably for his sleeping companions.

His answer made you quietly whine though. "Ohw, so I have to go back in that death trap?"

Looking at you questioningly, Jotaro tilted his head ever so slightly. He had gotten up a little bit ago to go to the bathroom, only to see you nearly be smothered by his grandfather once he came back.

"Maybe it's smarter to stay awake – gives me less of a risk of dying." You sniggered softly to yourself while Jotaro just sighed a little.

"Come on." He held out his hand for you to take and you sent him a questioning look. He impatiently beckoned you to take his hand and when you tentatively reached up, he leaned down and grabbed your hand, clearly of the opinion that you were being too slow. "We'll just switch." He grumbled out as he pulled you up into a sitting position.

"Wha- you're gonna take this bed now?" You asked in disbelief.

"Fuck no." Was his immediate response and he helped you off the bed before sending a disgusted look to his grandfather. "Sharing a room with the old man is one thing but I'm not going to get into the same bed as him and let him fucking cuddle me."

You softly snorted a little in amusement while Jotaro put his hand on your back, pushing you the short distance to the bed on the other side, stopping in front of it.

Polnareff was on the right side, closest to you, snoring away all the while Kakyoin was a little more reserved, just laying on his side on the left side of the bed. You assumed the cherry-head had rolled a little once Jotaro stepped out of bed and made more room, given how he had started out as the middle man – same as you.

The sound of a Stand being summoned sounded behind you and you looked back to see Star Platinum. The Stand looked intensely concentrated as he went over to the sleeping Polnareff, picking the man up before carrying him over to the other bed, doing his best to keep the Frenchman in the exact same position, lest he wake up.

You had to bite your lip to stifle a laugh. The sight was one for the ages and to see Star Platinum try so hard to carefully lay Polnareff in between the other two sleeping men without waking any of them up was hilarious. Yet also endearing.

"They are in for a surprise when they wake up." You whispered to Jotaro, now understanding what he had been referring to doing. Looking over your shoulder at him, you saw his small smirk and that brought a smile to your own face. You were kind of excited for the morning now.

As you looked back at the Stand move so gently, you missed the way Jotaro's face heated up at your smile, his heart thumping hard twice as he inwardly remarked how he was able to exchange quips and jokes like this again with you. Maybe he wasn't as much over you being attacked by a Stand as he showed.

Star Platinum finally succeeded in putting Polnareff down and Jotaro retracted the Stand, now putting his hands on your shoulders and pushing you towards the bed, urging you to get in.

You did as he non-verbally said, lifting the covers and scooting towards the middle, trying to make enough space for Jotaro yet not wake Kakyoin as you did.

While you were doing that, Jotaro turned the pillow Polnareff had been drooling on earlier around and then got into bed himself. And man, with you here, he suddenly felt as if he had way more room. Of course, that didn't say much since you were all still squished together side by side and shoulder to shoulder, but at least Jotaro didn't feel as if he could fall off the bed at any moment.

"Thanks, Jotaro. Goodnight." You whispered from beside him and he let out a 'hm' back in acknowledgement, the both of you now going to sleep.

You may be squished in between two buff male teenagers, feeling their sides pressed against you, but at least you wouldn't be swallowed in a deadly bear hug anymore. Right?

- - - -


The sudden exclamation made you startle awake, your eyes shooting open and blinking rapidly.

You were face to face with a wall, your forehead pressed into it, same as your right hand. Immediately letting go by moving back a bit, you breathed a sigh of relief when you realised you had only accidentally rolled against Jotaro's back in your sleep, said boy now stirring from the loud exclamation as well.

Sitting up a bit on your elbow, you attempted to look over the ginormous wingspan Jotaro called shoulder-width and looked to see what the commotion was about.

Mr. Joestar was sat up in bed with a shocked expression, Polnareff in the same position, looking at the older man, absolutely speechless.

"Y/N?"A voice behind you said and you looked to see Kakyoin sending you a tired questioning look, probably wondering why or how you suddenly got in the same bed as him.

"Morning, Kakyoin." You smiled a closed-eyed smile at him.

"Y-Y/N?!" Mr. Joestar exclaimed when he heard the two of you speak, seeing you sitting in the other bed.

"Yare yare daze, stop shouting, Gramps." Jotaro grumbled as he finally properly woke up as well, sitting up to lean against the headboard.

"No, but-!"What?! What happened? Y/N, how did you get over there?! And how did Polnareff get here!?"

"I could have sworn I went into bed there!" Polnareff pointed at the bed you were on. "But... Jotaro was on the other side where Kakyoin now is and..." He trailed off before flinching in fright. "Were we attacked by a Stand in our sleep? So soon already?! Did we forget an entire day where we fought a Stand user and then went to sleep again but with different sleeping arrangements?!" Polnareff started theorising, holding his head frantically and you and Jotaro shared a knowing look, an amused smirk on Jotaro's face while you bit back a guilty smile, feeling a little bad yet also amused.

"O-Oi, what's with that look!?" Mr. Joestar yelled as he immediately picked up on it and pointed at the two of you, making Jotaro sigh, wiping the smirk off his face. Avdol had been watching the entire thing in silence but held his own knowing look, almost as if he already knew what was going on.

"It wasn't a Stand user, calm down. I moved you." Jotaro stated and you were glad for his personality being so clear-cut and to the point. For, if he was someone who decided to keep the prank going, an actual panic might have broken out, which you very much did not want. Especially when being part of it.

"Why?" Polnareff was extremely confused and you chuckled awkwardly.

"Because Gramps decided to become homicidal." The man in question made an offended yet questioning noise, making Jotaro turn to him. "You had such a tight hold on Y/N that you nearly killed her."

Mr. Joestar raised a brow, almost as if he didn't believe it, before something clicked in his head for him, a sly smile spreading on his face. "Jotaro, you sly dog, if you wanted to share a bed with her so bad, you should have just said so!" He clapped his hands together in delight while Jotaro quickly glared with fire in his eyes.

"No, Mr. Joestar, really. You uh, you nearly asphyxiated me last night if it wasn't for Jotaro coincidentally being awake." You came to the boy's defence, trying to not be flustered from what the old man insinuated. "He managed to pull me out of your hold at the last second, thankfully." You awkwardly scratched the back of your head, chuckling a little nervously.

"H-! ...Oh..." Joseph stopped himself before he could even properly begin. "Wait, really?"

"Yare yare."

- - - -

Standing on the deck of the ferry, you were leaned onto the railing, fiddling with your ring while lost in thought.

A few hours ago you had left the hotel and boarded, scheduled to arrive in India in the afternoon, so now you had some time to kill.

"It is unwise to wander off alone, especially with what happened on the previous boats." A familiar deep and rich voice suddenly spoke out from behind you, breaking through your thoughts as you turned back to see Avdol standing there, smiling at you.

"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to worry you. I though I was still close enough." You apologised and Avdol walked forward, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"No need to apologise. I myself was not worried. It seems you've wormed your way into the hearts of the Joestars though." Sending a confused smile his way, the Egyptian man chuckled softly, a warm and deep sound. "It is not my place to say, but Mr. Joestar did ask me to find you."

"Oh, well thankfully I wasn't too far then." You smiled back but the man picked up in the slight forcefulness of it.

"What bothers you, Y/N?"


"I'm a fortune teller by trade, reading someone's body language is a requirement and I can see your uneasiness. What's wrong?"

Blinking a little stunned at him, you finally properly turned to him. "I don't know..."

"But you do."

Opening your mouth, you then closed it again, looking at the floor for a second. Suddenly, you felt a warmth envelop you from behind, draping over you like a cape and you glanced down to see red, feathery arms around your shoulders, lightly holding you.

"Oh, I apologise." Avdol spoke, blushing just the tiniest bit, seeming a little startled by his own Stand acting out like that. "It's a habit I picked up on doing in my years of readings, whenever someone became distressed or sad. Never before has anyone been able to see Magician's Red when I do it however."

Yet while he apologised, you smiled softly, instantly feeling more at ease. Despite being off the coast of India, the sun shining down warmly most of the time, Magician's Red did not produce a heat at this moment feeling like actual heat, more akin to simply the feeling that being enveloped in warmth brought. "It's okay. It's nice actually..."

"Ah, I'm glad then." Avdol relaxed. "So, what ails you? Is it to do with the Stand attack?" Just simply nodding softly, the man hummed. "I can understand. But it is not your fault you got attacked by a Stand user."

"I know, I just feel... I don't know why I feel like this actually." You sighed and Avdol nodded wisely.

"Hm. Well, feelings are complicated. Just because you don't know why you have them does not mean they are invalid."

"I guess."

Shaking his head softly, you felt Magician's Red get a firmer grip on you from behind while Avdol grabbed both of your shoulders. You looked up, seeing a conviction in his eyes and just like this morning, a knowing look as he opened his mouth. "You have just as much a place in this team as all of us. Even if you may think you're not as useful, your Stand coming out and attacking was the reason Jotaro was able to defeat the user. We all get attacked and we all deal with it together. Polnareff got ambushed in his room back in Singapore And Jotaro just a few hours later. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Taking a deep breath, you looked up at the man in front of you, a small smile on your face. "Can I... hug you?"

Letting out a pleasant laugh, Avdol opened his arms.

You walked straight into his chest, enveloped in a hug while you felt Magician's Red disappear. "Anytime, Y/N. Whenever you need one, just come straight to me."

"Thank you." You muttered into his chest and he patted your head.

"I think I see Calcutta, we better get the others and get below deck."

Upon hearing his words, you broke free from his arms and looked behind yourself, indeed seeing a city in the near distance.

Looks like you finally made it to India.

- - - - - - - - - - 

Just a day late for once, woop woop


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