Chapter 15 - Trainride

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Word Count: 4020

You were sitting in the train leaving Singapore, together at a table with Jotaro and Kakyoin while Avdol, Joseph and Polnareff sat together at a table on the other side of the pathway.

You were right next to Jotaro, a bit squeezed in due to the smaller size of the seat but either he didn't mind, or he didn't acknowledge it. You would have sat next to Kakyoin to give Jotaro some space but the student had already been laying down when you entered the car, taking up the entirety of the seat he was on by resting his legs on it, claiming he was still tired and needed some rest. And so, not feeling like sitting next to the Frenchman who seemed to have no regard for personal space – which had clearly been demonstrated again this morning when he had glomped you in the lobby of the hotel, saying he missed you after not seeing you all day the previous day due to being arrested – you had sat down in the one other free seat, right next to Jotaro.

Some time had passed since your departure and the dishes from breakfast were still splayed out in front of you all on the tables. For being on a train, you had to say it was remarkably good food. Better than you had expected at least.

"Good grief. So we're finally on our way to India." Polnareff remarked from his seat, making you turn your head to listen to him. "And the man with two hands is called J. Geil." He then said in a more serious voice, a grim look in his eyes.

After you, Jotaro and Anne had reconvened with the others, Jotaro had told them of the Stand users like he told you, except for when he turned to Polnareff and said the man who held the Hanged Man card was the man with two right hands, disclosing the possible powers the Stand held as well. The atmosphere in the room had turned a little dark at that moment as everyone was processing the news. You had asked Avdol if he knew the abilities of the Stand users but he had simply shook his head.

"By the way, where did Anne run off to?" Polnareff broke you out of your thoughts, his tone back to his usual light-heartedness.

"She was with us at the train station but then suddenly broke away from me and disappeared when I wasn't looking. I didn't even get to say goodbye." You pouted a little as you said that but eventually shrugged. Even during the short period you got to know her, you knew she basically did whatever she wanted so nothing you could have done would have prevented her from going her own way.

"I'm sure it was time for her to meet her father." Avdol stated.

"That story about her dad seemed real fishy to me. I bet she's a runaway!" Polnareff then said with a smile.

You just sighed slightly. "If she was then I hope she'll be okay."

"Either way, it is a bit lonely without that rugrat, right, Jojo, Y/N?" Jotaro hummed a bit, the corner of his mouth pulling up. You just slyly smiled a bit to yourself, eyeing the big brute discreetly. In the end, he was a big softie for the girl. "You three were almost like a family." Polnareff then added with a laugh and you froze in place, your cheeks burning in embarrassment.

In a fast movement, too fast for anyone but Jotaro to see where you pulled it from, you were holding a rock. Before he even had a chance to brace himself, you had flung it at Polnareff's head to shut him up before he could continue; very effectively so.

"Oww! Y/N!" Polnareff whined loudly as he clutched his forehead. He was fine of course – might have a bit of a headache but that's it – you made sure to not cause actual damage, because then you'd feel bad. "Where'd you even get a rock? We're in a train!"

"Wouldn't you like to know." You said back, the embarrassed blush from the Frenchman's comment still vivid on your face. "Now give me back my rock. I liked that rock." Joseph was loudly laughing by now which was very contagious, conjuring up smiles on those around as well; all except for Polnareff obviously, who was still pouting while he silently gave you back the rock which you had just yeeted at him.

Not wanting to give away your artillery stashing spot just yet, you placed the smooth oval stone in front of you on the table, given that all eyes were still on you.

"Why do you have a rock, Y/N?" Kakyoin asked, an amused grin on his face.

"I saw it earlier and thought it looked pretty." You simply shrugged.

"Good god, you're a magpie." Jotaro shook his head, sounding disappointed. You elbowed him in the side to retaliate, seemingly having no effect on the tank of a man as he simply looked down on your form.

"I am a proud magpie, thank you very much." Jotaro just scoffed and looked out the window while you returned to looking forward with a playful shake of your head, feeling happy. You hadn't been surrounded by this many friends in a long, long time – maybe ever – and it just made a warmth swell in your chest that you welcomed with open arms.

"Jojo, are you going to eat that cherry? Not to be greedy, but they are my favourite. Could I have one?" Kakyoin suddenly asked.

"Yeah, sure." Jotaro nodded.

"Thank you." Kakyoin happily picked up the fruit, only to do the most marvelous thing as he started balancing it on his tongue, moving it up, down, back and forth without faltering for even a second. "Rerorerorerorero."

Jotaro looked highly disturbed while you couldn't help but laugh in nervous amusement. That was something you wouldn't be forgetting for a while, that is for sure.

"Yare yare..."

- - - -

Bending forward and ducking your head under the table, you rummaged through your newly acquired bag that sat between your feet, looking at the items in there.

The previous day, after you, Jotaro and Anne had returned from buying the train tickets, Mr. Joestar had ordered everyone to follow him and walked out of the hotel. Once you all (Minus Polnareff since he was still stuck in holding) got into the city, he announced it was a shopping trip. You had slumped in on yourself, way too tired for even more walking but Mr. Joestar had just grabbed your shoulder and dragged you along with him, laughing boisterously.

At the end of the day, you had gotten a small bag filled with a few necessities (Mainly a first aid kit) and mostly entertainment. You were supposed to travel by train for the next few days and you had to have something to do. Talking and looking out the window only got you so far after all.

Polnareff never got the chance to buy new stuff but then again, he somehow managed to save his bag from the boats so he didn't need stuff. How did he do that? Good question.

"What are you looking for?" Kakyoin's voice suddenly piped up from right next to you, scaring the living daylights out of your form and making you hit the back of your head into the table when you jolted.

A loud thud that made the dishes still standing on the table clatter was followed up by an 'Ow!' from you.

Your hands shot to the back of your head to cradle your cranium. You could hear a snort come from Jotaro and you hit his shin with the back of your hand in retaliation – that being the only thing of him in view for you right now. Kakyoin chuckled softly and you tilted your head so that you could look at the red head. He had bent under the table as well to see what you were up to but it clearly didn't go as planned.

"Sorry." He continued chuckling and you leaned forward and flicked his forehead, making him reel back and sit back up, rubbing his assaulted skin, a grin still on his face.

Following his example, you got back up as well, your face a little red from leaning down for so long.

"Did you get what you wanted at least?"

"No." You pouted softly as you rubbed the back of your head for a second more to alleviate the pain before figuring that was enough and bringing your hand back down. "I forgot I had stored it in-" You stopped yourself before you could blow your secret.

"Stored it where?" Kakyoin inquired, now intrigued.

You glanced at the table across the way for a second, seeing that all the adults were in a conversation of their own. "Wellll..." You drawled out.

Grabbing the side of your jacket, you looked left and right as if checking if anyone was watching while they weren't supposed to before changing your position so your back was turned to the other table and Polnareff specifically. This only intrigued Kakyoin even more and he leaned in closer over the table while you smirked.

Slowly pulling the left side of your jacket to the side, you revealed the inside. "Tadaaa~" You snickered slightly at Kakyoin's dumbfounded face as you showed off your new secret inside pocket.

"That's it?"

"That's it?!" You parroted. "Kakyoin, if you wore women's clothes you would understand how much of a blessing this is. Good pockets are a rarity my good sir and having an inside pocket in my jacket is a miracle." Jotaro scoffed at your statement and you immediately turned to him. "Don't get smart with me, mister. I'm the only one with experience here." You pointed a finger at the delinquent, waggling it right in his face but your tone was very joke-y, as if the huge grin on your face didn't give that away.

"Right, get your hand out of my face, woman." Jotaro gripped your finger and brought it down, getting it away from his face.

"Anywho, this one-" You said while picking up that small rock of yours that had still just been laying on the table, "-goes right here." You zipped open your pocket and slipped it in, proudly patting on it once it was inside.

"That's where it came from? Do you have more in there?" Kakyoin asked before bursting out laughing.

"Told you; magpie." Jotaro commented with a small smirk. You just shook your head good-naturedly before pulling out a small drawing block from your inside pocket.

It was about the size of your hand, a little smaller even, so it could easily fit in the pocket without restricting any movement or flow of the fabric. Accompanying it was a small pencil and you finally sat normally again, placing the items on the table.

"Anyone up for some tic-tac-toe?"

- - - -

Standing in a narrow hallway of a train with five incredibly tall and buff men was something you never thought you'd experience. But here you were. And it was hilarious to see them shuffle sideways through the hall because their shoulders were too broad to walk normally.

"Do you want me to go ahead?" You offered to Mr. Joestar who was leading the parade, figuring you'd have an easier time walking up and down the train to search for your sleeping compartments.

"Nono, I think we found it." He then said as he opened a door.

The door, unfortunately, opened outwards – towards the group. Joseph was forced to take a step back, bumping into Polnareff who bumped into you, unexpectedly squishing you between himself and Avdol.

"Ack-!" You exclaimed, feeling Polnareff's full weight on you before he managed to regain his balance. Unfortunately, he couldn't move away so you were still squashed.

"I apologize, Y/N." Avdol spoke and you flusterdly let out a few noises, just waving your hand up and down to convey it was fine. Your cheek was awkwardly pressed onto his chest and warmth radiated from this man like an oven. At least you'd know who to go to when you were cold.

Mr. Joestar finally seemed to be able to scoot past the door, giving Polnareff some space so he could take a step away from you. He quickly did just that and cleared his throat. "Sorry." He muttered, a faint embarrassed blush on his cheeks.

"It's not your fault, it's fine." You replied, an equally embarrassed blush on your face as you got off of Avdol, straightening yourself out a little.

"Yare yare, are we gonna move or what?" Jotaro spoke up all the way from the back and Polnareff and you snapped your heads to look back at him, only to look forward again when Mr. Joestar spoke up.

"Ah, yes! Polnareff, move over here." He spoke, motioning for Polnareff to come walk past the door he had opened previously. Once he did you walked closer as well and Joseph sent you a smile. "You youngsters are in this room. Me, Avdol and Polnareff are right next door." He pointed his thumb behind himself before shooing you into the room.

You shuffled inside to see two bunkbeds with about half a meter, if not less, in between them. Already having the hunch that you were gonna have to take the top bed, you threw your bag up onto the left top bunk. Just then, you got poked on your shoulder and you looked back to see Jotaro. He wordlessly ushered you further inside so that he could properly step into the room as well, quickly followed by Kakyoin.

"Roomy." Kakyoin remarked and you snorted.

"Very much so." You quipped back and saw Jotaro look at your bag on the top bed, making you a bit nervous. "I, uuh, figured it would be smartest to put the lightest person in the top bed so I took the liberty of claiming it." You shuffled your foot a bit, hoping that was fine with the both of them. "But if you would rather take the top then-!" Jotaro shut you up by putting his hand over your mouth.

"You're right, so don't backtrack. Hearing you prattling on is annoying."

"Right. Sorry."

Kakyoin sat down on the right bed to create some more room for everyone and smiled a patient smile at you. You sent one back before snapping back into reality, figuring it was best to go to the bathroom now; change into your pajamas and do your nightly routine and all.

"I'll be right back." You said to no one in particular and squeezed past Jotaro in the small space you had between the beds. He was considerate enough to press himself closer to the bed so you could pass without having to rub against him. "Jotaro, could you pass me my bag?" You quietly pointed to the shape on the bed once you had gotten past him.

Despite the bunk beds being quite big and high, Jotaro's height made it so the top of his shoulders were the same height as the top mattress, easily making him able to look on the bed and grab your bag, gently throwing it to you. You caught it and thanked him before walking out the door, closing it behind yourself.

Stepping out into the train hallway, you were immediately greeted with Polnareff, a difficult look on his face.

"You okay?" You snickered slightly.

"There's not enough room for all of us to move around, so I have to wait out here until they're done and in bed." He looked absolutely miserable as he spoke that and he motioned to the room, urging you to look so you could understand what he meant.

You wanted to laugh but narrowly refrained from doing so, instead trying to send a sympathetic smile to the Frenchman, the corners of your lips still quirking up. You peeked inside and couldn't help but chuckle softly upon seeing Mr. Joestar look annoyed at the lack of space to move while Avdol just took in the surroundings of the suite.

A noticeable detail then caught your eye and you gasped in offence. "Hey! You have three beds!" you pointed out, earning the attention of Mr. Joestar who sent you an apologetic grin. Because, while your room with Jotaro and Kakyoin consisted of two bunk beds and barely any space to even turn, this room was a bit larger, holding two beds to the side and one at the head, under a window, forming an upside down 'U'. Saying that, it was still way too cramped for the gigantic men so you felt for them, but still. "Aw man..." You whined but already accepted that this was just the way it was. You and Jotaro bought the train tickets pretty last minute so it was a wonder you had rooms that fit all of you and were next to each other in the first place.

"No need to be sad, Y/N!" Polnareff put his hands on your shoulders, pulling you into his chest – having forgotten about his own gloomy state upon seeing someone more miserable than himself. "I'm sure you'll be able to sleep like a baby in the arms of one of those two, eh?!" He bent sideways so he could look at your face, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"W-Wha?! No, no, I've got a bed of my own!" You quickly retaliated. "We've got bunkbeds!"

"Oh." Polnareff seemed a little disappointed at that. "Oh well, maybe some other time!"

"Polnareff..." Avdol sighed from inside the compartment. "Let the lady go."

Surprised at the sudden interruption, Polnareff automatically did as the Egyptian man said, lifting his hands from your shoulders. You mouthed a 'thank you' to Avdol before quickly scuttling out of there before the Frenchman could regain his senses and trap you again, finally on your way to the restrooms.

- - - -

Quickly walking back to your compartment, you held your bag close to yourself. Your pajamas consisted of a loose t-shirt and comfortable shorts cause – comfort while sleeping is key. This meant however, that you were now walking through a train full of strangers with relatively bare legs. When you bought it, you didn't count on that.

Thanks to the merciful gods though, you didn't meet anyone in the halls and reached the room without issue, opening the door and slipping inside.

"Welcome back!" Kakyoin greeted and you waved with a smile. Both the boys had changed into sleepwear as well, Kakyoin wearing a lovely purple-blueish pair of striped pajamas while Jotaro had something more akin to your sleepwear; a tank-top and sweat pants. "You can put your bag with ours." Kakyoin then said, pointing to the bunk above himself, where two other bags lay.

"Ah, thanks." You muttered as you looked up, trying to gauge how to throw your bag so that you wouldn't crush the other two. After about a second and a half you had calculated a nice little trajectory for your bag and followed up on it. Your bag landed with a heavy thud, making Kakyoin jostle a little.

"Jesus, what's in there, Y/N?" He chuckled nervously.

"Books." You shrugged before turning around. Jotaro was sitting on the bottom bunk, not yet under the blankets like Kakyoin was. "Hey." You simply greeted Jotaro, who nodded back, before looking up at the bed you were supposed to sleep in. Both boys seemed to notice your hesitation however. "Say, isn't there supposed to be a ladder?"

"Ah, yeah." Kakyoin got your attention by tapping your back and you turned around to look at him, seeing him point at the tall ground-to-ceiling cupboard that stood adjacent to the door.

You took two steps forward to reach it and opened the door, seeing it held a very tiny sink with mirror. And, to the right against the wall of the cupboard stood a taken apart ladder.

"Wha-? Are they expecting me to build my way up? ....Eh, don't answer that." You sighed at the end, just closing the cupboard door again. You had no energy to build a damn ladder. Walking back over to where Jotaro sat, you stopped. "Excuse me." You apologized to him in advance before placing your foot on his bed, gripping your top bunk to try and climb your way onto your bed by way of pulling your body up with your noodle arms.

Unfortunately for you, you had no way to anchor yourself, nothing to hold onto but a blanket that would fall down to the floor along with you. Still, you were stubborn enough to just keep going, even with your aching muscles from the marathon the day before, and with some grunts and groans, you had managed to hook one ankle on top of the matrass, making you now hang at the mercy of the bed. There was a small irrational fear that the whole thing would collapse, either by breaking and falling down – crushing Jotaro in the process – or by falling sideways due to your weight, but you tried your hardest to ignore those

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