2. Butler's P.O.V

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This Chapter Is For Jonnie and Carolina ILY!

I feel stupid just sitting here, i look way over dressed too. okay here is what i look like a fairly tan boy with sad hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair, to top that off im wearing a black polo shirt and dark blue jeans, also black and grey vans. that is what i look like sitting here... ugh why cant my dad hurry already with my paper work so i can get to class! I look over to my side and see these two girls looking at me and giggling...classic females...to be nice i just smile and wave, they blush and giggle somemore. I finally see my dad and the principal walk out and my dad hugs me and says "see you at home bud."

as the principal and i walk down the halls i see people rushing to their classes as the bell rang. its going to be really awkward to walk in when its quiet and have everyone stare at you. The principal opens the door to the chemestry class and we walk in, immediately my eyes wandered as everyones heads shot up from their seats. But my eyes look over to a familiar face,but where have I seen him before? hmmm...did i use to know him before i moved to england? Yes maybe that was it...he kinda hot too...really hot actually...I hope i can atleast talk to him so i can remember where he is from...

then i hear the principal saying "this is Butler Stevenson he has moved here all the way from England." i suddenly hear some chatter going on, and girls giggling. but i want to see the look on their faces when i tell the I fancy more of the P than the V if ya know what im sayin...if you dont...go to sleep...anyway the teacher Mr.Spinelli told me where i was sitting which was farther away from the hot boy than i wanted it to be...i just sit there through the whole class not knowing what the teacher was talking about, and being annoyed by the many glances i was getting from males and females...but the one person i want to look at me is the only person not looking at me! ugh!

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