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Zayn's P.O.V.

One week later...

We were now out at some club with Harry's friends, Mr.styles business trip got extended which gave Harry and I more alone time and I don't need to go into details of what happened during this one week.

Harry was on the dance floor with his friend Evan and Zayn didn't like how close they were dancing one bit, He also didn't like the fact that Harry introduced him as his bodyguard, It was true but Zayn wanted everyone to know who Harry belongs too.

Right now Harry was acting up and zayn made sure to let him know that he's in big trouble now.

Zayn watch as Harry grind on Evan before pushing him on the sofa giving him a lap dance,The sight made Zayn's blood boil.

After that little show Harry put up with Evan, he made his way back to where Zayn was.

"we're going home kitten."Zayn said in a commanding voice before he grabbed Harry's hand pulling him out of there.

When the were finally home Zayn took Harry to his room closing the door behind.

"You wanna act like a slut, baby boy? Huh?"Zayn snarls, tugging Harry to his knees by his hair.

Harry whines and grips his wrist, hips bucking once he's upright.

"Fine then. I'll treat you like one. Open your fucking mouth."Harry presses his lips together and glares up at Zayn in disobedience, playing hard to get no matter how much he wants to let the man use him.

Zayn growls and shoves his thumb in his mouth, prying it open, as his other hand undo his pants leaving only enough open to pull out his pulsing cock.

He presses forward into Harry's mouth until his nose is pressed against his groin. Harry grips his thighs as his breathing is cut off, eyes watering again.

Zayn groans and fucks his mouth with little regard for Harry himself; he's never felt so hot in his life.

"You belong to me,kitten. That means you keep your slutty legs closed for everyone else. Unless you want to be whored out, hm?" Zayn presses into the back of his throat, holding his cock there.

Harry stares up at him through his tears as he chokes around it. Zayn grips his hair again and smirks down at him as he pulls out making Harry gasps and digs his nails into Zayn's thighs, coughing from the rough treatment.

"Daddy," he said pleadingly, He opens his mouth wide again, wanting Zayn to go back to fucking him like a doll. He doesn't expect Zayn to spit in his mouth and gapes at him.

Zayn pales slightly and stares back at him. Harry closes his eyes and swallows with a loud moan, cock spurting in his underwear as he bucks wildly, When he opens his eyes again, Zayn's gaze is darker than he's ever seen while the man strokes his cock.

"You just needed to be daddy's little whore," he chuckles. "Just needed to be put in your place like the shameful little shit you are."Harry flushes, embarrassed and shivering with excitement.

"Tongue out."Harry obeys quickly, accepting the cum that shoots in his mouth and across his lips and face. Zayn sighs as he smears the last bit on his cheek, sitting down in a chair near the bed. Harry quickly got to his feet and sat on Zayn's lap as Zayn runs his fingers through his hair.

"Have you learned your lesson, Kitten."Zayn asked.

"Yes, daddy."

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