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"Let's watch a movie."Harry said as he joined Zayn on the couch.

Breaking News : Styles corp went bankrupt?

"What?"Harry gasped, what was going on, his dad didn't tell him anything about the business facing problems.

Mr.styles barged into the house all of a sudden,He looked so tired and scared like he has been running for his life.His tie undone and hair all over the place.

"Dad what happened..Are you Okay what's going on?"Harry panicked.

"The situation is Bad Princess, you have to go from here."He said.

"Go where? Dad I'm not leaving you alone in a time of crisis."Harry insisted.

"Harry they are coming for you..I owe them money..And we don't have money anymore..They will take everything..I just need to make sure you are safe."He explained frantically.

"Who? Dad what are you talking about? I'm not leaving you."Harry said.

"Harry I love you son,Don't worry about me..just go from here."He begged.

"Dad.."Harry cried out.

"Zayn..you know what to do."Harry's Dad said.

Zayn nodded before grabbing Harry's wrist pulling him away and through the back door,Harry was confused of what was happening,The News reporters were gathered outside their house a car was waiting for them behind the house.

They got in and Harry caught a glance at his father who was looking at them through the window.

"What is going on Zayn?"Harry finally asked as they were in the car.

"I'll tell you everything once we reach our destination Harry."Zayn said.

"where are we going?"Harry asked.

"LA."zayn answered.

"That's so far from london.."Harry said.

"That's why we are going their."Zayn explained.

"Zee I'm scared.."Harry said.

Zayn wrapped his arms around Harry pulling him close.By the time they reached the airport Harry was asleep in Zayn's arms.

17 hours later...

They were now in Their house in LA after a long flight they reached at midnight then slept for hours.

"Zee please tell me what's going on."Harry asked.

"Remember those death threat your father was getting?"Zayn asked and Harry nodded.

"Well after Your mother's death the business was not doing well and your father had to take money from some people but what he didn't know is that it was all a trap..those people weren't good people..once the business started going well your dad gave them their money back with interest but they had other plans, they blackmailed him into giving them money each month..and now they falsely accused him of fraud."Zayn narrated.

"I wanted to be there but he made me promise to take you away from there and protecting you no matter what."Zayn explained.

"what if something happens to him."Harry thought.

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