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"I don't need a bodyguard Dad,"Harry whined.

"You do Princess, for your own safety."Desmond Explained.

"But I can take care of myself."Harry said.

"Yeah that's why you almost got kidnapped last week."Des reminded.

"He said he got the lasted gucci bag,It's not even in the market yet."Harry hair fluttering his lashes.

"Exactly my point..Mike,Call Zayn inside."Des commanded to his bodyguard.

A few seconds later a man walked in,He was dressed in all black with an earpiece in his right ear and sunglasses.

"Morning Sir."He greeted my father.

"Harry this is your new bodyguard Zayn and Zayn that's my son Harry."Des introduced.

"Now zayn I've already explained everything you, I'll take a leave."Des excused himself as he walked out of the room.

"So you're supposed to protect me, huh."Harry mocked.

"Who's gonna protect you from me..Listen here Zack..I do whatever I want when I want with whoever I want..so you don't get to control me or go bitch about it to my father."Harry warned but zayn remained unfazed.

"It's Zayn."He corrected him after he was done.

"whatever."Harry scoffed.

"Are you going to just stand in my room all day?"Harry said annoyed by Zayn's presence.

"Your father's order..I have to keep an eye on you at all time."Zayn stated.

"Well I'm going to masturbate you wanna see that too."Harry said sarcastically but a ghost of a smirk appeared on Zayn's lips.

"Omg you perv..get out of my room."Harry began pushing zayn outside.

Zayn sighed before removing his sunglasses staring right into Harry's green eyes at his failed attempt to push him outside the room.

Zayn grabbed both of Harry's wrist behind his back pinning him against the wall.

"Listen Princess, I know that you're a spoiled brat that has been fed by a golden spoon since you were born but I don't follow your orders, I'm here to do my job not to handle your tantrums."Zayn warned.

Tears Welled up in Harry's eyes as he began full on crying.

"You're mean."Harry said pouting.

"I am, get used to it."Zayn spat letting go of Harry's wrist and leaving the room standing by the door.

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