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Zarry, zarry, zarry ❤️

Zayn POV

The next morning at school, I knew I would have to face everyone with my bruised face and my fucked up hands. Liam gave me painkillers before leaving his house but it wasn't enough.

- Mr. Malik, for once, I would appreciate if you could follow in my class.

Mr. Monroe, my English teacher stated as I was avoiding writing what he asked for like plague.

- If you are not interested, I will ask you to leave and go to the head master office.

- Alright.

I picked up my pen and my books and left, telling Liam we would see each other later. Liam hated that side of me, the side everybody else knew. The bad boy side.

Of course, I didn't go to the head master office. I wandered around school for a while before walking up to Mr. Styles class. He had a group of younger students in. He was explaining something about a book, his deep voice resonating with so much passion through the walls. I found myself just standing there, captivated by his perfect pink lips moving slowly.

It's only when he saw me through the window that I realized that I was fucking creepy standing there observing him during class when I wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place.

He said something to the class quickly and walked toward the door. It was already too late to escape, so I tried to act casual about it.

- Zayn? What is that on your face? You fought again?

- None of your business Harry.

I replied, dodging his question.

- Here, it's Mr. Styles for you. Then, what are you doing here?

- I ... was wondering.... how is Luke?

He looked at me skeptically, not entirely sure why I was asking questions about his son.

- OK. So let me resume that. You left one of your class, to stare at me through a window until you can have the possibility to ask me how my son, that you saw for two minutes, is feeling when we have a class together tomorrow morning. It's crystal clear...

- Yeah, exactly. The kid is nice.

- Well Luke is fine. He talked about you last night. He enjoyed meeting a "friend" of dad. We don't see much people.

- Why's that?

His green eyes observed me for a moment like he was trying to look inside of my head.

- We are new in the city.

Was the only information he gave.

- Zayn, seriously who did that to you? If you're in trouble you can tell me.

I shook my head no, walking backward, letting him know that I would never tell him.

Just before I could leave he took my hand to keep me there but I retracted it like I touched fire.

That's when he saw my hands.

- Zayn!

- Leave me alone.

- No no no no no. You tell me who did this to you.

- I said leave.me.alone. 

He searched into my eyes, trying to read through me, but released me after a moment knowing he wouldn't find what he was searching for. I was angry, he couldn't force me to talk. Nobody could, the things I was doing the best was to keep silent.

I had my skateboard so I decided to go to the skate park, texting Liam before, telling him that I left.

The skate park was my favorite place to go when I needed to be alone for a little while.

My head was clouded by the touch of Mr. Styles lingering on my wrist. I caught myself thinking about how it would feel to be in his arms, safe from everything.

I sat there for at least an hour, thinking about my dad and how I hated myself for letting him hurt me once again. I hated how weak I was.

The school was over for a while now and I knew I should go back home but I didn't want to. I took a cigarette, siting on an empty bench near the ramp.

- You shouldn't smoke. It's bad for you.

Was he fucking following me? I lighted up the stick, blowing the smoke in small circles in the air.

- What do you want?

- I was... Going to pick up Luke from daycare.

- Ok.. And why are you here following me around then?

- I wasn't following you. I was driving and I saw you sitting here by yourself. It's just down the street.

- Can I come with you?

My mouth spilled words faster than my brain could registered. I mentally face palmed myself knowing I probably made things even more awkward. But surprisingly he smiled, showing his deep dimples.

- Sure. Luke would love to see you again.

- Ok but no questions.

- No questions. I promise.

He said holding his hands in the air defensively. We walked in silence, while I was wondering why I even proposed to come with him in the first place.

- I apologize for being nosy earlier, I... worry.... about you that's all.

He worry? ... About me? Relax, Zayn he probably cares about all his students the same way.

- Thanks.

- No problem. And know that you can tell me anything.

He finished before knocking on the front door of an old house. The place was dirty and neglected. I was seriously wondering why Harry was leaving Luke here. Even more after I saw a very old lady opening the door. She couldn't even stand straight, how could she take care of a five years old kid running around.

- Daddy!!!

Luke screamed as soon as he saw his father. He ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. I felt a little pinch inside knowing that's something I never had with my own dad. He never hugged me, he was never happy to see me.

- I remember you! You're dad funny friend.

I laughed as Harry paid the woman. She came back with a small backpack and a blue blanket.

- Everything is in there. I can't take him tomorrow, I have doctor appointments.

- And you tell me now? What am I supposed to do? I can't lose my job!

- You should have think of that before having a kid.

She said grumpily, slamming the door in our faces.

- What a charming lady.

I exclaimed sarcastically, as Harry sigh.

- I could do it.

- Do what?

- Babysit Luke.

- Zayn, you have school.

- I know but it's only once. I already skip most of my classes anyway. I promise to attend to all of your boring English classes after. Luke is awesome and I need money, everybody wins.

- Why do you need money? For drugs?

He whispered away from Luke's ears.

- Maybe.

I said cockily.

- Zayn it's not funny.

- Come on, losen up. You need to have more fun.

- I'm a twenty two single father, I don't have time to have fun.

He said single, he fucking said S-I-N-G-L-E! How was it even possible? The girl who left them is an idiot.

- So it's time to go home. Want me to drive you back?

- Yeah, why not.

- Dad! I want to show Zayn's my new room at home.

- Zayn isn't coming home baby.

- But I want to.

The little blonde boy said almost crying.

- Ok, ok. Zayn, i know that you probably have much better things to do tonight but... I was planning on cooking spaghetti, would you like to join?

- I actually have absolutely nothing better to do. You had me with the food.

Harry tried to hide it but I saw the side of his mouth twitching up.

- Alright then get in.

He said opening the door for me. I don't know why but everything about that man was perfect, I tried so hard to hate him but it was impossible. I could feel my cheeks blushing as he closed the door.

- So I better tell you that our home isn't much but it's good enough for Luke and me. I didn't had enough time to find a better place when we moved here. And...

- You saw where I live ... Do you seriously think I'm gonna judge? I'm sure it's just fine.

- Can I ask a personal question?

He asked carefully, eyes on the road. Luke was signing loudly in the back paying no attention to us.

- You can ask... I'll see if I want to answer.

- Where is your mom?

- She left us. She didn't want me as her son anymore... I can't blame her.

- I'm sure that's not why she left.

He gently said, his hand landing on mine, his thumb caressing my skin. He fast became uncomfortable retracting his hand quickly, putting it back on the steering.

I had to keep myself from hyperventilating. Tonight was gonna be a great night.

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