A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading this far, because I sure didn't think we'd make it.
Follow my Twitter and Insta—
It's in my bio.
I've had lots of hiccups, be it rushing because I didn't have any inspiration to write. Or I didn't know where I wanted the rest of the story to go.
And I won't lie, I had a few thoughts of discontinuing it because of that.
But I thank you guys very much, because you all helped me reach an end to this story and letting me be able to then start a new one.
The expectations and knowing there were people out there who wanted to know the end pushed me even further to be able to keep on continuing this story.
Thank you.
That's the end of my greeting.
P.S. I wanted to post this as soon as I finished writing, so please don't mind the minor errors and typos.
[Special Title] Epilogue:
Ch. 43 -
Where The End Meets The New Beginning
"Wow! You misters and miss live here?!" Teucer's eyes sparkled, as they had changed to less covering clothes. It wouldn't be too hot.
Currently they brought the kids to Mondstadt as promised. And it may have been the most best thing they've ever done. They were able to get a break from that cold ass place. It was shitty and gloomy, who wants to live there?
Y/n pat his head, as she smiled. Honestly, she may have reacted just the same if she hadn't had mental issues along with past mommy and daddy issues with a little sprinkle of trauma.
"Enjoy to the fullest, children." Kaeya had his hands on his hips, as he looked quite victorious and proud of himself.
"You're acting like Mondstadt is your house." Diluc said from beside him, but he couldn't help but discreetly put a smile after hearing those kids so happy.
"Is it not yours either?" Kaeya tilted his head towards Diluc, as he glanced his way.
"You'd be right."
"This is sick!" Anthon shouted, as he had fists in front of him. His eyes nearly sparkled like how Teucer's did every time he saw Mr. Cyclops. They resemble each other.
Now... what happened before they got to Mondstadt? Really— do you not wanna know?
Are you sure??
Are you really really sure?
You don't wanna know what happened cause they didn't die???
Oh well.
Here's a recap:
Y/n's eyes slowly opened themselves, as she realized that they fell from a high place. She pushed herself upwards, and looked down to see Albedo who still had his arms wrapped around her waist.
"We're not dead..." she heaved a relieved sigh, as she sat back down. There was a heavy pile of snow that cushioned their fall, and the height from the cliff to the ground wasn't that far.
She turned her head as she stared at Albedo, moving his bangs out of his face. He was breathing fine as well.
She checked Diluc and Kaeya, and they were well and alive as well. Y/n wasn't physically strong enough to carry three men, but she looked around to try and find someway.
"Are you lost? You need any help?"
"Well, I can't carry these guys by myself. I'm in the middle of a snowy forest. Is this simile my head? Why do you sound like me?"
"Because I am you. Well a past part of you. I can try to help. I'm used to cold places."
"No no, this kid is no use. I've served as a palace knight before, I'd be much more helpful."
"That doesn't help either."
"You're just a painter."
"Okay and?"
"I can try if you'd like. Huhu..."
"Annessa you're literally so shit at this stuff."
"I am a fucking goddess, what is your problem? What are you so mad about?"
"I befriended a dragon on a snowy hill, what more do you want?!"
"So who are you?"
"What?" Y/n held the side of her head from the loud shouting inside of it. "One by one."
"Li Xiu."
"Oh. OH— aren't you guys my past reincarnations?" Y/n pulled together the connections, as she was practically just talking to herself.
(A/N: so for another reference):
Li Xiu
"Just help me find the house again. You know the one with Teucer, Anthon, and Tonia?"
"I thought you were stabbed? No pain?"
Y/n glanced down, there was dried up blood but the wound had disappeared.
She even pat herself to see if she was dreaming. "I'm not."
"That's because of me, probably. Durin's power somehow resonated with you because you're technically my epitome. Durin is a sad guy. He was seeing illusions of being friends with everyone. Anyways— I think he somehow was able to reset you or something? I don't know."
"That's really brief, you think Y/n would get that?"
"Okay— and you didn't do anything."
"I was the one that was on watch during that time with that creepy hot doctor! You were all asleep or playing poker in her mind while she was suffering!!"
"Okay— it wasn't poker. It was go-fish."
"Same thing."
"Just keep going down the hill, and once you see a brown platform, you just have to turn to the right."
"Oh my archons finally someone who answered my question." She looked at the unconscious bodies of the men.
"Why don't you roll them down the hill?"
"That's a good idea." She gathered the three as she stared before she was to do the job of disposing— of taking them down the hill without having to carry them. Besides, they were unconscious.
What're they gonna do? Stop her?
They wouldn't be bothered of being done this if they're not even conscious to stop her.
She pushed them down one by one, starting with Kaeya. Then Diluc, then Albedo after she kissed his forehead. She slid down right on after them.
Thankfully there wasn't a single thing that was in their way.
Unfortunately, Kaeya was the first one to wake up. When he finally stopped, he tried to spit the ice out of his mouth, and get it off his clothes and eyepatch. He was fashionable fellow. Very much likes his clothes.
Diluc's snow all melted and evaporated the moment it touched him.
"You're awake!" Y/n yelled, as she went and tackled the blueberry haired man.
He was confused why he was being hugged and attacked at the same time after falling down a cliff then being rolled down this secluded hill like she was hiding a corpse.
"Yeah... what happened? Wait— you're not dead? And you're not bleeding?"
"Nope." She replied very proud. "I'm good as new." Y/n proceeded to gather her thoughts.
"Why did you roll us down a hill?" He sat cross crossed, as he placed his hands in his lap, relaxing himself. "It would've been hilarious if it was just Diluc. But me? How could you?"
"I couldn't carry you three at the same time. If I went one by one, I wouldn't have enough energy left. Besides, you would've fallen down anyways cause I would have dropped you."
"Oh my— you're so— I can't even get mad at you because you'd beat my ass at this moment." He groaned, as he stood up. Trying to check up on Diluc, as Y/n picked up Albedo.
"You know I'm visionless now, right? So there's not a lot I can do."
"Wait you are?"
"I— you— didn't— never mind." She quickly said, as she moved on from the topic. And nearly gasped when she heard Albedo groan, knowing that he was waking up.
"Am I in the arms of an angel?" Albedo squinted his eyes, as he stared at Y/n who was above him.
"It's not. The time. For that." She hit him each time she said two words, to emphasize that she wasn't in the mood to be flirting. "Are you hurt anywhere? You get any cuts?"
"No, what about you—" he quickly sat up, as he was patting her just to make sure she wasn't broken or anything.
"I'm all fine. Your berserk state healed me." She smiled again. Albedo would've killed to see her smiling at him only.
He pulled her into a hug, as he pet her hand gently. "I'm so glad, you have no idea how much I was worried about you. I really thought I lost you..."
She brought her arms up, to hug him even more tightly, with their embrace it felt more secure in each other's arms. She couldn't help but tighten it even more. It was no lie that they love each other. They care too.
"Where am I...?" Another voice sounded.
"Diluc! You're awake!" Kaeya imitated what Y/n had done earlier to the red haired fiery man who woke up from a beauty rest.
Kaeya tackled Diluc, who hadn't been prepared especially after he just woke up.
"Kaeya— get off of me you—" Diluc pushed Kaeya against his cheeks, as the blue haired man had tears in his one eye. Being rejected and pushed away by his dear Diluc was sad.
And yada yada yada. They were alive. Hurray.
My apologies—
Y/n regained her thoughts once again, when she realized everybody had started to walk in through the gates. Before they even reached the abnormally huge gates, Teucer seemed to have non verbally bonded with the pigeon boy on the bridge. She didn't know what it was, but it felt like disaster if she put the two together.
She felt Albedo gently pull on her hand and swiftly stride through, towards the long and awaited arrival of this warm city of Mondstadt. On her part, despite have only recently arrive and getting situated around here, she found the place much like her home that she would describe this as. And it was pleasant and warm. Really, just warm would be the only thing stuck stuck out to her.
And so did the three kids think the same thing.
The weather and temperature here was nothing like the warmth of a nice fireplace in such a colder and freezing region. This was a totally different kind of warmth that the kids felt. It was welcoming. It wasn't an obligatory kind of warmth where you seek it, and feel glad that you did. It instead would seek you, and never obligatory to feel comfort towards it. If you do, then you're always welcome in. It was somehow like that. The description wasn't as deep as it was wanted to be interpreted as, but it was well enough that you could decently understand it.
Tonia was the first one out of everybody to run off from the group, which was the least expectant. It was as expectant as Scaramouche ever gaining any height, or even reaching Childe's height. That was it.
It was proven that Tonia liked flowers, or more rather adored them. It was the curiosity in that girl's heart to find out of what a flower was, because all of the ones that should have bloomed have withered, and buried under the thick white layers of snow on Snezhnaya. It was as if beautiful things that should have been natural to even glance at weren't permitted to be seen. It shut the people out in many ways from the rest of society.
Tonia seemed to be having a good conversation with Flora who was in charge of the row of planted flowers and plants like usual in front of the them. Y/n waved to Katheryne, who was again in the little stand place that she's always in for adventurers to stop by at.
It turned out to be, based off of Tonia's behavior that the group would be splitting up, and Diluc was obliged to stick with Tonia while she was having a full on conversation of interest with Flora. And there, was his known admirer, Donna who was always near. She nearly fainted when she saw the red hair. And even more when she noticed it was right in front of her. Diluc was more than oblivious to it. Or maybe he did notice the girl's obvious fawning over this handsome devil of a man, and just decided to ignore it and let it be for the sake of peace in his normal life.
Teucer grabbed Y/N's hand, which was holding Albedo's hand. That meant Albedo was dragged to wherever this little ginger haired boy was going to be bringing Y/n. She didn't mind one bit, though she was wondering what was happening with Klee. Albedo was thinking the same, as he was glancing around the area
"Hey Teucer." The little boy hummed an answer, turning around to meet Y/N's smiling face. "You wanna meet a friend?" To those words, his eyes sparkled much like the glistening snow, or lampgrass.
"What friend? Is it Mr. Cyclops?!" He jumped excitedly. Y/n was her Klee was just as destructive as those ruin guards, but didn't think much of it.
She shook her head, "no. But she's Albedo's little sister here. You wanna come visit her with us?" Y/n asked again, hoping he'd say yes.
And thank Barbatos (not) for that.
"Yeah! I wanna meet her!"
Y/n turned her head, in a way to confirm if the visit was alright. And he nodded his head. The smile he had on his face was very much thanking her for being able to avert Teucer's attention to their needs. Albedo ushered him, as he happily skipped with them. With both of his hands with both of the couple's hands, he laughed with joy. And you'd think the two were a married couple with a kid.
—because that was what half of the people in Mondstadt thought.
Kaeya stood blankly in the middle of the plaza with Anthon, who had the same face as he did. He didn't want to spend his time with this flirty captain. He thought he had nothing better to do.
Kaeya chuckled nervously, as he looked at Anthon who was staring at the water fountain. Sure, it was rare for him to see an actually moving water subject, because their water fountain in Snezhnaya had been frozen for a while. Kaeya disliked it, he disliked he kept seeing Anthon as himself, staring at the water fountain. But his mind wrapped around the image of Diluc who came to look for him, and brought him to the grape fields in Dawn Winery.
"Do you want to see grapes?" Kaeya asked, dawning a sheepish smile on his face. He felt a little pathetic with the idea, but Anthon seemingly didn't find it that way. He was all about the adventure, much like Teucer.
"So what are grapes? Are they pink like Sister Tonia likes the color?" He asked.
"No, but there's a lot. I know a grape field somewhere. You wanna go pick some? I doubt Diluc would mind."
"How many?" Anthon squinted his eyes as if investigating him.
Kaeya returned the attitude jokingly, "a million. Or maybe a billion." He gasped, "or maybe infinitely many grapes!"
Anthon was sold by then. "Let's go!" He then jumped to his feet, and hopped in place as if he was going to take a sprint start. Kaeya didn't let that go unnoticed by him, as he grinned at the boy.
"Race you to the end of the bridge." Kaeya declared.
"You're on." Anthon smirked, as they both took their places by the gates. Swan was watching their interaction. Though he found it unusual that Kaeya was talking to a kid. Let alone declare a race with him. But he shrugged it off, and found this would be the talk within the Favonius Knights for at least 2-3 weeks best.
On the other hand, Albedo and Y/n had Teucer in hand as they approached their house door. There was a pretty high chance that Klee was probably out, or should be in the Favonius headquarters, but Albedo figured they'd check the closest place first.
He opened the door, which was unlocked. The familiar dusty smell of the house made his nose a bit itchy, but ignored it. He looked around the place, and it was generally all clean. "Klee? Are you home?" Albedo called,
Y/n still had Teucer's hand in her's as she glanced around the area.
"Hm, is she out?" Y/n asked. Placing Teucer on the couch, she went and checked her room. There was really no sign of her here.
"She doesn't seem to have stayed here a lot." Albedo said next, "maybe we should check outside." Albedo suggested, and noticed his Teucer's shoulders were slumped when he was sitting down. He looked at his dangling feet, swinging them back and forth.
"Does she not want to meet me?" Teucer asked, his voice was very obviously saddened. Making the two look at each other like parents who didn't know what to tell their kid without making it seem even more upsetting.
"That's not it," Y/n said first. Pushing Albedo behind her before he could say something that could embarrass himself. "We took a long vacation, so we think Klee may be staying with someone else in the time being. We're going to keep looking around. She likes to travel a lot, you know?" She explained next.
"Oh. Do you think we'll find her?"
"Surely." Albedo reassured him, as they started to head on back out the house. "It'll be fun, and on our way we can show you around the Mondstadt. There's a lot of plants and nature around here." He said.
This intrigued Teucer quite a bit. "That's so cool!" Surely it was for him. It wasn't normal for them to see so much ice, but for the Snezhnayan kids, it must've been an odd experience to suddenly move to someplace warm. But, all that would have mattered would have been that they were getting the experience that they deserved.
"Maybe she's in the forest. It's pretty far from here though." Teucer placed his smaller hands in Y/n's. "We've got a lot of friends there too."
"Ooo! I wanna see! I wanna see!" Teucer jumped up and down again, as he clenched his one fist in more excitement. Y/n could have died right then and there from his cute cheerfulness that she loved about his behavior.
"Then let's go!" Y/n picked Teucer up from his waist, and placed him on her shoulders. Despite being a little heavier than she thought, that wasn't enough to make her give up on placing a kid on her own shoulders. She was strong enough, so there really was no problem.
Albedo was reminded of when he placed a younger Klee on his own shoulders before in the past. And missed the feeling of having her laughing and giggling every time he would almost dip her towards the floor.
"BIG BROTHER ALBEDO! AND MISS!" A high pitched girl's voice rang through the myriad of trees and leaves in the forest. The same old, same old. A blob of red came running through the green that stood out more than anything, and nearly crashed into Albedo as he staggered backwards from the impact.
"Hey Klee... sorry we haven't been around too often lately. We're finally back." Albedo gently said, as he per the top of her head. They could hear her sniffles as she rubbed the front of her face against his leg. Albedo sweat a bit when he could feel the part getting soaked in her tears and snot, but noted he could always wash them later at home anyways.
Teucer watched the interaction with interest, and was curious of this girl that he could have guessed may have been 'Klee.'
"Mm... it's okay... Jean and Lisa were taking care of me. And Klee's been hanging out with Razor and Bennett!" Klee said excitedly. And speak of the devil, the two boys
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