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Art: ???/I wanted to pick a picture that showed Kaeya, Diluc, and Albedo. :D

A/N: Hey yoooo! Welcome back, I've finally got the rest of the story plot ready. And all I have to do is bring it to reality and show you all to enjoy.


So, enjoy!!

"Bye Misters!" Teucer shouted, waving the most excitedly out of everybody else. Sure, there was a bit of sadness in goodbyes, but Tonia was slightly glad the chaos was over.

Morepesok happened to be the seaside village they lived in, according to 'Scaramouchie.'

Tonia was slightly— very paranoid that a fatui harbinger other than her brother was at their house to come and pick up the primary colored trio, according to their plans.

Kaeya wiped a sad, sad tear from his eye. As he waved the kids goodbye while they walked away, with a handkerchief in his hand. Diluc promptly waved as well, but very 'cooly', like the unfazed Master Diluc he was. And Albedo smiled at their warm goodbyes.

"So did you find a way we can enter the castle, Sacaraboobs?" Kaeya asked, as he blew his nose in a slightly comedic way. But Scaramouche didn't appreciate the name.

"Yes. I, in fact. Did." He replied, as he guided them towards the area where many boats were here and there. "Just wear the mask, and we're going to go. I know where we'll go and find her." He finally said, as they made it to the ship they were on previously.

"Great, we finally have useful intel." Diluc rolled his eyes, all sassy and moody like always.

"Don't worry, he's just trying to hide the fact that he's actually kind of sad he had to leave the kids back there because he became attached and this attachment would break his character image of a trauma-inflicted-personality-changed edgy self." Albedo explained with a very informative look.

"Really didn't need to know that." Scaramouche replied annoyingly.

"There's a lot that he knows." Kaeya said, as he shuffled a little bit farther away from Diluc.

"It's nothing," Albedo reassured. "I'm just very good at observing."

"He is, and it's scary." Kaeya whispered to Scaramouche, as he had to lean down to reach his level.

And— even Scaramouche was staring at his man titties because those were unreal.

He shook his head internally to try and 'stay focused' (brothers) and cleared his throat. "And if by far, you three get caught in there I am going as far as to leaving you there. I'm only getting you in, not out."

"Fine by me." Diluc crossed his arms, as he picked up his fatui mask. "Do we have to change into clothes?"

"Yes. And because you were throwing a fit about not wanting to wear the cicin mage ones, I happened to pick up three spare diplomat suits instead." Scaramouche threw them at each one of them, as they were in their secret secret room on the ship.

"That's very kind of you." Kaeya teased, with a little chuckle as he stared at this ghastly outfit he was looking at, at the moment.

"Get changed or I'm throwing you all off this ship." Scaramouche exited the room, leaving with such harsh parting words leaving them to change into their new found clothes.

"Tough love." Kaeya said. "Do we get to bring our clothes? Cause these were expensive." He referred to his blue outfit.

"I could just buy another jacket." Diluc said, as he undid his hair tie, and taking his jacket off.

"Klee likes this one, so I don't know if I want to leave it." Albedo let out a cold sweat, as he looked at the two clothes. "Maybe we can bring a bag and carry them with us?"

"We can do that." Diluc rummaged with his clothes, which he only replied and didn't bother to actually help them find a bag.

Once they've changed, they opened the office door. All three poking their heads out to check if there was anybody else that saw them exit, and noticed as Scaramouche noticed them. He dismissed his people, and walked over to them.

"Finally finished? Now we can hea—" he stopped and stared at the weird old and tattered bag Albedo was holding in dismay. "What the hell is that?"

"A bag." They all replied at the same time, in an obvious voice.

"Yeah, I know it's a fucking bag— why do you have it?"

"We wanted to have our clothes in there." Kaeya smiled, trying to explain to the best of his abilities. And this wasn't working.

"Well it's suspicious so don't do that." He sighed, "I'll bring you your clothes later." Then proceeded to snatch the bag from Albedo as he had it aligned over his body, making the blonde boy get yanked towards Scaramouche.

He had his hands on the bag strap, as he was being pulled backwards. "This is suffocating—" his voice was hoarse.

Though it wasn't long until they managed to enter the Zapolyarny palace, and their disguise was pretty good visual wise. They even had hoods which helped even more to hide.

"Why is it so cold here?" Albedo asked himself, as the other two were walking ahead of him at the moment.

"It's not that cold." Kaeya whispered. "And it's not like it's any warmer though. Diluc might even melt the whole place down. But if you stand close by him you'll be warm."

Albedo scooted closer towards Diluc who hasn't said anything yet, as they followed Scaramouche down the hallway.

"This is as far as I'll take you three." Scaramouche announced. "You just have to pretend you're guarding this place or whatever. It's really lame." He explained.

"Wait, we don't even know the room." Diluc narrowed his eyes at Mister No. 6.

"You'll find it eventually, trust me." Scaramouche tipped his large hat slightly lower over his face.

"Since when did you give us the luxury to trust you?" Diluc asked finally, as he turned his head and started to walk down the cold halls. Leaving the rest behind.

"Thanks, 'Mouchie.'" Kaeya almost cackled, as he jogged after the hot-headed red man.

Albedo seemed the most calm, and collected out of the rest. "Thank you."

Scaramouche stared a few seconds, as if analyzing him. But he had a bit more of... an empathetic— or rather hopeful look; crossing his arms, he turned his body the other way. "Whatever. You have one chance, before you leave. Don't waste it."

Albedo nodded, knowing though he was looking elsewhere that this Fatui Harbinger had enough room for the feeling of love. And he loved Y/n, but it was platonic. So closely to himself. Maybe it was the feeling of mutual respect for one another. Or just the closeness they had. He didn't have that kind of mindset previously for him to have, but it just so happened that he became attached.

(A/N: Not romantic love. Remember? Like a brother????)

They had no clue how they were going to find it wherever they were going. And Scaramouche was extremely unhelpful when they asked for directions, so maybe... yeah...

They found two large doors, it looked grand. But a little too grand, that...

"—looks like something like a throne room or something for royalty." Kaeya said, as he stared it up and down. Then back at the other two who were being kind of calculative while Kaeya stood to be dumbfounded.

"Oddly enough, I have to agree." Diluc pulled his hood a little more, and walked away briskly to find another place to find.

There, there was a group of Fatui members who seemed to be in training, or was training in this large hall room. And there, stood another man. Seemingly a Harbinger, it was just the stature and the way he stood amongst the novices that he was skilled.

They were just behind a single corner wall, as they took a careful peek out through the area.

The man moved his head, as if he noticed a few 'Peeping Alberts,' making the three flinch and freeze. But very quickly start to pull their heads away from the corner.

Only Albedo shook his head, for them to not run away. Was a plan forming in his head?

"Ah, are you three also new recruits for the Fatui? Great, come join us. We've just started our general lessons." He shouted out, which made this process even more weird.

"Fatui members have lessons?" Diluc whispered through his gritted teeth, as the three slowly moved towards the large group as they all seemingly stared at the 'new recruits.'

The staring was almost unbearable.

"Now that we have everybody, I'd like to start off with the basic mindset of a Fatui. Which, is naturally the unwavered and almost obstinate decision of absolute loyalty for Her Majesty."

Kaeya, Diluc, and Albedo were having a slight problem— well, major problem. A crisis of having to blend in with the other Snezhnayans, and how are they to do that?

Say, 'I love ice-fishing/long live the Snezhnayan Queen?' and dye their hair red or something? Diluc's was already red— but besides that.

"That's really all. The rest, is to forget every single emotion in you. You won't have the time and capacity to keep those with you. Forget it." He said next, "then we'll start training you so you're ready to move onto the next of things."

"This is like Favonius training. But more ominous." Albedo muttered towards Kaeya and Diluc. Knowing full well that they knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Then I guess I'll start with randomly pairing you up for sparring." He said nonchalantly, as the rest were all starting to 'shaking in their boots,' and 'shiver me timbers,' whilst the three were highly on alert about something else. They had no time to be worried.

"Do we like demolish them?" Kaeya asked, "cause that's easy to do with a sword." He leaned his head towards Diluc and Albedo as they resided in the back of the group.

"Keep it moderate, but win and lose." Albedo said. "You have to match the level of these first-time fighters." Albedo said again.

"That's great." Kaeya smirked under his mask, as he cracked his neck. Then went to flip his hair, but forgot his ponytail was under the hood.

"Moderate, what's moderate? How moderate is moderate?" Diluc asked. Albedo could tell he had on a difficult expression; eyebrows creased and having a genuinely and serious confused face. But kind of gloomy.

"Like as if you're fighting in training...?" Albedo questioned. I mean, who was he to know how he was training like?


'He actually understood that?'

This was going to be one fun extracurricular lesson they didn't sign up for.

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