Being the first person to find something™
"LUKE HEMMINGS GET YOUR SCRAWNY ARSE IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I heard Calum scream oh here we go... I follow luke from the backyard to the kitchen. were at Michael's for a BBQ just the four of us. I have to see this...
We round the corner to see a furious Calum standing there with his hands on his hips like a mother getting cranky at her children I wanted to laugh but decided against it.
"Did you eat my ice-cream Again!!!??" Calum spoke,
Luke looked like a deer caught in headlights so I decided to speak up well I was about to until Mikey walked in,
"Guys I think I need an awning?" He says completely seriously
"If you be quiet for two seconds I'll buy you a damn awning we have more serious matters on our hands at the moment" Calum says quietly but deadly...
Quite like nialls farts..
I laugh quietly to myself.
"Okay okay let's not start world war 3 I'll go get more okay?" I bargain.
Calum huffs but nods and everyone starts trying to throw orders at me but I just blocked my ears and walked out of the house humming sarcastically.
I might as well walk it's not that far and the fans here aren't that bad I mean it's home and there always so brilliant.
I start whistling some random tune while walking down the quiet Sydney street god it's good to be home.
In no time I reach aldi and grab Calum's stupid ice-cream, pay and leave I just want some real food!
I stroll past the quiet park and spot something in the corner of my eye.
I look to my left and see something sitting by the big oak tree I always loved as a kid... I had my first kiss there... Pretty steamy anyways...
I walked towards the tree and notice it's come type of book or journal.
I pick it up and feel the rough leather against my hands and automatically knew it had to be important to someone all the little engraving and it was definitely worn down.
I really wanted to open it but I didn't... It seemed so private.
But how am I going to find out who owns it?
Oh hell
I flick open the first page and look on the back of the cover In small writing it reads
'Hi!! This journal belongs to me aka Kat please return to me ASAP! x'
And her phone number neatly scribbled underneath it.
I look around to see the park empty and quickly shove the journal into my jacket as if I'm doing something wrong and hurry home planning on getting this journal back to Kat.
A/N hi guys! I'm Kaydi, the writer of this so far horrendous book lmao I'm just testing the waters I know the chapters are amall but there will be lots of them hopefully :D enjoy!
Craaaazy about 5sos!!!! Love you Guys!!!
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