Of flying bokoblins and green skies

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(linked universe)

(Wild's POV)

They had been stranded to Wild's Hyrule, (The Gerudo desert to be exact) and were now severely shorthanded in materials. They needed some firewood. And Food, which was quite hard to come by in a desert. That's why Wild had to go into the town, which was fortunately quite close to them and they made it to the gates before sun had set so the monsters didn't have time to get to them.

Unfortunately, Wild had to go alone to the town, since he was the only one with a proper disguise.

"Are you sure you're gonna be fine alone?" Twilight questioned with a raised eyebrow. He knew that Wild didn't really like crowds that much.

"Yeah. I've been there plenty of times. I'll be perfectly fine." he said very convincingly.

"If ya say so..." Twilight answered, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"I do say so." he snarled back playfully and ran off with a quick change of clothes.

He made sure to cross that specific place with Bozai, when he was busy harassing someone else. He felt bad for leaving someone to Bozai's trap, but even the legendary hero has to sometimes turn down a fight.

"Va'saaq!" the guards told him cheerfully, to which Wild answered with a quick wave of hand to avoid using his voice. He couldn't risk to get caught.

How he loved Gerudo town. He loved the smell of the food, the lively people and the beautiful music (Useless a/n: I hc that there are bands in Gerudo town that play the ingame music) that echoed in the valleys.

"Va'saaq, Lisa!" a saleswoman called to him. (Don't blame him, Lisa was the first name in his mind.)

He smiled back and walked to her. 'I'll take a couple of those.' he signed, pointing at the hydromelons on the counter.

"Sure, that will be-"


Wild's head snapped towards the voice. Furosa, the barkeeper, was waving for him to come over. Something in way she was looking at him told him that whatever it was, it was quite serious.

Wild quickly shoved the rupees to the saleswoman's hands and took off towards Furosa.

'What is it?' Wild signed, his hands shaking a bit from the run.

Whatever her request would be, Wild was sure he couldn't turn it down, since all of the nights Furosa had offered him a cold refreshing drink after a particularly challenging fight, had left him feeling in dept.

"Someone opened a new bar in town." she explained.

Wild rose his eyebrows a bit, clearly asking 'and?'.

Furosa just sighed. "It could be nothing, but the customers that come out of there seem to be a little 'too drunk' if I were to say. Or rather, in all of my years of being a bar keeper, I've never seen alcohol have such an affect on people."

Wild furrowed his eyebrows. 'And you want me to go and check it out?' he clarified.

"Yes. That's right." she looked a bit apologetic.

'I'll do it, don't worry.' he assured.

"Really? Oh thank you Lisa!" he cringed internally at the name. "Remember to come back if it get's too much." she said sternly and Wild nodded at her in confirmation.


After walking through the alleys that kept getting darker and creepier one after another, he finally reached his destination. The place was as shady looking as Wild had expected, but somehow it still brought a shiver down his spine.

He had briefly wondered wether he should inform the others of his destination, but quickly decided against it. They would not let him go alone and he did not have enough money to buy enough disguises for them all. And even if he did, a group of nine was way too suspicious to just randomly appear in a bar.

Sound of a door opening brought him from his thoughts. Two young women stumbled out of the door.

"Haha~ I've neVer felt thiiiis happy~" one of the women slurred.

They seemed to suddenly notice Wild standing in the corner and came over to him.

"You- you should definitely try that barrr... i's so good." the other one told him.

Wild walked right through the two, towards the door. 'Yeah, there is definetly something wrong here.' he though, eyebrows furrowed once again.

He opened the door. The expected ring of a bell never came. It seemed like they really didn't want to attract unnecessary attention.

"Hello~ and welcome in." a lady called from the front desk.

'Hi, I would like a-' he started, but was cut off by the lady's voice.

"I must apologize, I don't speak that hand signal thing." she said sweetly. "I do have some paper over here though."

Wild walked cautiously over and watched as the woman pulled over paper and a pen.

Wild wrote down 'I would like a drink please.'

"Oh! Why didn't you just say so." she exclaimed. At this point, Wild wasn't sure if she was mocking him or just being genuinely dumb. Although something seemed to point to the former option. "What would you like to have?"

'Anything is fine really.' he wrote. He was only going to take a small sip of it, whatever it may be.

The woman smiled and turned away to mix up the drink. Wild tried to see over the counter. Maybe he's get a glance of whatever she was using to make it, but she seemed to be blocking his sight on purpose.

He frowned and turned to look at the other customers instead.

There were three other customers and all of them happened to be sleeping over their respective tables.

A sleep drug then? Except that it couldn't be, since the two people he had seen had been both on their feet. 

A glass was suddenly placed in front of him.

"Here you go. A noble pursuit." she smiled.

If one were to look quickly at the drink, it would in fact seem like a noble pursuit. But Wild happened to be quite experienced with the drink and knew that this wasn't quite it.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" the lady prompted. Her tone seemed to be a little less sweet now.

He took a small sip from the drink and-

it tasted horribly wrong.

The sweetness of the original drink, seemed to have been replaced with something entirely different. The taste was so bitter that he almost threw up.

The woman just chuckled.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. It'll taste better one sip after another." she told him gently. "Why don't you try again?"

Wild shook his head quickly and ouch. That hurt like a knife that had just been stabbed in his skull.

He tried to move his hand towards the paper, only to his horror, find it unmoving.

"Why don't I help you a bit?" she asked with that sickly sweet tone of hers. He was starting to get more and more scared by the second.

The woman took the glass in her hands and opened his mouth with her too soft hands that felt as cold as an ice block. He tried to resist her, but suddenly it felt like the rest of his body wasn't listening to him either.

One moment he was desperately trying to close his mouth, and the second, liquid was flowing down his throat like a river.

For a second, he felt nothing more than absolute terror, and the next...

the world exploded into pure happiness.

The woman was now standing in front of him with an overjoyed expression.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" she said, although her voice seemed far away, as if she was underwater. (Or maybe he was the one underwater?)

The woman laughed again. "Must be your first time then, you really are out of it."

He just stared at her. He didn't really care what she was saying, all he knew was that he had never felt this happy.

He could vaguely remember feeling panic. Feeling like he wanted to flee.

He took out the sheikah slate and looked at the map.

Did he had somewhere to be? Did someone need him?

"Oh? What do you have here?" the woman asked, suddenly curious by the slate.

Wild snapped towards her. Her hands were already touchinh the slate. He felt the momentarily panic slice through the haze of happiness. The same panic he felt if anyone was to touch his slate.

He pressed the closest teleport he could find. A sudden gasp was heard from the woman, but before Wild could hear what came after it, he had already disappeared into scales of blue light.




When Wild woke up, the first thing he noticed was that...

He felt weird. And by weird he meant like really weird. Like 'bokoblins flying above him in the green sky' kind of weird. Now that he mentioned it, there actually were bokoblins flying there. How strange...

He wasn't even sure where he was. There was some kind of mist surrounding him. Then again, he wasn't sure whether it was a mist or not, since the 'mist' seemed to be purple. Wait... no. Now it was pink.

Suddenly the pink mist exploded and a person came out of it.

"Wild——-y'u —-me?" someone called to him. Whoever it was, was clearly close to him and some instinct of his told him to protect himself.

"Whoah ————- okay." they responded when he covered his head with his arms.

Who were they?

To be honest he didn't even really care, because now their faces were turning into colours and he was questioning wether they had even been there in the first place.

"Wmhh..." he tried to say, but from the silence he got in return, it seemed like his message didn't get through.

Now the faces were starting to get creepy. The 'eyes' turned red and their faces melted downwards. The skin peeled of them and now their bodies were nothing more than bones.

He tried to reach for his sword, but found nothing there.

'Where is it? Where is it?' He searched for it frantically.

The creatures were were coming closer now. Their hands were reaching towards him now.


He had backed up to a wall. No escape anymore. He had to get up and run.

He did in fact get up. Or tried to at least.

The second he managed to haul himself on his feet, the world started to spin wildly. His feet felt like spaghetti and soon enough he was falling forward.

The last thing he saw was the hands of the creatures grabbing onto him.


So... it has been a month. Let's pretend that that didn't happen... I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope life has been treating you well. Thank you for reading :D

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