18: Joining

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Chapter 18: Joining
Song: Ignorance by Paramore
Quote: I live in my own world but it's okay they know me here.

Thank you TylerPoseForMe lildevil16 liz23501 japanomo rockchick105 Sweethensour babygirl00021983 CNBcorrine gellybear96 :)

"Okay so what do I do?" I questioned earning a growl from both my brother and my mate as he pulled me into his lap.

"It's we. We that are going to do something about this." I rolled my eyes at them before I countined.

"Fine okay we. Now what are we going to do."

"We are not going to do anything."


"We are going to have a Joining. Welcoming you guys into the pack." Kevin added.

"I thought we already done that."

"We didn't do it the right way."

"Okay when are we going to have this thing?"


"But it's six o'clock."


"It's dark outside."

"Aw is my big bad brother scared of the dark?" I started taunting my brother with a smile as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"You're mean to me! I'm telling your mate! Kevin!" Everyone started laughing at his goof-ness as I continued to taunt.

"What are we, five?"


"You're so child-ish."

"You're​ so stubborn-ish."

"You guys need to get ready-ish." Kevin cut in laughing and continuing the line of ish.


"Yes. Now you are coming with me. Jared and Ray are going to help you guys get ready." With that he stood up and threw me over his shoulder t carrying me over his shoulder.

"Wait I want to see Brownie and Greenie."

"You can later but not right now."


"Cause you have to change, Angel."

"Your not supposed to start a sentence with Cause or Because." Stating a fact I sat on my mind, crossing my arms across my chest to act like I was smart.

"Says the girl who makes up words."

"Why do you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm a shifter to!" Laughing at my werid-ness he threw me a dress.

"I don't wear dresses."

"Then why did my sister buy them?"

"She forced it."

"What don't you wear?" Austin questioned walking into the room.

"Dresses." I glared at him because I knew what he was going to say next or shall I say do next. And I of course have to be right all the time so.....

"Evangeline I dare you to wear that dress." Austin and I glared at each other for a long time before I did the un-think-able.


"Why did I agree to this?"

"Because I dared you to."

"And why did I threw on it? I could of killed you and acted like you never dared me to wear a dress in the first place.

"Because your Evangeline."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That your most stubborn person that has or will over walked this earth."

"Oh yeah your finally right about something." Earning a glare from him I laughed a little. If you want to know I did the dare about the dresses and let me tell you something. It's short. Okay it's not short short but it goes down to my knees and it is blue and silver threw out the dress.

"Plus if you killed me then you would have Kevin and Winter as a witness."

"Hey Winter did you see anything?"


"You little girl! You're my daughter your supposed to be on my side!"

"Daddy that's why it's called "Supposed to" it doesn't actually have to happen."

"You just got told by your blood! In your face!"


"We aren't traitors we just weren't on your side in he first place."

"At least I still have Kevin on my side."

"Kevin won't dare go up on the other side. When his mate is on the other side."

"Why do you always have to be right?"

"Because I'm Evangeline."

"Can I have my daughter back yet?" Austin questioned for the billionth time.

"Nope! I would have your son too but your mate has him." Smiling Winter tried to jump up and down the best that she could on my hip as she clapped and giggled at her daddy.

"Then I would never have my kids."

"You would have that one that your mate is going to have."

"I would have that one for nine months and then you would have kidnapped all of my kids!"

"What can I say! I love little kids!"

"Then have your own. I miss my daughter."

"Nah I don't want to yet and I'll give you your daughter soon."

"Yeah in a zillion years."


"This is pay back isn't it?"


"For daring you to wear a dress?"


"You're​ weird you know this right?"

"Yeah I get that every day."


"Please welcome your Luna's family first. Austin, Elizabella, Winter, and Wyatt." Clapping and cheers were heard loud and clear as the three of them walked out first.

"Now your very stubborn but very beautiful Luna. Evangeline." I walked out with Winter on my hip as I heard Kevin call me out, I made it threw the pack which wasn't hard because a path was clear right up to my mate. Smiling as I walked passed and Winter giggled of course. Placing her down on the stage she ran to Austin and Elizabella, while I walked over to Kevin standing right next him as I looked out towards our pack now.

"Your Luna was a human when we found her or I should say she found us." Hitting him in the side because I knew what he was talking about. I heard chuckles from the pack. "Anyways she ran away many times because I told her not to." Glaring playfully at him as he continued. "She actually shifted into a cat shifter. The first one to ever walk this earth actually. She's powerful."

"So in other words don't make her mad!" Austin spoke causing the pack to laugh.

"You're​ all safe. Now you on the other hand aren't." He gasped acting hurt.

"Let's party shall we?"

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