ch#&@(2)@&#Meeting 2

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~๐Ÿ’˜Jeff ๐Ÿ’˜~

Ever since the break in you had practically been going insane hoping they would come back, and final after 4 nights they did, but smart little you had set up a trap, the second he opened the window and stepped in the lights turned on, he let out a low growl in response before saying "are you trying to get yourself killed?" you looked confused "I thought you WERE gonna kill me!?" The boy with a cut smile and pale skin and no eyelids facepalmed "if I was you would already be dead" he said before leaving "see you later Y/n BTW the names Jeff" and he was gone


the next couple days you kept visiting the woods, hoping to see the person again and one day you did, "h-hello?!" you said, they boy stared at you then walked forward before saying "nice j-job tic catching tic my h-Hatchet Y/N" you nodded thanks then said "whats your name? I'm Y/N as you somehow know..." The boy nodded then said "T-Toby... y-you tic should g-get tic g-going" you nodded before leaving you said "your not gonna kill me?" he nodded no and said "you'r s-special" then he left and so did you


You waited in your room holding your stomach, apparently as you learned you were now missing a Kidney... you played guess who with yourself and the only person you could think of was the strange person... you should have observed them better... at least you were alive. Later that night the person came back.. but why? You saw them clearer now black hood blue mask tar dripping from the eyes? Anyways they broke the heavy silence with "hello again Y/N" you darted your eyes to his eyeless ones then said "hey how do you know my name? And also why did you take my kidney?!" the boy laughed then said, I live on kidneys and also its part of who I am to know your name..." you looked skeptically then said "whats your name?"

he said "E.J, I'll see you again Y/N"


you went back to the swings after curiosity got the best of you, sitting backwards on the swing you looked to the forest waiting... once it was dusk out and it was nice and quiet, you saw the boy "hey..." you said sheepishly he nodded then said "how a-are you Y/N" "I-I am well you?" he nodded then said "good, h-how are you n-not freaked out r-right now?" you shrugged then said "I guess I can trust you Hoodster"

the boy laughed lightly then said "the name is hoodie, and I'll s-see you a-again N/N" nickname


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