(Pov Y/n)
(At the lockers)
As I take my sword from my locker I hear Ruby and Yang talking and seen jaune walking pass by.
(Chiller Pov)
As Weiss was talking to pyhrra to get her to join our team.
Weiss: Sooooo pyhrra have you thought about what team your going to be in you can be in ours right chiller?
Me: Yeah
Weiss: This team would be perfection itself The smartest girl,the strongest girl and the girl that can use her powerful sembla-
As out of no where the boy that thought Weiss liked him showed up.
Jaune: You know who else is great.
Weiss: You again....
I chuckled his attempts to impress my sister.
Pyhrra: Nice to meet you jaune.
Jaune: Yeah yeah sooo weiss couldn't help but over hear your fangirling of me overnight.
Weiss: It wasn't for you dumbass and I didn't even point at you I pointed at that guy.
As we looked and saw the same boy with the blue sweater getting out his nun chucks and he begins to prepare the initiation for beacon.
(Pov ???)
As I get my nun chucks a white haired girl walked up to me and asked my name.
Weiss: Hey you what's your name.
Me: Oh it's Joules.
Weiss: Thanks Joules.
(Pov Y/n after preparing)
As we were on a cliff waiting for it to start.
Ozpin: The first person you make contact with will be your partner for four years.
Ruby: WHAT!
Ozpin: Do not hesitate to destroy anything in your path or you will DIE
Jaune gulps at the thought of dying in the forest.
Ozpin explains the rest of what we will have to do.
Jaune: Well... I have to ask a question
As people are starting to get launched
Jaune: Soo...this landing strategy thing what is it like dropping us off or....
Ozpin: No*while sipping coffee*you will be falling.
Jaune: I see so did you hand out parachutes for u-
As we all got launched into the air I was thinking of a plan to land and I thought of it I hovered with the help of my semblance got on the ground safely.
Y/n: Alright now I must find a way to get there in the ruins.
After I said that I've seen a boy with blonde hair and a blue sweater.
Y/n: Hey!
Joules: So your my partner I'm Joules
Y/n: hey I'm Y/n you can call me doc.
We then spot a Grimm wolf as Joules rushes over to it and slams his nun Chucks on the wolf and the wolf got Electracuted and then I fire an energy ball and made a hole into it.
Y/n: Good job Joules.
Joules: Thanks doc.
(Ruby's Pov)
I'm trying to find Y/n or yang so we could team up but I ran into someone he had orange hair and a fancy attire.
Burphee: Hey uhhh... Are you okay?
As I then see his weapon IT LOOKS SO COOL!
He was certainly confused at the situation and decided to speak.
Burphee: Since your my partner now let's go find the chess pieces.
As we were running we see find Weiss she said nothing and ran away.
Ruby: Can I hold your sword?
Burphee: No.
(Burphee's Pov)
As we get deeper into the forest I heard grimm and see a girl with white hair and red eyes she was killing grim one by one but she was getting swarmed I had to save her!
Chiller: Damn there's just too much imma have to run away from these thin-
As a Grimm was about to attack her I threw my long sword at it and I killed it she was happy that there was another hunter.
Chiller: thanks for saving my back.
Burphee: No problem but let's get out of here.
Chiller: Ok.
(Ruby Pov)
As I ran toward a herd of grim I slashes one killing it but Weiss almost hit me as she burned a tree.
Weiss: Hey I almost could've killed you, your lucky I didn't.
(Pov Y/n)
Finally we arrived at the ruins and we wasted no time getting pieces.
Joules: they look pretty cute not gonna lie.
(Burphee Pov)
As we were almost there to the ruins we both finally arrive at the ruins as we hear some girl singing.
???: I'm queen of the castle I'm que-
???: Nora!
Yang: did she just-
Just as she was about to finish interrupted by a Grimm that resembled a scorpion as I then take out my sword.
Me: Everybody watch out!
After I said that I waste no time firing fire balls that did damage it as I slash it's claw off.
Ruby: uhh yang.....
As we all look up and see Weiss riding a crow Grimm and screams.
Ruby: I said jump....
Blake: she's gonna fall.
Burphee: Welp she's dead.
As I look at Chiller she seems worried that Weiss was falling as we then see jaune catch Weiss before falling to the ground we then heard a crack as we see Weiss on Jaunes back.
Weiss: Wow my hero.
Jaune: My back.
As we see Phyrra getting thrown to the ground.
Yang: Great the gangs all here welp time to die
Ruby: Not if I can help it!
As we then hear Ruby do a battle cry as Yang told Ruby to stop as I rushed at the Grimm as well I slashed it's tail off and stabbed it in the one of the eyes.
Yang: Ruby!
As we then see a Grimm crow shooting it's feathers at Ruby and chasing her I quicky propelled my self at the crow and cut it's wing off and burning it's feathers.
Burphee: Ruby are you okay!
Yang comes out of nowhere and hugs Ruby tightly.
Yang: I'm Soo happy that your safe!
Burphee: alright guys let me take care of this!
As I finish the rest of the grimm me and chiller get our relics
(Y/n Pov)
As I wait and was beginning to worry about Yang and Ruby I see them arrive.
(Pov Y/n)
Ozpin: I'm proud to announce team RWBY led by Ruby Rose.
As everybody in the room claps for team RWBY I felt happy for my sister.
Ozpin: Alright next team will be BBJC led by Y/n Rose.
As I hear the sound of clapping and looking at my teammates I felt more confident that I will be a strong huntsman.
(Pov ???)
As I saw him my student I felt that he was THE ONE to continue my legacy, I would hold my blade tightly and grin.
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