Boom Boom Love (Part 3)

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*Arrived at KBS building, music bank. Park Jin Young greet with both of you and lead to your seat.

JYP : Thank you for coming. After this show please join us on dinner.

You : thanks but I don't think I can go...

Jiera : Thanks ... I think so.

JYP : But, why?

You : We have some other business to finish. Sorry. Maybe next time.

JYP : If you say so, it's okey... but, make sure next time you can make it.

but, make sure next time you can make it.

You : Okey~ deal.

JYP : Okey, now... just enjoy the show...

Jiera : Sure!

*During the show...Seventeen sang the Boom Boom song. Woozi seem to regonize you, so he decide to ask Park Jin young about the two special guest after the show end.

Woozi : Hmm, Sir. Can I ask you something?

JYP : What is it Jihoon?

Woozi : Can I know who is our special guest for tonight?

JYP : Oh~ I also don't know who they are but they can't join us tonight for dinner. But they come to watch this show. I gave them the VVIP ticket.

Woozi : Are they Korean or from other country?

JYP : I think they are from Malaysia... tonight, the girl with the black dresses was Jiera and the one who wear some kind of simple dresses named ... what is her name again?

Woozi : Malaysia? *Oh no! I think that's her! My Boom Boom*What is her name?

JYP : Hmm... wait a minute! I will checked it later~

Woozi : Can you checked it now? why did they can't join us tonight? Where did you meet them?

JYP : Hey! Relax Jihoon. If you want to know both them ....

Woozi : No No... just one of them..

JYP : Huh? I only have one of them phone number.*check his phone*

Woozi : Hmm, can you give her phone number sir? Please...

JYP : I don't know if I have the right to give her phone number...

Woozi : Ohh~ it'okey sir.*frown*

JYP : Heera! The one who wear the simple dresses was Heera. She was the one who saved me other day!

Woozi : Saved you from what sir?

JYP : Last day, I was get robbed by 3 gangster but luckily Heera and her friend was there to help me. She fight with all the gangster. I'm amazed with her fighting skill.

Woozi : *Ohh, so she must be strong just as I expected*

JYP : If you really want her number, I can give it to you but can you help me to negotiate with her...

Woozi : Negotiate for what?

JYP : for a dinner!*give woozi your phone number*

Woozi : I will try my best sir. *bow 90 degree

*Time skipped,

Jiera : Are you feel regret for not having a dinner ?

You : well, a little bit. I'm still a bit embarrassed for having dinner with kpop artist.

Jiera : Maybe next time! I think he really thankful about last day. You already save his life.

You : Hmm... next time.*your phone ringing as you got the text message*

To : Heera

I guess you already having fun with the VVIP ticket just now, how about having dinner with us for tomorrow? Please I really hope you and your friend can join us. Please our Park Jin Young really want to thank you. Please reply this message as soon as possible. From : Seventeen J

From : Unknown number.

To : Unknown number

I will go to the dinner for tomorrow.

From : You

*You decide to reply the message because you think that Park Jin young really want to thank you. So, you and Jiera will have a dinner for tomorrow night. Woozi tell Park Jin young about the news and he look really happy.

*At Seventeen dorm. Woozi and Hoshi room

Woozi : Hey. Guess what! I already meet with my Boom Boom*excited mood*

Hoshi : It's good. But how did you manage to meet her?

Woozi : She was helping our President and she was our special guest for the dinner.

Hoshi : Daebak! She must really strong...So, we have a dinner *Happy when hear about food*

Woozi : Yep! She also have friend name Jiera.

Hoshi : So, what's your Boom Boom name?

Woozi :*Smile* Her name is Heera ... nice name right! I know...

Hoshi : *Annoying face* Whatever...

*Jiera ask an apologize at you because....

Jiera : I'm Sorry ... but, I guess I'm hungry that's why I reply the text message.

You : Hmm.... What should I do...

Jiera : Anyways. We can saved our money for tomorrow dinner...

You : You're right! I forgive you this time.*Smile

Jiera : Thank you! *smile and hug you

*Time skipped, You wear a simple dress again for tonight and both of you wait for Seventeen member and Park Jin young at Xx restaurant just like what Woozi give you the address. After a few minute who was waiting, Park Jin young and Seventeen member arrived just in time. You greet each other and have a sit. There's a gap between you and Woozi. Woozi just gazed at you a few time without getting caught by other members but Hoshi get caught when he looked at Jiera.

Hoshi :*Oh man~ Boom Boom*

Woozi : *cough x2 while pretending to hit Hoshi*

Hoshi : Yah!

Woozi :*whispered at Hoshi.. I know you're looking at Jiera*Smile

Hoshi : Shut up! * shhh

JYP : Thank you very much because both of you come.

Jiera : You're welcome*smile

You : *Smile* anyways we are free today.

JYP : Thanks godness~*Smile

S.coup : Where are you from?

You : We are from Malaysia...

Jiera : Yes ! We also go to your concert !! *Excited mood*

S.coup : Really? So, you must be there at the Stadium.

Jiera : Of course! We also arrived early...*smile*

You :*still eating and doesn't hear what Jiera said*

S.coup : You must be our fans. What is your name?

Jiera : My name is Jiera and she is Heera... she kind of strong ...hehehhe

S.coup : really. I think I was saw you when our concert be held at the stadium...

Jiera : Really! Hahhaha...*Smile* at that time Heera doesn't realize that her cloth was kind of messy. I don't know what did she do before the concert...

You :*Cough* Yah! You said earlier that you don't want to tell the stories...*Red face*

S.coup : Don't worry, you would still look pretty even you're messy at that time*Smile

Jiera : Hahahhaha...I'm always feel envy with her~ whatever she wear, she will always look cute and pretty...

S.coup : Hahahahhaha... you're funny Jiera~

Jiera : I'm used to be a comedian but refuse because of my study plan

S.coup : REALLY?

Jiera : Just kidding~*smile

You : Don't believe anything what she said*point at Jiera* She was talking nonsense sometimes...Hahahha

Jiera : Well, sometimes...

S.coup : Hahhahhaa

*Time Skipped

Hoshi : Yah! Did you see how S.coup hyung try to get close with Jiera?

Woozi : Yeah~ I see that. Hyung have sense of humor. Are you jealous?

Hoshi : Well. So what?

Woozi : We 're on the same boat. Why not we just tell hyung the truth?

Hoshi : Good idea! Let's tell him tomorrow~

*At the same time... your house.

Jiera : Woah~ it's good for having dinner with kpop idol. S.coup have the sense of humor. He know how to get along with us.

You : I think so. But, when to think about it...

Jiera : What ?

You : I think I already meet with Woozi before this...*think hard*

Jiera : Are you kidding me? When?

You : I don't remember it well but... I have to make sure something. Did Seventeen sing Boom Boom song when they was in Malaysia?

Jiera : Yup. It was their new song ! why?

You : Did you remember about the guy who help me at the park?

Jiera : OHhh~ the one who wear the mask and ask the direction...

You : yeah~ I think it's him.

Jiera : Are you sure?

You : Not yet. But who is in seventeen know material arts or who know taekwondo?

Jiera : From what I know. There was one. His name is Hoshi and not Woozi. I guess you're a bit confuse since their name are same.

You : Maybe ... I guess I should personally thank him...

Jiera : Hey, just give him a text message or treat him a cup of coffee .

You : I don't have their number...

Jiera : The number I used before was one of them. Just try it.

You : Oh.. sure!

To : Seventeen member

Hey, I'm Heera. I know this kind of late but I really want to thank at Hoshi because help me. I only remember it after the dinner . At first, I thought it was Woozi who help me but after that, my friend told me the one who know taekwondo was Hoshi. Can I meet you at the Xx café. My treat because you already help me. Sorry because I didn't regonize you before..

From : Heera.

*After tell S.coup the truth, S.coup just laugh and tease Hoshi and Woozi more.

S.coup : Really? Hahahahaa later I will go out with Heera and Jiera...

Woozi : Hyung~

S.coup : Relax ...hahahhaha I'm just kidding.ahhahaha

Hoshi : Aishh hyung....

*They enter their room with relief when know about s.coup. Woozi feel excited when get the text message from you but after he read it he doesn't look happy.

Woozi : *Woahh~ she give me a text message*Smile in excited mood then fade..

Hoshi : What's wrong? You look happy just now but you're frowning now?

Woozi : Read this! *Show Hoshi the text message*

Hoshi : *Gasp~

Woozi : I guess she never know me...

Hoshi : But, I think she just follow her friend request. How about you tell her the truth?

Woozi : Can I?

Hoshi : Of course! Just sent her the text message!

To : Heera

Actually, it was not Hoshi who help you . it was me, Woozi. If you don't trust me. I will meet with you later and tell you everything. I know what happen that day and I was the one who wear the mask and ask you the direction. Don't forget to save this number. This is my number Woozi not Hoshi.

From : Woozi

*After you read the text message. You know you was right to guess about the person but Jiera keep telling you that it was Hoshi. So, you decide to meet with Woozi the next day.

*The next day. At Xx Café

*Woozi meet with you. You treat him a cup of Americano. Woozi tell you every single thing that happen on that day. From first until the end. You were shock when he say that he was look at you at the park and you also know the meaning of Boom Boom. You have one weird feeling and ask him a question.

Woozi : Tell the story*

You : Ohh... but one thing, Why didn't you say anything about me that day?

Woozi : About what?

You : Hmm, You know that... why didn't you tell me that I was messy?

Woozi : Even you were messy that time, but not for me. You look so cute even you're messy Boom Boom.*Smile

You : Are you trying to comfort my feeling about my messy fashion? *Sulking*

Woozi : I'm NOT! I'm really say the truth. You 're my Boom Boom. You know the meaning right?

You : Well, Thanks*Smile and blush* Boom Boom?

Woozi : You're like Boom Boom~ Make me to fall in love with you Boom Boom~

You : Hey! There a lot of people here*whispering *

Woozi : *Smile* I never approach to someone before this and... I also never have the experience with love. I never dated before. You're my first... would you mine be my first ever girlfriend?

You :*Shock with the confession* Really?

Woozi : Yes. If you don't trust me. Just call Hoshi and ask him. he also just same with me. Have never experience in love before until I meet with you at the park.

You : maybe I should know more about you first before I want be your girlfriend...

Woozi : You can know me more after you become my girlfriend...*pleaded*

You : Well, sure. I can try it.*Suddenly feel hungry* Err, do you like Jjajangmyeon & spicy Ramyun Noodles mix together?

Woozi : That's my favourite food!! How do you know?

You : Really? I also love that food. I thought we have the same taste..*Smile

Woozi : I think so.*Smile* Thank you because you accept me as your boyfriend for now...

You : For now? what do you mean? Are you playing with me right now?

Woozi : Yeah... just for now but later I will make you be my queen *Smile...

You : Hmmm*Blush with Woozi word* Woah~ you're such a sweet talker. Are you sure that you never dated before?

Woozi : I never dated before! I also don't have many friends of girl.

You : ouhh~ are you sure.?

Woozi : YES! You're the first ... Saranghae~ Heera.

You :*blush* and you're the last... Saranghae Woozi.

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