One Love (By: Dreams_R_Us)

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Your book is stunningly amazing! The way it captures a reader and how the readers can make a visualization on it is just amazing. You are totally a great writer. Keep doing what you do and maybe in time this fanfiction of yours will be a hit! If I were to suggest some things you can improve on your stories, I think it would be: I think your covers need a bit more oomf! Don't take this as a I-hate-you-your-books-are-awful comment. I'm just trying to help boo! I know that we can all use some little advice, like what you did to me when I asked you to review one of my books recently and it really helped, thanks.

Also, If you want I can help you make covers for your books that would totally catch a reader's eye the moment they log into Wattpad and see that beautiful cover of yours! So I guess that's it really. Overall though I think you are just amazing! I love you! :3

 Stay Weird, Stay Crazy, Stay YOU! \(^.^)/

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