Investigation (By: unicornharry)

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Type of Review: Harsh

Ok, tbh. I can't be harsh. Because Investigation is great. I have a thing for case themed stories or shows like CSI and idk it gets me. I just love Harry's role on this, he's the guy every girl would want. If I could suggest anything then I guess it's to just make the chapters a bit longer. But up to you.


[x] 90 - 100

[ ] 75 - 89

[ ] 74 below.

Rating this a 97% just cuz.



It's about a girl who finds a boy aka Harry in an alley when she moved to a new place, and Harry then accuses her of following him and stuff so he gets curious as to why Harry didn't want anyone to know what he was doing in that alley. Anyways, later on she finds out some stuff about him and she can relate to him in lots of ways and she wants to help him regain his happiness.

Reads: 744

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