Everything Has Changed (By: pringlejingle)

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Type of Review: Harsh

The book is very defined, very detailed. I can see your usage for deep words. I got kinda bored at some parts, But! it was greatly written. The cover I'm not too much in favor of.

Rate: 80%


Summary: Eva Hale or as he's known by her friends, Evie, is a strong and confident person. She's sarcastic, stubborn and strong headed. She would much rather do something herself and struggle then ask for help. Everyone that meets her like her, she's not someoneĀ  many people can truly say they hate. And anyone who does hate her knows not to challenge her; she will crush you in the end.

One dreadful and horrific day during school she was called down to the office and told then by two police officers that her parents had been killed in a car accident and that she would therefore be legal guardian to her three younger siblings. How does she cope? Thanks to her three best friends, Luke, Nicole and Macy she manages to get through and stay strong.

Reads: 70

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