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Mythology: Greek

Arion or Areion is a divinely-bred, extremely swift immortal horse which  was endowed with speech.

Arion's siring by Poseidon in stallion form vary by author: according to the Pseudo-Apollodorus, the horse was foaled by Demeter while she was "in the likeness of a Fury"; Pausanias reported that, according to Antimachus, the horse was the foal of Gaia, the Earth, herself. In the Epic Cycle Arion was mounted most notably by Adrastus, king of Argos.

 This creature who has wings and wears the feathers of his mother. Arion is known for his unhealthy obbession with saphires. This creature is known to travel alone but will go near a herd looking for a mate or a play mate. He has a mild temper and will flee at any sign of threat. Another trait he gained from his mother is a single long braid. And there is a tattoo that will appear on his left hip when he grows into adult.

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