Mythology: Middle Eastern
Gigantic Demons that prey on people especially children from Islamic belief.
When child is born if that child has wealthy future and evil character an Afrit spirit comes and takes the place where the child's soul should be. They have a human form with goat’s legs and horns on their heads. They are found in deserts or in shallow rivers and pools that would ambush it victims when least expected.
A story tells of King Solomon who subdued an Afrit with magical powers and ordered the Afrit to help him find Shamir. They are one of the classes of Djinns and the highest class too. In early folklore it was believed that the Afrit spirit was created by the formation of the blood spilt by a murder victim. To prevent one from being created it was advised to drive a special nail into the blood. They are said that the Demons could appear in the form of an astray dog and that they had the power to turn humans into animals.
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