Chapter 4: Throat Demon

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Gripping behind my thigh she stabilizes me before pushing me back up against the wall making sure not to allow me to move again. Once I'm flat I feel her mouth move down my shaft with a slight wiggle of her lips in between every few inches as she adjusts her mouth to the size. Over halfway now , I hear a gag but she edges on even more sticking her tongue out even further to allow more of it to go in.

Pleased with the feeling I close my eyes and lean my head back taking in every bit of the feeling of what feels like a pussy around my dick. Not being able to enjoy it for long though as I begin to feel a smacking on my legs causing me to open my eyes just in time to see her yanking her throat off of my dick and a glob of spit falls from her lips making my insides twitch from what I view as a pleasurable sight.

"What's wrong.?" I asked , not really concerned with her well being but instead upset that my dick is going from a pleasurable warmth to a cold breeze under this shower head with the occasional drop of water here and there. Watching her still gasp for air I look into her eyes and give a genuine smile furthermore expressing the excitement that I have within myself. "Take it as slow as you need too. I have more than enough time to utilize you to the best of my abilities, to the best of my fantasies. Understand.?"

Eyes wide but filled with reassurance she nods her head.

"Use your words."

"Yes **gasp** sir" she says thru slightly labored breathing.

"Good girl , now try again. This time take your time. You got it that far in a rush let's see how far you get when you make adjustments. Take that glove off and use both of your hands this time. Control it , don't let it control you because I'm in your hands....literally." snatching the glove off she tosses it to her side and snatches my dick up aggressively. "Easy, easy"

"Yes Sir" I immediately feel the tension slightly release from her grip which leaves my dick throbbing and jumping. Trying again she grasps it with less pressure this time, mimicking what I view as a gentle grip. Beginning to pull me off of the wall she opens her mouth leaving her tongue in this time and takes my tip in while leaning forward but using her other hand to push me back towards and up against the wall. Once I'm there she moves the hand to my shaft and pulls back but snatching her lips forward in the same instance. Forcing a sucking motion onto my blood swollen tip.

Looking down I groan a little making it jump but I'm quickly met by the strong grip of her cheeks as she pulls more of me inside of what I've labeled as her mouth pussy. With her mouth now outstretched I ease in a little trying to get warmth around at least half of my shaft. Adjusting she gapes her mouth open on the sides slipping the tongue under it to keep it level until I reach my point. Stopping I let my dick sit still for a few seconds so I could feel the spit from the roof of her mouth roll down the sides and over my veins.

Collecting myself I put a thumbs up and she nods with my dick still in her mouth causing the motions to imitate me fucking her mouth as my tip goes back and forth, up and down in the back of her throat. Taking a deep breath thru her nose I feel her throat open up and her grip the rest of my dick with the 2-finger combo of her thumb and pointer finger on both hands before pulling me in even further. Whilst furthering the extent of control she has over me inch by inch. Getting deeper she moves one of her hands to my stomach and edges deeper.

"Remember slow BabyGirl , get as much of it in as you can you don't have to take the whole thing......yet anyway" saying that I feel her throat tighten and she starts to jack the 2 or 3 inches she has left out. Locking eyes, I grab my balls to intensify the pleasure but only for a brief second due to her smacking my hand out of the way and replacing mine with hers, which is seemingly warmer than mine. Without instruction she pulls her mouth off of it and grips it tighter shocking me before she brings it across her face making me jump onto the tips of my toes. Causing the deepest moan of the night so far to leave my lips without any mental consent on my end.

Noticing that I like it she does it again on the other side of her face this time harder making my hand automatically snap to her head gripping her hair. Trying to focus on slowing down my breathing and listening to the seductive laugh escaping her lips I feel a chill go down my pelvis down into her hand it feels like. Looking down I take in every aspect of her looks from the devilish smile to the laugh, to the glistening of her cheeks, that are now slightly red, but covered in what I'm guessing is the spit from my dick. Feeling her lunge forward I release my grip and watch her attack my dick with her mouth again. This time engulfing half of it immediately and moaning in the process causing moaning on my end physically expressing signs of pleasure. Feeling her start to sway back and forth while taking in more and more I get lost in my mind again with my eyes closed and head tilted back listening to the sweet sounds of spit building up with every stroke of her mouth.

"Yeaaaaa just like that. I want to feel it hit the back of your neck with every stroke." listening she takes it in a little further, slowly working her way towards the goal I set.

This is going to be a good ass night if she listens and adjusts like this to everything I ask of her. Her mouth feels so good that its tuning everything out except my breathing and the sounds of her and her actions.

Her cheeks got redder; I wonder if that hurt her when she smacked my dick across her face. Then again pain is probably pleasure to her, either way do I care? That shit felt good no matter which explanation I tell myself; I hope she does it again though there's just something so aesthetically pleasing about how solid my shaft feels against her smooth skin down to the thud that echos thru these tight walls when she does it.

***clenching the wall***

Oh shit she's hitting it, she's not even being gentle about it just mushing my tip against her throat. Damn she's really determined to make me fuck her like the slut she is no easing into it or anything. Open your eyes and look at her , look at her take it like you ordered her too.

Opening my eyes I'm met by her eyes still looking up at me this time with tears forming up in the corner of hers from what I'm pressuming to be lack of breathing. Grabbing her head I try to move her off of it to give her air but she shakes my hand free and shoves it deeper causing my dick to scrunch up into her throat making my clench a fist and slam it against the wall from the sheer feeling of my dick trying to extend but it can't, sending painful but pleasurable responses thru my body. Seemingly mad that I tried to stop her she speeds up , really ramming my dick into her mouth as if she has a point to prove and my dick is the tool she's going to use to prove it on.

"Whoa, take it easy we're just getting started remember " I say, fists still clenched against the porcelain. Pulling the dick out of her mouth she grabs it and begins bouncing it off of her cheek while looking up at me with spit rolling off of her lips.

"You said you were in my control did you not.?" She asks just as she switches up to stroking my dick up against her lips. Getting heated but aroused I nod my head up and down. In reaction to me nodding she stops her movements and looks even deeper into my eyes with hers now wide. "Remember what you told me.....use your words!!"

"Yes "

"Yes.? " she says squeezing my dick a little harder than she's already grabbing it.

"Yes, I'm in your control." I say looking upon her with eyes that could pierce thru ice as she smiles back with soft eyes to try and portray innocence like she didn't just scold me with her words.

"I've always wanted to do that " she says while going back to stroking my dick on her lips.

"Do wh-" I try to say but get interrupted by her slipping my tip between her lips yet again.

Ouuu I can't wait to get my hands on this motherfucker. Why didn't you take control then.? Because I'm enjoying what she's doing is that a problem with you.?

Hahaha, no problems on my end. Guess that submissive mindset still lingers around in your head I see.

Why am I even talking to myself at a time like this enjoy the moment and be quiet.

Closing her eyes I listen to her moan as she let's her mouth glide down my dick, taking it in with ease this time. Showing me she's adjusted and is comfortable with taking it in now. Hand still at the bottom of my shaft she pulls it towards her the moment she begins pulling her head back making that one full stroke. Doing it again she makes it two
Not realizing my eyes were now closed I open them and look down at her to see she's massaging her breast with her other hand as she does this making my dick, yet again, jump in her throat. Moaning she engulfs it again. Seven, I murmur out loud by mistake. Realizing what I'm doing she drops her breast and moves her hand up to my shaft, now gripping it with two hands pulling every number out of me with every stroke.

"Thirteen, fourteen, fift- don't stop, sixteen, seventeen."

Is she going to keep going until I cum? Are you going to let her is the real question. Yes, No, hell I don't know. Fuck her or fill her mouth up are the only options. I think there's more options.

***twenty-three, twenty-four****

Just look at her, do you think filling her mouth up is the only option with a face as pretty as hers. You have so many possibilities and here you are trying to treat her like a lady. Would she be here , doing what she's to you, if she wanted to be treated like a lady?


Okay then what are our options?

Fuck her until I cum..... fuck her until she collapses due to weak knees caused by penetration......

Keep going.

Let her keep doing this until you're close to cumming then cum on her pretty ass face......let her keep going and when you're close you pull it out and cum on her lips so it drops down from her lips to her chest....fuck her then pull out and cum on on her ass and watch the water wash it away.


****twenty-nine, thirty , thirty-one***

Fuck her and fill her pussy up until it's dripping with your cum.

Now her up and make a choice she's getting close to that cumming point you can't turn back from.

Fill her pussy up...

***slurp, gughh ,slurp*** is all I hear when looking down at my saliva coated dick. Stopping my count, she still continues finally engulfing the whole thing and shaking her head at the base to give it such a sensual feeling. Ready to execute my plan I grab her hair in preparation to pull her off. Beginning to remove her I lift and pull trying to get the least painful angle I possibly could before starting to pull back. Not noticing what I'm doing the distance she has to travel increases causing stimulation all along the shaft really pinpointing the veins as she bobs back and forth slowing down my hand movement.

Getting to a point of tension she feels her head tighten on the tip, barely allowing it to protrude inside of her lips. Looking up with pleading eyes I hear a faint whimper of desire leave her lips as if she were begging me to allow her to finish. Smiling I watch her drop one hand and slip my tip out of her lips before stroking it with the one hand she still has on it.

"Can I use your cum as my lip gloss.?" she pleads expelling hot breath on my tip sending strings of pleasure down from tip to base. ".....please"

Everything we just discussed went out of the window. Damn why the fuck does she have to be so pretty.

Bro you were right she wants to be slutted out. She wants to be fully introduced into the lifestyle.

Isn't that what you got the toys for anyway. You didn't get those as novelties, did you?

No but I didn't expect to skip all of these levels right away. I wanted to ease her into it.

Well, it's clear that she's past that level and past those steps. Do what you do best and do everything you dream about doing in the process. Flip the switch and please yourself by pleasing her and her body to the max. Be you...

"Come here " I say dropping her hair and turning my hands downward wrapping my thumbs behind her ears to the best of my abilities imitating a grip onto her hips but slightly failing with how small her head is. Knowing what I'm doing she slips my dick back in between her lips slipping it in far enough for the head to open up and hit the roof of her mouth before releasing her hand and placing her hands behind her back signifying that I'm in control. Taking the lead, I hold her head still while slowly starting to roll my hips forward into her mouth pussy that she's seemingly tightened even tighter than before when she was in control.

"Thats's right pull that cum to the tip." I order still slow stroking her mouth. Extending my stroke so that my ass barely touches the wall but the tip barely leaves her lips. Satisfied with the distance I go back in picking up the pace and making sure to get the whole thing in on every stroke disregarding her need for air. "Yesssss, your mouth feels so damn good. Eat this dick up until I'm satisfied. Isn't this what you wanted.?"

Trying to nod her head I hear gagging and snatch my dick from in between her lips which attached a trail of spit to the tip causing my dick to begin throbbing with excitement. Looking down I see her gasping for air twirling her tongue in the spit but not breaking eye contact with my dick. Finally catching her breath she curls up her lips and spits the excess saliva onto the tip before sticking her tongue back out with spit connecting from the roof of her mouth to what looks like the back of her throat. Adhering to her prominent request I shove it back in hitting her tongue on the way in, which instantly provides pushback so I do a half stroke and pull out then push it back in this time being met with the back of her throat. Getting lost in the actions I fall into my stroke pattern and begin closing my eyes to heighten my sense of touch yet again.

"Fuck I'm close!" I moan out into the air opening my eyes to the sight of this beautiful woman waist level, deep throating my entire being with this mouth pussy of hers. Signaling that she knows what to do she raises her hands to the sides of my shaft as if she's waiting to snatch it up.

That was fast. Good thing we can go ahead and get the first one out of the way.

Not under my own circumstances though.

Fuck your personal circumstances right now, paint her lips white.

Going in again I begin to count feeling the cum start to creep up further and further to the tip.

" Ten.....Nine.....Eight..." edging me on she counts with her fingers, looking up at me but not letting it slip out of her throat but causing a wet splash sound whenever I hit the back.

Hold it, hold it......make it to ten my guy you got this.

"Seven....Six...Five....Four...." starting to shake I grip her head tighter trying to hold back the now inevitable orgasm that comes with the pleasure fucking her mouth. "!!!"

With perfect timing I release her head and grip the wall, holding onto it as if it were falling down. All while watching her snatch her head back and grab up my dick jacking it so that the cum begins to spurt out of the slit in the tip. As promised, she takes its and begins lathering her lips with it rubbing the tip of my dick across her top lip as if its lip gloss followed by doing the same with the bottom lip. Lips fully coated the excess cum begins falling onto her chest rolling down her smooth wet body. Realizing that its falling and making my dick twitch in her hands she lifts up her head and jacks the rest onto her breasts placing droplets everywhere.

Unknowingly she continues jacking it giving me the strength to stand up against this shower wall. Finally pumping the last bit out she slows down the stroking and begins taking the tip and tracing it in the droplets making me grip the wall harder than I already was. Still in a trance she licks her upper lip gathering some cum before slipping it back inside her mouth.

"Mmphm , that's good. " she says still collecting droplets off of her chest. "And this.... this dick is so fucking beautiful. From the sheen, to the veins, to the size perfect. "

She murmurs before slipping her mouth back around my shaft making sure not to graze the tip so every drop of cum enters her mouth before she clamps down.

"Oh shit" I say melting into the wall falling to her control yet again. "We're not doing this again"

Grabbing her head I begin turning our bodies making sure to hold my dick at the back of her throat. Finally getting us in switched places I push her back against the wall and line her head up with it before releasing her from my grasp.

"Don't move." I demand before I begin stroking her mouth again this time being met without resistance of any kind. No bobbing back and forth , no tongue , no anything. Just straight throat with consistent penetration and spit rolling out the bottom of her mouth.

Bro if you're going to be doing all of this you might aa well fuck her.

But look at her she's enjoying this, she's grinding into her fingers right now. 2 fingers deep!

That's a sign she needs a dick inside of her so stop all of this playing around and give her her what she wants or...... let me take control and I'll show you what to do with her. Actually why am I talking this over I got it from here...

Chills go thru my body as a million images flood my mind and take over
my eyesight vividly painting pictures of the limitless possibilities that can take place over the next few hours , playing all of my fantasies as if they were a movie. Closing my eyes I take in everything and admire the thoughts as they go by one by one and the variables that change with them.

I'm snapped out of my trance by the feeling of her gripping my forearm so I open my eyes to see my hand wrapped around her neck with her now standing and her head thrown back. Looking over her body I admire the mess we've made cum rolling off the side of her lips and droplets still coating her breasts and nipples.

"I'm...... how do you feel.???"

"Ughmmm" she says licking her lips. Satisfied with her answer I step back and pull her into the shower stream turning her in the process so the water hits the front of her body.

"Clean yourself up and meet me in the bedroom when you're done..... I'm not done with you yet. " I order releasing my grip and noticing how red her neck is from my handprint.

"Yes Sir, I'll be there as soon as I can. "

"Take your time and recover, you'll wish you had if you don't. " stepping out of the shower I sink into the shower mat as I reach over towards the towel rack feeling over the towels to make sure they're the right texture before finally snatching one up and beginning to pat my body dry starting with me head.

See how she submits when I take control. Didn't it feel good having her body pulsating under your grip.... chase that feeling and you'll never disappoint and

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