03-Advanced Stage of Liking-the-Handsome Syndrome

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"Near the school, I was assassinated."

Qiao Qing replied briefly, disinfecting, anaesthetizing, taking bullets, applying medicine, and bandaging, all in one go.

He Wanqing heard what Qiao Qing said, thinking that it's no wonder that she didn't go to the hospital, but there was a faint worry, "Will putting him at home cause any trouble?"

Qiao Qing  hand's that was tying up the bandage froze a bit, then, she tied a knot. With a conclusion, "Don't worry, I have my own measures." He Wanqing was inexplicably convinced by Qiao Qing's words, and felt a little more at ease.

She looked at Jun Yexuan's blood-stained face, and her eyes suddenly lit up, "This young man is too handsome, and how can anyone have a cruel heart enough to do this!"

Qiao Qing sighed again, knowing that He Wanqing was helplessly into good looks.There is no cure in the late stage of prosecution, and she don't want to argue with her mom that there were no link between good looks and people showing mercy.

She washed the handles and was about to leave the room when she was pulled by He Wanqing, "Baby, you aren't staying here to take care of him? I don't know anything about medicine, what if something happens to him at night?"

Qiao Qing frowned a little, she said helplessly "Mom, he won't die. What's more, it's not appropriate for a man and a woman to be together at night, right?"

After speaking, she drew her arm and returned to her room.

He Wanqing thinks about it and realized that it was true, after all, her daughter still has a fiance.

After yawning, He Wanqing was about to go back to sleep. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Liu Ping who was standing on the side for god know how long it is.

He Wanqing shuddered, "Aunt Liu, why are you here? You're frighten me!"

Liu Ping retracted her prying eyes and smiled apologetically: "I just came up to see if there is anything I can do for help. Madam, are you okay?"

He Wanqing patted her own chest and waved around her hand, "It's okay, there is nothing to help here, you can't help anyway, go back to sleep."

"Yes, ma'am." Liu Ping lowered her head, her eyes flickered.

In the middle of the night.

When almost everyone in the villa fell asleep, Liu Ping went to an open-air balcony and made a call.

After the call was connected, she respectfully called the second lady.

Qiao Nian's voice came from the other side of the line, "What's the matter?"

Liu Ping spoke, "The eldest lady brought back a wounded man when she came home tonight."

Qiao Nian's voice suddenly changed, full of excitement. "What man? Did he end up staying?"

Liu Ping said "This man doesn't look familiar, not like a rich kid from City of Brisk. He looks particularly marked, like a fairy, but he ended up stayed, and currently passed out from his injuries."

Qiao Nian giggled happily, "Alright, it seems that my sister can't bear to be lonely anymore. Keep an eye on them. Even if the man wakes up, don't let him leave, got it?"

Liu Ping responded flatteringly "Don't worry, young miss." After hanging up the phone, Liu Ping let out a scream as soon as she turned around.

The phone fell to the ground with a "bang", however she did not pick it up immediately. Instead looked at Qiao Qing in shock.

"Miss, when did you come here? You didn't say anything, it scared me to death."

"Just arrived, what did Aunt Liu to be so scared of?"

Qiao Qing said, bending over and picking up the mobile phone. She blew on it to get rid of the dust and handed it to Liu Ping, with a faint fake smile "Am I that terrifying? Hmm?"

Liu Ping was horrified by Qiao Qing gaze and she avoided her sight with some guilty conscience.

"Eldest miss you are joking with me. I just made a call with my kids at home. I didn't expect you to stand behind. Besides, haven't you heard that if someone really wants to, they can scare someone to death?" As she said, she went ahead to take back her mobile phone.

However, as she tried to pull the phone towards her, she failed.

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