I know. I know it's wrong. I know it's a bad decision. But how much longer am I supposed to suppress these feelings?
This rage, it fuels me. When Master and I are alone together, I value our time like there won't be a tomorrow. I cherish Master always because there's never a shortage of space in my heart.
But... the rage I feel. The emotion that paints my vision red. It makes me curl my paws and clench my teeth and through it all, my heart pounds against my ribs. I imagine I'm biting into her raw neck, crushing her life.
"Don't run, coward!" is the last thing I hear from Master before I am all alone with this other human. Her eyes sparkle every time she looks at Master, my Master, and it looks as if she'll fall into a kiss.
Bella. That's her name. I look calmly over to her, still standing here in the school. With every second that passes, all the other strangers file out of the building. Bella is laughing, a joyous laugh brought on by Master and Ian's little scene. I would be laughing too, if it weren't for how she once stared at Master. How she took Master from me and danced her heart away.
"Don't go too far, guys!" Bella yells out as Ian and Master disappear past the door. She starts to follow the two of them but, acknowledging the newfound absence of bystanders and witnesses, I take Bella by her wrist. A firm grasp.
She stops and looks at me. Such a confused expression upon her face.
"Lopunny? Hey, that kind of hurts..."
I know. I know it does. I know it's wrong to hurt her now. Hurting her would prove Master's parents right. How they believe us wild creatures are dangerous killers, lusting for death.
"Let go," Bella says, trying to pull away from me but I don't let her go. I grasp her fragile arm harder, a grip that almost convinces me I'll soon break skin and my fingers will run over her raw flesh. I'll dig so deep for so long that my hands will be painted red.
Bella is trying harder now. How cute. How predictable. This is what she gets for being so close to my Master.
"What's your problem?" she hisses and grabs my arm with her other hand. "You've been weird all night. I don't know what I did to you in the hour I've known you but at this point, I could care less. Get off."
Oh? I feel my fingers turn warm. They're slick with some kind of liquid.
Bella notices her wrist beginning to bleed. "Get off!"
She's fighting now, punching at my arm but it's no use. I feel nothing but more rage. The adrenaline of finally being able to horrify a filthy human pumps through me. I feel so alive.
"Get off!"she shouts one more time and rips away from me with such burning desperation. She's free, but at what cost? Her arm is all torn up. Her last little yank allowed me to tear clear through her flesh. Four long gashes line her wrist, connecting directly to the palm of her hand.
Slowly she turns and faces me, tears in her eyes. "You're a monster..."
I can't help but smile. The fear in her voice is enough to bring me pure bliss. That's what she gets.
She starts to sob, holding her bloodied arm. "Monster" is all she whispers before sprinting away.
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