Part III - Evolution

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Weeks pass and it's been nothing but a grind. A test of dedication, of determination, of endurance for you and your partner.

You've been trying to find ways to evolve Buneary without battling. No effort proves valuable, however; you always come up short with makeshift methods. Deep down you don't want to make her fight. She's been through enough.

You don't know of her parents. Don't know why she was alone in the forest. Your best guess, although upsetting, is that her parents were killed off first by the Mightyena pack, and she was left to fend for herself. If you had not been wandering the woods that day, Buneary would not be with you or anyone right now.

You look over at the little bunny. She's rather accustomed to your bedroom now, comfortable within the boundaries of her trainer's home. Buneary swipes her paws at cute little dolls you purchased for her, smiling bright all the while.

"Having fun?" you say, looking back at the journal in your hands. Buneary makes a noise that could only have been glee.

"Good," you respond as a smile cracks on your face. Your partner travels the room to hop up onto your bed, sitting next to you. She leans into your side as if basking in your warmth, clinging to you the same way she had been for weeks.

She is precious. To think not too long ago she had to fear for her life. Now she's happier than ever.

You set your journal down to your right and focus on Buneary. She's only a sweet little muffin, glued to your side. At any moment she might even fall asleep.

You twist and pick her up, your hands securely under her small arms. The look on her face spells out red; flustered but not complaining.

"Look at you," you start to say, "so warm and fluffy. You're not dangerous." Buneary makes another noise, causing your heart to squeal with cute aggression.

You raise her to your face and kiss her forehead, the feeling of fur brushing across your lips sending a fuzzy sensation through you. Buneary turns an even darker red, yet her smile never falters. Her love for you really is unchanging. She trusts you fully.

"How about we get something to eat? There's that café over in the next town."

Buneary responds with a quick nod. "Bun—"

She's cut off abruptly. Finally her smile falls, her eyes darting downward as though she's trying to look at herself. You want to ask what's wrong with her, but then she squirms a little in your hands and you decide on simply setting her down.

The next thing that happens—you never would have expected. A faint blue glow fills the room, enveloping Buneary like some blanket of electricity. As the glow livens up, burning brighter, you see Buneary start to change form.

Your eyes glimmer in awe. Your heart skips a few beats.

"You're evolving," you whisper, your mouth ajar.

Buneary goes from being your small friend to your noticeably tall partner. Her ears grow and hang behind her head, her wrists don a ring of fluff, much longer than before.

You blink, and then the blue glow is gone. At first you don't recognize her, not even through staring into her now-pink irises. But as soon as she takes you into her warm arms, wrapping you in a hug, you know just who this is.

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