Part I - Up In Arms

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Right before your eyes, the Pokémon that did not belong to you was crying for help. Body unmoving, tears dampening its cheeks. The assailants closed in on their prey.

You had to stop and say to yourself: this is its last day to live.

You'd always dreamt of having a Pokémon of your own. Not to treat it as a tool or a weapon, but to care for it, to let it live alongside you until your time in life was up.

Your parents argued against the idea, however. To them, Pokémon were dangerous, wild monsters who lived to fight and fought to live. They were supposedly empty shells lacking emotion and reason. They all meant trouble and were only out for blood.

To you, on the other hand, Pokémon were majestic creatures who had just about the same amount of emotion and feeling as you. If their instinct was to fight, so be it. Let them fight. If they wanted only a peaceful life, you would give it to them.

Many of your friends advised you to disregard your parents and visit Professor Sycamore regardless of the consequences. He'll understand. He'll give you a Pokémon.

You weren't dumb. Neither was he. Sycamore would dial up your parents without a second thought. He wouldn't just lend some random teenager a Pokémon and send them on their merry way.

Still, getting a Pokémon was something you had your mind set on. There had to be a way.

But you never expected that method of receiving a partner would unfold in the most horrifying way possible.

Two mighty hounds donning long black manes and sharp sets of teeth flashed their blood-red eyes as they circled their target: a small, hopeless Buneary. Any moment now, they would pounce, and a life would be lost.

You stayed hidden behind the tree, your only hope of staying out of sight, with the darkness of the forest only creating more stress for you. Barely anything was visible outside of the single beam of sun filtering in through the treetop canopy. It was the reason you got a glimpse of the Mightyenas and their soon-to-be snack.

What do I do? If I rush them, how can I be sure they'll run? They'll just kill me and that Buneary.

A thousand stinging thoughts swam through your head, growing more and more intense with each thump of your heart. At this point your ribs were being jabbed at by that muscle — you were certain it would jump from your chest any minute now.

The canines were getting closer; you could feel it. So you peeked around the tree to find the three of them playing with their food. They poked at the Buneary, nibbled on its delicate ears, smelled its scent as if preparing for the taste of their full meal.

I have to save it. I can save it. I can't let it die. That's what mom and dad would want. Laws of nature.

A faint cry fills the air — a cry coming from someone who is hanging onto their final moments of life. "Bun..."

That's what sets you off. In an instant, with your heart still pounding against your ribcage, you bolt out from behind the tree and yell nonsense at the top of your lungs.

The pack of Mightyenas flinch at the noise, turning to face you in unison. The three of them lock eyes with you, starting to growl and bar their teeth, but that doesn't stop you.

Instead of creating a scare tactic, you decide on an escape plan. All you need is speed.

You dive in front of the canines, swooping your hands in low enough to snatch the wounded bunny away from them. As soon as you have it in your arms, you sprint for your life. You run like a jolt of lightning, weaving through the trees and low-hanging branches, a cacophony of barking and snarling flooding your ears from behind.

A few times you almost trip. You stumble here and there, finding it much harder to focus on escaping when there's the sound of death right at your back. But your mind is still set on saving the Buneary — it's what you're going to do. No matter what.

Soon you break out of the dark woods, leaving behind the sound of angry hyenas. A clouded sun greets you, offering you complete sight of your surroundings.

You've never been happier to see your house in the distance.

And you've never been happier to see the Buneary in your arms no longer crying.

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