[ Gore warning. Proceed to the final chapter with caution. ]
"My sister is dead."
Lopunny strikes one of the hyenas with an arcing kick of steel. A booming crack fills the air, the sound of the Pokémon's skull being broken from below. It yelps in pain, whimpering and bounding away. Lopunny doesn't stop there; the other hyenas within the pack surround her and first begin ripping at the flesh on her legs, but she is not deterred. She kicks them off with hard, frantic whisks of her leg. Some of them go flying, others remain tugging on her leg, tearing the flesh from her calf.
"They found her blood in the school hallway. And they followed a trail of it to one of the restrooms."
Lopunny growls like a wild animal, twirling around and striking the hyenas at her legs with her fist. It's ineffective at first; the hyenas persist. One more from the pack recovers from being kicked off and jumps forward, darting through the air toward Lopunny's face.
She reacts quickly, swiping away the animal with the back of her hand.
"She was sitting in a stall. Her head was..."
Lopunny kicks again. The hyenas' teeth are too deep in her legs at this point. The more she moves, the weaker she becomes at an alarming rate. The fight is a collective mass of pained moans and growling from the hyenas, desperate shouts and groans from Lopunny.
You don't know what to do anymore. You're stuck in place, watching the battle unfold rapidly, watching your partner be slowly torn to shreds, listening to Ian on the phone. You should have turned back. You never should have come in here. Now you won't be leaving.
"They've already found the culprit. They know who killed her."
Lopunny finally gets the hyenas off of her, limping away. Her legs are brutally torn, bits of her flesh dangling in pink chunks from her calves. The pack of hyenas continue to surround her, licking the blood from their lips, showing the sides of their splattered teeth.
"The hallway camera was still rolling when it happened. They found brown fur in the blood."
It all hits you at once. Could it be true? No — no, of course not! It wasn't true! Your lips curl into an aching smile and you utter a slow, static laugh as you watch Lopunny be pounced on. The Mightyena on top of her bites clean into the back of her neck, a crimson gush flowing from the wound. The grass is stained red and the air reeks of death.
"Your Pokémon is a monster."
Not anymore, you think and drop your phone. It hits the forest floor with a thud, flat on its face. Ian is mostly silenced; all you hear is a very faint "Hello?"
"Lopunny," you say, still smiling because the emotions are just so overwhelming. It's as if you've been attacked from all sides by an invisible deadly force. Not by the hyenas with their bloody, growling jaws, and not even Lopunny with her frail, battered body, her raw flesh peeking up from her matted fur.
It's by you and the realization that you saved a monster. You raised a murderer. One who became too attached that relationships with others became not an option for you. No, Lopunny didn't belong to you; you belonged to her.
Lopunny reaches out, her bony fingers outstretching for you as the hyenas maul her body. In a dead voice, she murmurs her name one last time: Lo-pun-ny...
You meet her eyes. Her red irises, going pale with every passing moment. Below that once-beautiful crimson color, tears sparkle and dampen her fur. She forces a smile, still reaching out, as if saying: I still love you.
You can't watch this anymore. You turn away from the gruesome scene and sprint through the trees. The hyenas don't follow. They stay back there with the very meal they missed the golden opportunity of eating all those weeks ago. That is something you just can't watch. You knew you shouldn't have come into the forest, never should have trusted Lopunny.
She was insane. She killed for you.
You drop your head and never look back, not even wishing for the phone you'd left back on the ground. You'll see Ian in person. No need for calls. More importantly you won't have Lopunny around, threatening the lives of your close ones.
Soon you're free, away from the forest. The darkness of the woods is layered by the feel of decay deep within.
You can't believe it. You let her go. Just like that. Didn't try to help like you did when she was cornered by those hyenas the first time. Maybe that's a good thing, but at the same time you're not heartless. It was still a life, albeit not an innocent one. You still let her be killed.
Before leaving the scene entirely, you glance back at the forest. It's so quiet. So dead. Nothing resides inside other than the pack of Mightyena and Lopunny's remains. Nothing else holds significance within those woods.
You stepped into their territory. You paid the price, and now you feel incredibly uneasy. Whether to feel bad for Lopunny or to feel free of a sinful burden, you just don't know.
The world falls silent. The wind goes still. You pause and hear Lopunny's voice filling your head. And you even begin to cry over the noise.
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