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Naomi's pov

I woke up and saw a note on the coffee table.

Went to work see you at the lab or here

I rolled my eyes and got up. What should I do today. I definitely wasn't going back to the lab so I decided to take a cab to the diner. I ordered waffles and saw a man with a suit sitting with an FBI badge.

"Um excuse me." I said getting his attention. He looked up. Baby face.

"Can I sit here."

"Of course. I'm Dr.Sweets." He said.

"Oh you must be the psychologist that Agent Booth works with." I said. He nodded.

"Yes sometimes but I actual am supposed to assess Dr.Brennan and Booths work relationship." He said I nodded.

"I'm Temperances sister Naomi by the way." I said and shook his hand.

"Oh the other Doctor. The one Hodgins is obsessed with." I gulped.

"Yes..." I said looking down at my waffles.

"Hey what happened to your face?" He asked. I looked up nervous.

"Oh nothing just boxing, gotta stay fit." I said. And chuckled nervously.

"I can tell your lying Naomi. I'm a psychologist." I shook my head.

"It's nothing really, I should get going." I said leaving the table.

"Wait! Your waffles!" He said after me but still kept going.

Lances pov

I sat there confused. What just happened. I payed for her waffles and took them to go and headed to the Jeffersonian where Booth should be.

When I got there I saw Booth and Dr.Brennan in her office.

"Hey Agent Booth, do you know what happened to Naomi's face?" I asked him. He gave me a look. Brennan looked confused.

"What? What happened to Naomi's face?" She asked. He shook his head.

"I'm handling it Bones. Sweets." He pointed to the door and I left him following me.

"Why don't you say it for the whole world to hear next time why don't ya." He said.

"Well she said it was boxing but she was lying. I don't know why. She got all weird when I said Hodgins name.." I said to myself.

"Come on Sweets put it together. Hodgins and Naomi have been together for a little while. He.. he hit her." Booth said. I gasped.

"What! He hit her!" I yelled and Booth shooshed me.

"Yes. She's staying at my place for a while. I'm not letting her go back to Hodgins." He said. I nodded. Because of his childhood abuse.

"Well what are you gonna do? Let her live at your apartment forever?" I asked. I looked over his shoulder and saw Hodgins.

He looked tired. Guilty? Most likely. Probably regrets it. Obviously loves Naomi.

Booth snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey you listening? I said as long as she's away from him I don't care where she stays but at my house is the safest because I'm not afraid to hurt the bug lover." He said. I nodded.

Booths pov

Sweets nodded and walked away. I turned around and saw Hodgins. I walked towards him fists clenched.

"Hodgins!" I yelled at him. He looked at me and kept walking. He went to his office and I followed.

"Booth I'm not in the mood for your-"

"Your gonna listen to me and well you dick. You lay another and on Naomi, I am not afraid to shoot you." I threatened and his eyes widened.

"S-she told you." He looked away.

"No I saw it on her face. A huge purple bruise on her cheek. Whatever you two were arguing about was not enough to hit a her especially Naomi." I said angry. He looked at me.

"Don't you think I know that. I love her so much. After it happened she was gone, she wouldn't let me apologize or anything." He said.

"Obviously you don't love her enough because you hurt her physically. You know she's lying for you. She told Sweets it was boxing. You don't deserve the amount of love she has for you." I said and walked out of his office.

"Booth wait!" He said following me I rolled my eyes.

"I know what I did will probably make her hate me forever and everyone else will when they find out. I can't go through her leaving again. I don't care if you or Brennan hates me forever. I wouldn't blame you. But I love her so much and what I did.. I can't even look at myself in the mirror without seeing what she saw. I'm a monster and I will never forgive myself. But please Booth.. I need to see her." He said begging. I was almost tempted to say yes. I sighed. I knew Hodgins... He was my friend, but then the other part of me said 'do you want him to be like your father to Naomi?' I shook my head.

"I will... talk to her.. but if she says no your done.. I don't want to see you anywhere near her." I said and he nodded.

"Thank you.. a lot." He said and tries to contain himself. He gave me one last look and walked back to his office. I pulled out my cell and called Naomi. After a few rings she picked up.


"Hey it's me where are you?" I asked her.

"I was about to go get more clothes from my apartment. Why what's up." She asked.

"Oh I just need to talk to you later tonight." I said

"Oh ok. I'll see you then." She said and I said bye and we hung up. I was back in Bones office and she was on her computer.

"Hey so what happened to Naomi's face?" She asked. I debated on telling her the truth.

"Boxing. Naomi went boxing. With me and it got rough." I said smoothly. She gave me a weird look.

"Naomi doesn't box." She said. I shook my head.

"She does now, has been for a while I'm surprised she didn't tell you." I said. I hated lying.

"Must be because we just started talking again." She said brushing it off and I nodded.

A couple hours later I drove back to my apartment and saw Naomi with a box of pizza watching Tv.

"Hey." She said and handed me a piece of pizza. I slouched down next to her.

"So. How was the lab?" She asked.

"Stressful. If Bones asked you and I are boxing buddies." I said and she looked at me weird.


"Well Sweets came to your sisters office this morning and decided to announce there was something on your face and that attracted Bones attention and blah blah blah. So now we box together." I said and she chuckled.

"I'd so kick your ass." She said.

"Sure you would.. oh and Hodgins wants to talk.." her happy demeanour changed.

"I said he could only see you if you said yes." I Added. She nodded.

"What was he like? When you saw him?" She asked.

"The guys a wreck, worse than when you left. He was practically on his knees begging me to let him see you." I said watching tv.

"I'm angry at him.. but I miss him." She said.

"If you don't mind me asking..why did he hit you." She looked down.

"We were arguing about me just taking a few days to cool off and take some time away from everything and he got mad and said that I should just leave like I always do and then I... I basically said good i wouldn't have wanted this baby near him anyway and he slapped me."  She said.

"He was right to slap me I'm a horrible person." She said rubbing her eyes trying to prevent the tears from coming out.

I rubbed her back.

"Naomi, no matter what you said, he shouldn't have payed a hand on you. I think you should talk to him." I said. She nodded.

"Ya I will, I'm gonna get some sleep. Night Booth." I told her goodnight as well and went in my room and went to sleep.

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