Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Two: Pathways of Mastery

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


The stark walls of Zhuming echoed with the steady rhythm of a craftsman at work. This place, a haven for Artisans and their craft, was where Y/N found himself today, driven by a need that felt both urgent and embarrassing. He was here to retrieve his greatsword, a companion he had neglected for far too long. The reason? A month-long coma and subsequent months of neglect in sword training had led to an unfortunate lapse in memory about his trusted blade.

The thought of visiting Ying Xing, the Artisan he had punched into oblivion, weighed heavily on Y/N. He felt a pang of guilt at the memory – after all, Ying Xing, being more human in biology, was prone to more damage.

So, there he stood, in the heart of Ying Xing's domain – the forge. The Artisan was immersed in his work, his dark blue hair falling over his face as he hammered magic into his next creation. Y/N observed in silence, debating whether Ying Xing was intentionally ignoring him or simply too engrossed in his work to notice his presence.

Finally, seeking to break the awkward silence, Y/N greeted, "Hello, Ying Xing."

Ying Xing paused, turning his head just enough to acknowledge Y/N with a glance. A silent understanding passed between them – Ying Xing knew he had inadvertently put Y/N in the spotlight for the upcoming ceremony.

"Good day to you too," Ying Xing replied blandly, his voice devoid of its usual vibrancy. He turned fully, his bandaged body facing Y/N as he carefully set aside his tools.

Y/N uncrossed his arms and took a seat nearby, feeling the melancholy in the air. "First of all, I'm sorry for... this," he gestured towards Ying Xing's injuries.

Ying Xing shook his head, dismissing the apology. "No, I must apologize too. I... was too excited about the idea of you and General Jingliu in the Sword Champion ceremony."

Since the announcement of their battle, anticipation had grown not only among Xianzhou's natives but also outsiders. Everyone was eager to witness the might of Xianzhou's strongest.

Y/N offered a flat smile. "Well, now that we're even. May I know where my greatsword is? It seems I've forgotten it for quite some time."

"It's in the vault," Ying Xing responded, his expression curious.

"The vault? Why there?" Y/N asked, puzzled, his hand instinctively going to his chin.

Ying Xing stood up, a hint of unease in his movements. "Follow me."

Without questioning further, Y/N followed Ying Xing to a seemingly ordinary wooden door. As Ying Xing opened it, runes lit up, revealing the illusion behind the simple facade.

A rush of foreign aura emanated from the opened door, making Ying Xing shiver from the negative energy. Y/N, however, felt an unexpected sense of calm – the state Dan Feng had referred to.

The room was barren, with dust-covered objects lining the sides, but at the end stood his greatsword. Y/N approached it, feeling a rightness he couldn't quite articulate. He gripped the hilt and drew the blade, its sound slicing through the still air.

A smile crept onto his face as he turned to Ying Xing, who still seemed uncomfortable with the aura. "Thank you for taking care of my weapon, Ying Xing," Y/N said, his gratitude genuine.

Ying Xing, still a bit shaky but managing a soft smile, replied, "I look forward to the fight."

Y/N swung his blade lightly, clearing the air in the room and creating a small hurricane within. "I, too," he said, his voice carrying a newfound determination.


In the ethereal realm of her mind, Jingliu faced a challenge like no other. Here, in this constructed battlefield, her adversary loomed large and formidable – the Flint Emperor, its form shrouded in black smoke, with fiery orbs orbiting it menacingly.

The Heliobi's voice thundered through the space, sending vibrations through the ground. "You possess power, perhaps rivaling Y/N in strength. However, in prolonged battles, your resolve falters," the dragon critiqued, its words echoing in Jingliu's mind.

Jingliu bristled slightly at the truth in its words. Her combat style had always favored swift, decisive encounters, a stark contrast to Y/N's endurance in drawn-out battles. This realization dulled her pride but sharpened her focus.

The Flint Emperor rose into the air, its massive form casting a daunting shadow. "Show me your prowess once more," it commanded, igniting the tension in the air.

Responding to the challenge, Jingliu summoned her burgeoning ice powers, attempting to cool the environment. However, the heat from the dragon's fireballs remained undeterred, creating a heated battleground.

With a bellow, the dragon unleashed its fireballs at Jingliu. They soared toward her with both speed and predictability, a deliberate move to test her control over her frost abilities.

Jingliu conjured an ice shield, but the impact from the fireballs was too much. The shield shattered upon contact, and she was thrown backward, gracefully regaining her footing after being cast aside.

"Hmm... those who face me often unlock hidden depths within themselves. Yet, you seem restrained," the Flint Emperor observed, landing back on the ground, its hindlegs thudding heavily.

The dragon fixed its fiery red gaze on Jingliu, who looked down, ensnared in her own doubts. "What burdens cloud your thoughts?" it asked, its voice devoid of emotion but filled with a curiosity that sought to understand her inner turmoil.

Jingliu's eyes, when they finally met the dragon's, were filled with a turmoil she couldn't articulate. She felt stuck, unable to advance or retreat in her own mind.

The Flint Emperor, sensing her internal struggle, flared its aura, a shower of ashes cascading around them. "Come forth with your sword. Challenge me with your full might, and I shall meet you with talon and fang," it declared, its intention clear – to push Jingliu beyond her current limits, to help her find the answers she desperately sought within the heat of battle.


Y/N found solace in the secluded beauty of Xianzhou Luofu, a lush forest cleaved by a massive river, marking a distinct division between the vibrant greens and earthy browns, as if two seasons were held apart by a watery barrier.

Dressed in a skin-tight suit that accentuated his toned, yet not overly bulky, muscular build, Y/N blended with the environment. His attire, complemented by practical blue cargo pants, was chosen for its mobility – essential for training in harmony with his greatsword.

Behind him, an immense waterfall cascaded down, its roar blending with the sounds of the surrounding nature, creating a symphony of peace and tranquility.

Perched atop a large rock, Y/N sat cross-legged in deep contemplation. He clasped his hands before his mouth, eyes closed, pondering his next move. He had ventured here to train, yet a sense of stagnation clouded his thoughts.

"It would be better to train at Waterscape, but I doubt Dan Feng would appreciate that," Y/N mused aloud. The Scalegorge Waterscape, sacred to the Vidyadhara, would not be ideal, considering the potential collateral damage his training might cause.

"What would you do, master?" he whispered into the void, envisioning the Wanderer – his mentor – as a robed silhouette with blank, all-seeing eyes.

Shifting his focus, Y/N descended from the rock and grasped his greatsword, which had been resting against it. With a swift, fluid motion, he raised the sword above his head and then slashed downward. The air split with the sound of his movement, and the earth beneath him bore a deep gash, testament to the strength of his blow. Trees and objects in a straight line from his position were felled by the sheer force of the cut.

"And that's without using my aura..." Y/N observed, contemplating the destructive power he wielded, even in restraint.

A realization dawned on him. "Control is what I need," he concluded. To wield his skills responsibly, he had to learn to regulate his strength, focusing it on adversaries rather than the environment.

In that moment of clarity, Y/N reflected on the effect of reclaiming his greatsword from Ying Xing's forge. Since then, his thoughts had been clearer, more focused – a state of peace had enveloped him.

He brought the blade closer, examining it with an appreciative gaze. "I think Ying Xing may have taken too good care of you," he joked, a chuckle escaping his lips.

Positioning the sword vertically, Y/N stabbed it into the ground, resting both hands on the hilt in a kingly stance. "This feels right," he murmured, allowing the stance to ground him in the moment.

With his eyes closed, the sounds of the forest enveloped him – the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the distant roar of the waterfall. Nature's symphony soothed his mind, guiding his thoughts.

After several moments, Y/N opened his eyes with newfound determination. "I'll just ask Dan Feng about it," he resolved, gently extracting his greatsword and sheathing it on his back.

As he walked away, the crunch of leaves and wood under his boots echoed through the forest, marking the end of his contemplative journey and the beginning of a new chapter in his path of mastery... and to annoy Dan Feng as a bonus.


Hours later, Y/N found himself at the Scalegorge Waterscape, an area of breathtaking beauty. The entrance was adorned with ancient designs, rock pillars accented with gold and mystic markings. Dominating the scene was a stone statue of a Vidyadhara, strikingly similar to Dan Feng.

As Y/N's boots crunched against the gravel at the beach leading to the Waterscape, he noticed Dan Feng, his friend and Elder, standing before the ancient structures. The Vidyadhara seemed lost in thought, his glazed eyes possibly contemplating the future and the inevitable changes it would bring.

Y/N saw Dan Feng's ears twitch at the sound of his approach. "Perfect timing," Y/N thought to himself and decided to seize the opportunity. He walked towards the Elder and inquired, "It looks like you were anticipating my arrival, weren't you?"

Dan Feng turned fully to face Y/N, his expression one of mild confusion. "I am no prophet, merely here to observe, as is my duty as the Imbibitor Lunae. But why have you come here, Y/N?"

Y/N's gaze was intent and full of purpose, which Dan Feng quickly understood.

"So, you've come here to spar?" Dan Feng asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice. "You might be overestimating me, Y/N."

Y/N responded with a note of seriousness. "And yet, you've only sparred with Jingliu at full strength, never with me. We have never crossed blades in a friendly duel."

Dan Feng's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "In that case, I retract my earlier statement. I will face you with all my capabilities." The prospect of sparring with Y/N, known as "Lan's Blade," was an opportunity too intriguing to pass up.

The environment around them shifted subtly as Dan Feng's eyes glowed a vivid green. The sea began to levitate, creating a barrier around them, shielding them from any prying eyes.

Dan Feng summoned a spear, its shaft green and adorned with intricate designs of a bell and the yin-yang symbol, and pointed it towards Y/N.

Y/N, curious, asked, "Isn't that spear crafted by Ying Xing?"

With a smirk, Dan Feng replied, "Indeed, it's a gift from the haughty forger."

Y/N released his aura, unsheathing his greatsword. The air around them thickened with tension, and Dan Feng realized the magnitude of Y/N's strength, understanding why Jingliu had warned him to take Y/N seriously from the onset.

Dan Feng mentally prepared himself, thinking, "This is Xianzhou's strongest... How long can I last against him?"

"Whenever you're ready," Y/N said gently, his stance relaxed yet ready for combat.

"Then, let this be my victory!" The Imbibitor Lunae declared with a burst of confidence.

Dan Feng, with a surge of green aura enveloping his spear, lunged forward towards Y/N. The tip of the spear aimed with lethal precision, but Y/N was prepared, shielding himself with his greatsword. The spear collided with the flat side of the blade, but to Dan Feng's astonishment, it didn't leave as much as a scratch.

"The sword should be cracked from that strike," Dan Feng muttered in awe, realizing Y/N's aura was not only reinforcing his greatsword but also enhancing its capabilities.

Y/N's response was a powerful swing of his sword, forcing Dan Feng to step back. The Vidyadhara, undeterred, lunged again, thrusting his spear forward. Y/N, anticipating the move, countered by lifting his greatsword upward, exposing himself seemingly deliberately.

Dan Feng teleported behind Y/N, aiming his spear at Y/N's back. However, Y/N's swift 180-degree turn brought his greatsword alarmingly close to Dan Feng's side. The elder deflected the strike, but the force of the blow was enough to make him groan in pain.

"How do you possess such strength?" Dan Feng questioned, struggling to maintain his defense against Y/N's relentless assault.

"I'm trying to learn how to hold back," Y/N replied, his greatsword still pressing against the Vidyadhara's spear.

"Show me your true power!" Dan Feng demanded, his pride refusing to accept defeat. He teleported again, creating distance between them.

Sighing, Y/N decided to give Dan Feng a glimpse of his full capabilities. He enveloped himself in a dark blue aura that acted like armor, the pressure of which cracked the surrounding foundation and dimmed the floating waters.

Dan Feng, now kneeling, summoned his own green-blue aura, and from the sea emerged a majestic water dragon. Its roar resonated across the Waterscape, challenging Y/N.

"This is the famed Imbibitor Lunae?" Y/N wondered aloud, eyeing the water dragon with a serious gaze.

Dan Feng, channeling all his power into the water dragon, prepared for a decisive attack. The dragon, now fully materialized, conjured a massive water ball in its mouth.

Y/N, focusing his aura onto his greatsword, inadvertently mixed a black smudge into his energy, unknowingly enhancing his power. He swung his sword, releasing a silent slash of aura that effortlessly cleaved the water dragon in two.

The aftermath was stunning. The sea and sky appeared to part, bathing the area in a divine light, while the waters seemed to separate, creating a surreal landscape.

Dan Feng was left speechless, finally understanding the true extent of Y/N's strength. But Y/N's thoughts were elsewhere; he believed he had achieved control over his power.

"This will work," Y/N said, smiling genuinely at the outcome. Dan Feng watched, both in admiration and shock, as Y/N demonstrated not just his strength but also a newfound mastery over his abilities.


In the solitude of her room, Jingliu sat, her eyes betraying a hint of fatigue, yet her body pulsed with newly bridled energy. Before her floated the Flint Emperor, its miniature form bobbing gently in the air, resembling a curious hatchling exploring its surroundings.

"I did tell you that you would achieve it faster than anybody," the dragon remarked, its tone hinting at both pride and a touch of amusement. The term 'student' seemed rather loose for their unique situation.

Jingliu nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you... I can see why Y/N spoke highly of you." As she spoke, she conjured icicles in her hand, manifesting her newfound power, which, though now an extension of herself, was yet to be fully realized.

She scrutinized her abilities critically, feeling as if something essential was still missing from her repertoire.

The Heliobi, sensing her frustration, interjected, "It takes years and a personal journey to fully unlock one's potential. Do not burden yourself with negative thoughts. True power is not something given; it must be earned."

"I know," Jingliu replied, her gaze still fixed on the ice forming around her hand.

"I can tell you are trying to conjure something," the dragon observed astutely.

"A sword, but it's not materializing," she admitted, her voice tinged with frustration.

"Careful... your thoughts are muddied with unnecessary distractions," the Heliobi cautioned, pointing a diminutive talon at her.

Jingliu exhaled a deep sigh and closed her hands, dispelling the ice. She shifted the topic, her thoughts drifting to Y/N. "I wonder how Y/N is faring with his training... Perhaps I was too hasty in deciding not to train together." She pondered, her voice laced with a hint of regret.

The Heliobi maintained its silence, simply observing Jingliu as she became lost in her contemplations.

Internally, the dragon mused, "Perhaps during your duel, both of you will come to understand each other better. In the heat of battle, amidst the clash of blades, you may find the answers you seek. I am certain of it."

The room remained quiet, save for the gentle fluttering of the Flint Emperor. Jingliu sat, enveloped in her thoughts, the weight of her decisions and the anticipation of the upcoming duel weighing heavily on her. Yet, there was a spark of hope, a belief that the forthcoming challenge might illuminate the path forward for both her and Y/N.


In the luxurious confines of the Astral Express, Akivili, the Aeon of Trailblaze, lounged elegantly. Clad in full armor that seemed to be woven from the very essence of future majesty, he sipped a cocktail, his gaze fixed on the unfolding memories before him. The images, reflecting the journey of Y/N, captured his profound interest.

"Amusing," Akivili mused, swirling his drink. "From his journey, happiness has waned to uncertainty. Yet, he is not clouded with greed."

His contemplative moment was suddenly interrupted by boisterous laughter.


"Oh great..." Akivili muttered under his breath, recognizing the all-too-familiar presence. "What do you want now, Aha?"

The Aeon of Elation materialized in the train's hall, assuming a human form adorned with a jester's mask, its smile wide and mischievous. "Hello, Akivili! Are you still watching their memories? Come play with me!" Aha's voice was filled with delight, eager for company in his playful antics.

"I would rather die again than join your shenanigans," Akivili replied dryly, standing to refill his cocktail at the bar.

Aha responded with a dramatic, exaggerated gesture, sticking out a long tongue through the crooked space of his smiling mask. "Blagh!"

Unperturbed, Aha sauntered towards the bar, casually grabbing a bottle of expensive alcohol and downing it with gusto.

"I hate you," Akivili stated flatly, his patience wearing thin.

"And I love you!" Aha retorted cheerfully, oblivious to Akivili's annoyance.

Akivili's armor, an extension of his persona, shone with a light that seemed to express disgust in a robotic fashion. "Don't you ever say that again."

"Why? Can't I say I love you? I wuv you!" Aha's voice was teasing, almost childlike in its mockery.

In response, Akivili manipulated the fabric of space and time, enveloping Aha in a cocoon of stars and void. "Oh wa-" Aha's protest was cut short as he was teleported away into the unknown depths of space.

"Right... that's taken care of," Akivili said, returning to his plush red couch with his cocktail in hand. He settled back into the cushions, his eyes returning to the memories displayed before him.

"I look forward to seeing you again, Y/N," he murmured solemnly, his voice tinged with a mixture of anticipation and a strange sense of kinship. As he

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