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I started walking home when I got to my street and I saw my apartment block up in flames, I started panicking. Everything I own is in there other then my wallet and phone. Thank god my computer us warranty and I carry the warranty in my wallet. I got my phone out and called Reidy.

"Hey Jamie, what's up?" He asked me. I couldn't speak properly.

"Um... my um place is..."

"I'm on my way, don't move" Reidy said and hung up. I sat on the curb waiting for Reidy, the only clothes I'm wearing is my bikini, shorts, thongs and my Translator top on. I heard Reidy's car pull up, I got up and walked over to him.

"Holy... come on. You can stay with me" Reidy told me. I nodded my head and got in the car, we got to his place and walked inside.

"Thanks for this Reidy" I told him.

"Hey it's okay. I'm gonna call Hoppo, you can change into any of my clothes and I'll chuck these into the wash" Reidy told me. I kissed his cheek and walked to his room. I got a pair of shorts and top, I stole one of his jumpers. I picked my clothes up and put the in the wash with his other clothes, I put the washing power in and turned it on. I walked out and saw Reidy just getting off the phone.

"Hoppo said that you and Nicola have the day off to get clothes and whatnot" Reidy told me. I sat on the lounge next to Reidy and curled up next to him.

"You okay?" Reidy asked me.

"A little shocked, but I'm just glad my computer has warranty on it" I told him.

"Nicola is going to pick you up tomorrow and yous can go into the city and shop okay. In the mean time, you look like your going to pass out" Reidy picked me up and moved to the bed, I snugged into the warmth of the blanket and Reidy.

"Thanks again Reidy" I said softly and then I was knocked out.


It's the next day, I woke up around 5. I looked over and saw Jamie still sleeping, I leant over and kissed her forehead.

"Mmmm" She sighed.

"I have to get to work, I'll be back around 5ish" I told her.

"Okay" She said, I went to walk to get my clothes.

"Wait, give me a kiss" She said, I smiled and walked back over. I bent down and gave her a kiss.

"Get some sleep" I told her. I kissed her forehead and got changed and grabbed an apple and quickly eat a bowl of nutragrain. I turned the light off and left for work.


Reidy left about 5 this morning. I got up around 6, I had something to eat and I put my uniform on. I texted Nicola saying I'm going to work for a little bit. I then started jogging to work, I got into the tower and I saw Harrison and some other guy I haven't met. I snuck up behind Harrison.

"My precious" I said and a creepy voice. Harrison jumped and turned around. I started laughing.

"What are you doing here? Reidy said it's your day off" Harrison asked me.

"I couldn't stay inside waiting for Nicola, she she's meeting me here. But don't tell Reidy that's I'm here, hi I'm Jamie. I'm the translator" I stuck my hand out.

"Kalan or KC" He shook my hand.

"Bondi Central to South, we have a visitor" Harrison said, my eyes widen and we started fighting for the walkie-talkie.

"Jamie? What are you doing here?" I heard Reidy's voice.

"I'm just visiting. I'm meeting Nicola here. There's a guy caught in the rip in front of ya" I said and smacked Harrison's head.

"Now he's going to get annoyed at me" I told Harrison. I felt someone tug on my hand, I looked down and saw a little girl.

"What's your name?" I asked her, she looked confused.

"No English?" I asked her.

"Nr" She said. Swedish.

"Jag hittar inte min mamma eller pappa" She told me.

"Vad är ditt namn?" I asked her.

"Alexandra" She told me.

"Ålder?" I asked her.

"Sju" She told me.

"Bondi Central to all lifeguards. We have a seven year old girl named Alexandra, she is wearing a pokadot bikini she is also Swedish" I spoke into the walkie-talkie.

"We need backup down south asap" I heard Maxi.

"Vistelse" I told the little girl and I bolted down to the south. I saw a massive punch up with Reidy and another guy. Once Reidy got free I tackled the guy to the ground and sat on his back. Hoppo held the leg. I grabbed his arms and put the behind his back. Maxi and Jesse came.

"We got it, go cheek Reidy" Jesse told me.

"If you try as to so much try to escape I will tackle you harder" I told the guy and walked over to Reidy and got some gloves on and started cleaning the cut.

"What are you doing here? Nicola is up there waiting?" Reidy asked me.

"I'm sorry that I came. But I couldn't just sit and do nothing" I told him and put a Band-Aid over the cut. I grabbed the bottle of salt water.

"Don't worry this isn't from the sea. I made it" I told him. I put some on a tissue and put it on the lip cut.

"Oww" Reidy said. I took it off and kiss him.

"Better?" I asked her.

"Better" He told me.

"I better get going. You better get ice on that face of yours" I told him.

"I will" He told me and smacked my ass.

"Oww, wet hands" I told him.

"Sorry" He called out and I ran to Nicola.

"You ready?" Nicola asked me.

"Yeah, you know you don't have to come with right?" I asked her.

"I know, I want to. Come on, I haven't had a girls day out in a while" Nicola told me.

After Nicola and I finished shopping and all. She dropped me off at Reidy's place Muggsy was a the gate.

"Hey Muggsy, I missed ya buddy" I patted him and walked inside, Muggsy followed. I looked at the time and it was 4:30, I'll start tea at 4:45. I put some food down for Muggsy, I put my new computer on charge and booted it up. I walked to the kitchen and started putting the shopping away, I put the veges on and started on the burgers. As the patties cook I pulled apart the lettuce and sliced the tomato.

"I'm home" Reidy called out. Muggsy popped up and ran towards him.

"Hey buddy, where's Jamie?" He asked him. I heard him walk in, he wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed my cheek.

"Smells delicious" Reidy told me.

"Thanks, do you mind keeping an eye on them?" I asked him.

"Sure" Reidy kissed me and I slipped into his room and changed into something comfy. I walked out and I saw Reidy dancing around the kitchen to the Glee soundtrack. He grabbed me and spun me around and dipped me. I snapped up and I noses just touching, I lifted my leg up. He put his arm under my knee and he picked me up. I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you" Reidy told me.

"I love you too" I smiled at him and he kissed me.

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