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Diya opened her eyes which were closed till now. She saw the phone ringing beside her and thought about whether she should pick it or not. She felt like someone was watching her.

So she casually turned her head to the left side and saw Nishanth Dhuruvan watching her with an angry face. She immediately turned back without looking at him.

She squeezed her eyes when she knew he was already watching her. She again turned to him.

He gestured her to attend the call by having a look on a landline. Diya hurriedly picked up the call and stammered, "Hel... lo.”

Nishanth Dhuruvan didn’t reply for a second and then ordered her to come to his room. Diya questioned him, "Why should I….”

Nishanth said in a cold voice and interrupted her, "Avoid asking me the questions. Do what I say!!”

Diya watched him through the glass with an exasperated face. She got up and cracked the secretary room to go out. She entered the CEO's room by pushing the door open.

Diya stood in front of Nishanth and saw him sitting before a computer, staring at the screen, full of concentration.

Nishanth lifted his chin and saw her fierce face. He ordered her, "Didn’t you learn some basic manners? How can you enter my room without knocking and excusing yourself?”

Diya knew that she couldn’t beat him and could only endure it. She planned to revenge him in silence.

So she cooled herself and gave him a back answer and blurted out, "That is for an employee. But I am your wife, Mr.Nishanth.”

She felt embarrassed after those words fell from her mouth. Nishanth, who had a pen in his hand, dropped it and had a look at her in astonishment.

He adjusted his tie and said, "Wife, It means in a mansion. Not here in my office. If you want to use that rights. No problem. I will ask Rishab to place a chair in this room.”

Diya shook her head on all sides continuously by hitting her mouth with her hands. Nishanth saw her actions and felt she was adorable and silly.

He warned her by scolding his heart which was beating fast, "If you don’t want to sit in my cabin, then do your work as a secretary properly.”

Diya nodded her head scolding him. Nishanth watched her lips which were scolding him. He lost himself looking at her.

Oh, this girl... I am losing my control. I want to watch her closely. I want her by my side always. How will I take care of her in this office? She is making things difficult for me. I'm unable to focus on the work. No... there isn't next time to take her to this office.

With that Nishanth, got up and said, "I think you are right, wifey. You are my wife, and you can do what you want. I am your husband. I plan to prove it to you again.”

Diya watched him in shock. This man doesn’t care about any place. Idiot... How can he change his attitude from the scariest devil to a flirtatious human? Unimaginable... You have to get out of here as early as possible.

Nishanth started to walk towards her saying, "Your mouth dares to speak too ill of me. Soo… I have an...”.

Diya stopped him by shutting her eyes and uttered, "I agree to do secretary job.  Please walk back to your seat.”

Nishanth smirked and said, ”Then behave.” Diya just nodded her head.

Nishanth ordered, "First get out of my room. Knock and enter.”

Diya rolled her eyes at him and walked out. She lightly knocked on the door. He smiled at her naive attitude.

“Get in”, his voice came from inside.

Diya got in and did a military salute to Nishanth and requested, "Sir, May I know my work details?”

Nishanth stared at Diya and thought to himself.
I can’t change her. She is really like a child. Who will obey these orders? Is she scared of me?

He then got up and brought some files from the shelf. He threw it on the table.

He ordered her, "Take the files and read through it. Understand the details of the project. It may be informative."

He then thought to himself that she may not understand anything. But he felt satisfied making things difficult for her.

Diya saw the files on the table picked them up without interest.

When Nishanth saw her attitude, he yelled, "Get out of here. I don’t want to see you anymore. Don’t waste my time.”

Diya shivered because of his sudden rise in voice. Nishanth noted it and scolded himself for being rude. He then waved his hand, signaling her to retreat.

“I don’t want to see you either”, Diya muttered as she walked towards the door.

Nishanth did not hear what she was muttering about. Rishab, who was entering Nishanth’s room, heard Diya’s words and looked at her in disbelief. Diya smiled sheepishly and went out.

Nishanth Dhuruvan questioned Rishab, "What did she just say?”
Rishab thought for a second without opening his mouth.

Nishanth yelled at him, "Are you deaf? What did she say?”

Rishab shivered and said, "Boss, Madam told that she also doesn’t want to see you.”

Nishanth got up from his chair and saw Diya entering the secretary's room. He knocked on the glass. Diya went near the glass divider.

Nishanth used his two fingers near his eyes then next gestured his pointing finger towards her.

Rishab saw that the atmosphere was heavy. So he quickly retreated from Nishanth’s room and also forgot why he entered the CEO’s room.

Diya had her head down and walked towards the chair to sit. She started opening a file that was at the top.

Nishanth dhuruvan watched her for some time. Then he thought to himself. If he does watch her continuously, he may not be in a mood to work. So he got up and closed the vertical blind hand-drawn curtain.

When Diya saw that the curtain was closed. She got up and went out. She saw Rishab speaking with someone.

She called him and ordered, "Rishab send someone to buy ice cream. I feel hot to stay with your fierce boss. It's like standing next to an erupting volcano. I need to cool down myself.”

Diya continued, "I'm sure even your office cafeteria will not have ice cream...".

Rishab interrupted her, "But ma'am, we do have it."

Diya replied, "Lemme finish, Rishab. Even  if you have it... go ask if your boss wants it. I don't  want it from here. Get for me from any other parlour."

Rishab nodded his head. Within two minutes, Diya had ice cream in her hand. She started having it with a smile.

Rishab again entered Nishanth’s room and said, ”Boss, AD Company CEO on his way.”

Nishanth got up casually and asked Rishab, ”Is all ready?”

Rishab nodded his head, ”Yes, Boss. All are ready... and the file related to the project is with you.”

“With me? Where is it?” questioned Nishanth.

“Boss, I left it on your table.” stammered Rishab.

Nishanth stared at him for a second. He remembered Diya with whom he sent piles of files which he threw on the table.

Nishanth didn’t even think for a second. He walked with a long stride out of his room and pushed the secretary's room door.

When Diya heard the sound of door pushed and Nishanth Dhuruvan walking in front of her with a tensed face, She dropped the ice cream, which accidentally fell on a file.

Diya was about to push the ice cream, which fell on file. Nishanth Dhuruvan caught her hand and used his other hand to the front cover to see which company file.

He gripped her hands tightly when he saw the name in it. AD COMPANY.His eyes were icy cold. His face looked sinister and terrifying.

He chewed his teeth as he roared at Diya, "You useless idiot. Don’t you know how to behave and manage a file? But you decide on yourself to sit on a secretary chair. You are not fit to even be an employee of my company.”

Rishab, who watched them, felt pity for Diya. He made up his mind and walked in front of Nishanth.

He tried to console him. He proposed that he will request Mr.Devansh, AD Company CEO, to postpone the meeting again.

Nishanth stared at him furiously and yelled, "No way!!” Nishanth decisively rejected his suggestion.

Nishanth again stared at Diya and cursed her, "In my life, this was the first project I have postponed because of you. Last time, you poured a coffee and spoiled it. This time... you even have the guts to have ice cream in my office, which is also a place to work. You entered my life and started ruining it. Every project is important to me. But this is something... we dreamt to made it possible. You are such a spoiler.”

At this time, Diya raised her head and looked at him at a loss of what to do. She became anxious and was about to cry. Her hands were gripped by Nishanth tightly. She felt pain where he pinned his nails.

She opened her mouth to say, "Sorry.” But when she heard him saying she was useless and ruining his life. Diya stopped in half of her words.”So …...”

Nishanth Knew that she was about to say sorry. He lost all his patience where his face darkened with displeasure. He left her hand.

His tone seemed much colder than before, "You want to say sorry. Will your sorry give my file back as it was before? You like to give me a back answer, right? You will be responsible for this project now. Be ready to present the presentation. Get ready in 20 minutes. Just 20 minutes".

With that, he looked at Rishab. Rishab nodded his head understanding the meaning. He then slammed the door and walked to his room.

Rishab walked in front of her and said, ”Madam, this project is too important. It's a plan of the orphanage for old age people. I can help you only this much." He placed a Pendrive on the table.

Rishab looked at her, who was on the verge to shed her tears. "Here is the presentation. Understand it and explain ma'am. Hmmm... We believe you." He left after that.

Diya saw him, who left the room giving... her hope and sorrow. She thought about her husband. Why Nishanth? Even a third person who could pity me has hope in me. Don't you think... a little high on me? Where did I go wrong? Aishhh... everything is wrong about me to you. Why do I even expect something like that from you?

A lone tear left her eye. She took the Pendrive and inserted it into the CPU. She started watching it keenly. She then thought to herself.

It's right. How will you know me when I don't prove myself. I should give a good presentation and get applaud from you... Nah nah from your so called business partner. I am unique and have all qualifications to be a secretary. Where the hell did he get the confidence to say such ridiculous things to me?

Nishanth Dhuruvan entered his room and sat on his chair. He raised his hand and ripped off his tie around his neck.

He undid the first button of his shirt closed his eyes to not lose his temper anymore. He brooded over the words he used for Diya.

Why did I insult her using those words? I think I lost myself when I entered the room. No, Nish. Don’t think of your past. It will ruin you. Be normal. It's normal to make mistakes. Don’t you know Diya is innocent and she behaves like a child? Don’t allow her to hate you. No, but she is a little serious. Let her do the presentation. I won’t leave anyone to laugh at my wife in the conference room. Even she messes, or she is scared of doing it. I am there, Diya. But you should understand the world, this is a chance for you that. I'm sorry, my wifey... for using those words.

Rishab came running over to his room, Knocked and excused himself, and said with a tensed face, "Boss, Mr. Devansh has arrived.”

Nishanth stood up and questioned, "Is she ready?"


👋👋Heyyy  all.... It's  a long gap... Sorry for the late update...😑😑😑

As informed my laptop took bath with my sister's help...😊😊😊

So it took many days to dry😅😅

Hope you liked the chap... waiting for your comments.... Thanks in advance for continuing the long gap..💞❤😍😘

Do vote🌟 and comment 💌

Take care chilliess... Stay smiling!!!😄🤗

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