The Introduction

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Before I really begin I would like to say a few things, like their part time jobs, sexuality, and relationships with the others.

Akaashi: still in collage, gay, and transwith Kenma is normal but they usually cuddle and watch movies, Kuroo and Akaashi are still a little uncomfortable with each other but their getting better, and Akaashi is the most comfortable with Bokuto out of everything

Kuroo: still in college, bisexual but likes men more, Kuroo is a bit awkward with Akaashi still but overall he loves him, he has a normal love life with Kenma and Bokuto

Bokuto: still in college, gay, feels 100% comfortable with everyone but Akaashi more than the others, and plays volleyball in his free time

Kenma: still in collage, Live streamer, gay, feels really comfortable with Akaashi and Kuroo but is still getting used to Bokuto and how loud he is at times but loves him still

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