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"If you love me right
We fuck for life
On and on and on"

Talkin body by Tove Lo

๐Ÿ–คchapter 2:book date๐Ÿ–ค

You might think, that when you don't say 'yes' to somebody, they'll eventually give up. But not Nobara tho. She ate my soul and my nerves every minute during the week until I finally said yes about the party.

"You're not going to regret it, I promise", she said to me, while we were looking for good Halloween costumes.

I wasn't sure about that one. I would much rather staying at home watching all the movies recommended for Halloween. And I was thinking about rewatching Friday 13th.

But here I am giving up to the annoyance of my best friend's whining. I'll just try to be as invincible as possible and lay low the whole night. If the cops come, I'll leave through the back door and no one will notice.

"What costume are you picking?", Maki, who was also with us, because Nobara annoyed her too about this party, asked me.

"I was thinking about a witch theme", I said and I was looking through the witch costumes, or more specifically the ones with lower prices, because I'm not paying 50 bugs for a costume.

"Witch? Seriously?", Nobara looked at me and rolled her eyes, "be more creative with your costumes, y/n, you're not 5 anymore".

"Miss grown spoke again", Maki elbowed me and we both chuckled. This obsession, that Nobara has to be 'grown' is getting funnier and funnier every time.

And even Nobara's complaints about my choice of costume, I still picked up the witch. I bought a nice long black dress, black corset to have around my waist, black ripped gloves and a small witchy had. My costume was done.

Halloween came faster, than expected and I was going to Yuuji's house. We all said we'll go together, which will make my life easier and my anxiety lower. Fushiguro isn't coming, cause he'll be late for some reason. So now is just me, Nobara and Yuuji, and the second years. It's fun anyways.

Yuuji opened the door for me the minute I press the doorbell and his costume was kinda strange. I look him up and down.

"What are you suppose to be?", I asked.

"I'm the King of the curses Sukuna Ryomen, haven't you watched Jujutsu Kaisen?", he asks me and his smile grew wider.


"It's still better, than a witch".

"Why is everyone shitting on me for the witch costume? It's not that bad", I rolled my eyes.

"It's just basic, that's all", Yuuji moves to the side, so I can walk in, "come in", he said.

I walk past him straight into the living room, where Nobara and Maki were already waiting for us. Nobara was dressed as Marilyn Monroe and Maki was a vampire. And they tell me, that I look basic? I thought to myself.

"Here is our favourite witch!", Nobara laughs and walks up to me hugging me tight, "I'm so happy, that you decided to come with us".

"You gave me no choice", I pushed her back gently and she smiled at me. I could see, that there was nothing that can ruin her mood.

"Y/n just wants her boo dare with one of those hotties from school", Maki teased me a little bit and Nobara grins from ear to ear.

"Oh yeah, Geto is going to be there too", both Maki and Nobara came to me looking at me with those smirks. So annoying.

"I'm not planning on talking to him", I said, but it wasn't enough to convince my two best friends. They continued to tease me the whole time we were waiting, but I just ignored them.

Inumaki-senpai and Yuta, surprisingly, came not long after me and we all got in Yuta's car, who just got his drivers licence. Megumi said he'll wait for us there, so we all drove to the party.

My jaw dropped, when we finally reached the destination of the party. A massive house with three floors, big pool and a lot of people right in front of my eyes. Nobara grabbed my hand and started pulling me after her towards the party. I was bumping into people by mistake.

Yeah! by Usher was playing. Everyone around me was jumping, screaming, spilling their drinks all over the rest of the guests and it was all one huge mess. Nobara let go of my hand and moves to get us some sodas. I just stood in the centre of the room trying not to get pushed into a wall by my drunk senpais.

I probably look so lost right now, I thought to myself, when I caught a couple of people staring at me in a weird way, they definitely know I don't wanna be here. I look around for any of my friends, but there was too many people. I couldn't see anyone I knew.

And I was spinning around like a total psycho, I caught a familiar face in the crowd. I focus on it and I was, that it was Geto-senpai. I quickly turn my head away before he catch me looking at him and I push some people away to get to the kitchen and find Nobara. It was almost midnight, which means the actual party is about to start soon. I don't wanna be alone.

But unfortunately for me Nobara was nowhere to be found in the kitchen. Geez, where did you go, Kugisaki? I pulled out my phone to text the group chat and see where they are, but right at that moment I crashed straight into someone's hard chest. I fell back on the floor and I kinda hit the back of my head in one drawer.

"Are you okay?", I heard the guy speaking to me, but I think the hit was a little bit too hard, because I felt how I slowly lost consciousness.

Suguru...I heard someone shouting above me, while my eyes were closing, Suguru help me pick her up...

And after that...I don't remember anything.


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