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Treasure, that is what you are
Honey, you're my golden star
You know you can make my wish come true
If you let me treasure you

Treasure by Bruno Mars

๐Ÿ–คchapter 11:cute and steamy๐Ÿ–ค

It's 9pm exactly. Someone knows on my front door. I fix my hair one last time, ran down the stairs like I was in a race. I twist the doorknob and I slowly open it. There is my boyfriend standing in front of me with his smile on his face.

Dressed in his casual clothes, all black again like his usual style. But with so little effort he looked so good. Geto walks in my living room, puts his shoes to the side and gave me a back from the supermarket.

"What is this?", I looked I the bag.

"A watermelon", he said and looks at me with a smile on his face, "I know you like it, so I stopped by the market to buy you one".

I smiled from ear to ear. It was a small gesture, but so mindful and I loved it. I took it to the kitchen to cut it, but I had a hard time. It was too big and for some reason so hard to cut.

"Babe!", I shouted from the kitchen, "can you come and help me with the melon?".

Geto ran up to me and held the watermelon in his hand. Before I could give him the knife he punched the watermelon and it broke in two. I was stunned. And no, it's probably not possible, but the truth is the author wanted to use this picture, because it's one of her favourites. That's the reason.

Look at his cute smile. You can't possibly tell me, that this man is bad. In fact, he's the most adorable man I've ever seen.

We cut the watermelon, we play a movie on the big screen in my living room, blanket around us covering our bare hands, Geto's arm around me pulling me closer to him. The perfect end of the stressed day.

"This movie sucks", Geto lets out a sigh and leans his head back, "remind me why did I let you pick the movie again?".

"Because you love me", I look at him and a small smile appeared on his face, his cheeks became rosy.

"I'm getting there", he wraps both of his arms around my body and my head almost disappears between his big biceps.

Have you ever read those books about this high school romance, in which the girl falls first, but the guy falls harder? In our situation I think the roles are reversed. He fell for me first, but I fell for him harder.

When I'm with him I have no fear, I have no worry, not a single bad thought in my head, just pure enjoyment. Geto is this type of guy, who will be cold toward the world, but warm to you. And yes, I don't know all of his sides yet, but I hope it stays the same.

Laying on the couch, my head was in his lap and we watch a second movie in the row. This time I let him pick the movie. His was even more boring than mine, but i bared with it and didn't say anything.

As we were getting cosy, Geto's phone started blowing up. It sounded like an emergency. He stood up and walked up to his jacket, because he left the phone in the pocket.I stay there watching him, worried. Geto answers the phone and his whole mood changed.

"Yeah, I understand", he said and he sounded very worried, "I'm coming right up".

He ends the calls and he looks at me. He didn't give me any explanations, but I knew we gotta go immediately. We put our jackets on, shoes and everything, then we storm out my house. We hop on the bike and he drove off. Geto drove fast, but not too fast.

My head was a mess at that moment. What could've happened? I was holding onto him for my dear life as we were making a turn to the school yards. The first thing I see is two police cars in front of our school and a couple strange cars, that I've never seen before.

The motorcycle stops and Geto gets up almost making me fall out of it, but luckily I kept my balance. We both ran to the school yard, where a big fight was happening. In the middle of it was Gojo Satoru. His whole forehead covered in blood and he was shouting at couple strangers in front of him.

Behind him was Toji, who was ready to fight too, but Nanami was holding him back. Geto was quick to jump and grab Gojo by the arms locking his arms behind his back.

"What's going on here?", Geto practically yells in his best friend's face, while the police was escorting the rest of the guys, "are you nuts, Satoru, you might've got hurt!".

"They started it, I just finished", he said.

"But what happened?", Geto finally let go of him after seeing the police forcing the other guys into the police cars.

"They were messing with Shoko", Gojo stopped for a moment and looks at my boyfriend, then at me and laughed, "is that the reason why you weren't here to help? You were busy?".

"Don't bring y/n into this", Geto let out a sigh and crossed his arms, "it's not her fault".

"I told you that day, didn't ya? That because of this girl you'll lose all your friends", Gojo was shouting at his best friend and pointing at me at the same time.

I got so mad listening to him. I get it, he was mad in the first place, but he can't take it out on me and Geto. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind so bad, but I didn't want to argue with my boyfriend after. So I kept quiet.

"That's enough, Satoru!", Geto finally snaps at his friend and I see the surprise in Gojo's face, when he raised his voice, "if you wanna be a piece of shit-that's fine with me. But don't you ever think I'll let you bully my girlfriend".

"Oh what? She your girlfriend now?", Gojo laughs in Geto's face, "please, get out of my way. You're more pathetic, that i thought".

Gojo pushes Geto to the side and walks up to me like he was about to tell me something, but at that exact time my boyfriend caught him and grabs him by the collar of his shirt.

"You wanna get in trouble, huh?", Geto smiles at him in a very sadistic way, "you wanna fight that bad, you want me to fight with you? Okay, let's fight, Satoru. Come at me".

"Don't come at me with your bullshit, buddy, I'm not the one, who left his friends, when they most needed him", Gojo laughs and put his hand on top of Geto's and squeezed it.

"Oh boo-hoo, I wasn't here to fight and get in trouble with you for the hundred time, how disrespectful of me", my boyfriend mocks him and then his smile grew even wider, at this moment I saw a side of Geto, that I've never seen before, "I'm allowed to have my own life and I'm tired of being your back up all the time, be there when you need me...was you there, when I needed you?".

"You wanna hit me with that, okay..fine! I was a bad friend, I am a bad person and I never once in my life I denied it. But YOU, oh..you, the perfect guy. The nicest dude out here, who can't even hurt a fly", Gojo smiled too, "I just can't wait till everyone finds how two faced you are, Suguru. And especially your girlfriend".

"Okay, you two, chill out", Nanami steps between the two and separates them, "let's go home. We all had a hard day".

Geto grabs his jacket, that he threw while Gojo was walking towards me, from the ground and angrily walked toward the bike. I walk behind him quietly not saying a word.

"You're gonna pay for that, Suguru!", Gojo shouts after my boyfriend, "keep your guard up, I'm coming for you!".


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