Bandit Mush

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Kwang Hee could hear you laughing from a distance, relief overtaking his body. A serious threat was going to appear tonight and he held your strength in high regard, so much he believed you could crush the incoming danger without a break of sweat. His dependency on you stretched so enormously he couldn't even imagine a day where you would turn yourself back and lose all the strength that they were relying on for so long. He knew there would be a day where you would choose to return home, just this single thought made him feel less confident in his abilities to protect this village. Kwang Hee couldn't understand how one month of constant helping from you and your friends' side could make him doubt his own abilities so much after all these villagers felt protected even if it was only him and his three other knight buddies.

But as your friend, he couldn't possibly make you remain here against your will for the rest of your life. Since you probably had family and friends back home that were anticipating your return. His heavy breath from running made your ears perk up and hear his steps that rushed to your side.

"Is something going on?" you just needed this short time frame to clue out his deep distress. He nodded trying to catch his breath, even if he chose to leave his amour behind at the tower he never expected such long-distance separating you two.

"Spit it out then." you turned your full attention to Kwang Hee acknowledging that if this situation remained unattended it would put EXO's and your tree minions life in danger.

"I got a report that a group of bandits are heading now for this village, it isn't exactly a bunch you can negotiate with, last they plundered a village they killed nearly everyone, except young women." this was a dire situation that needed your full attention.

"I understand." you picked yourself up from the ground

brushing off the dirt from your clothes.

"I need your help Kwang Hee so I can't leave both of you unattended since this fella doesn't know his way around. This will slow us down but I hope you can understand." you then progressed to pick them up but their height was a complicated matter.

"Kwang Hee I need you to sit on my back while I carry this fella bride style." both were about to complain but understanding the circumstances both parties held their tongues and let themself be carried away by your strong arms. In no time you made your way to the hut, Kris, Tao and Luhan standing there in all glory being fully prepared for a fight.

"Awesome let's give this guy some armor so he can fight." you pointed at Kwang Hee which was still being carried away by you. You ran to the knight tower, where two more knights were stationed. You weren't sure if your numbers were enough to hold back the threat but the three minions were convinced you guys could make it.

"We won't go down so easily!" you felt as if you were watching three heroes that were part of an isekai manga, considering how much their spirits rose from any previous fights, they were willing to protect the civilians with their lifes. But this sudden pause from running brought your thoughts back to the other guys that were left unprotected in the hut. Kris saw the worried look on your face and he assured you that few of these guys knew material arts hence they could definietly protect themself from harm. Luhan also added how he left a magical flare which they would launch if someone attacked the.

"But I'm still worried about their safety even if they have means of protection." but Luhan did make a point with his next statement.

"Bandits would more likely come here in the center of the town, rather than visiting a run-down hut with a little garden." you agreed that they tactic would be considered ridiculous if they aim was for a couple of ungrown potatoes.

Upon meeting with the other two knights you were informed that the bandits would probably reach this place around midnight. Considering how they had no mage at their side they could not have used a teleportation spell. Beside it was unlikely for a mage to team up with bandits since they held high pride in their magical abilities which prevented most of them from joining such barbarians as bandits. If they choose to pursue evil acts they likely did it solo or with other mages. Usually claiming their terrorization held more elegance that way.

As midnight was approaching you and Luhan were running from door to door advising people to stay in the houses also recommending them to barricade any entrances. You didn't need to contribute any sort of explanation as people obeyed you instantly. Meanwhile, the rest were setting up traps all around the forest nearby, if someone decided to run away they would be instantly caught.

When all the traps were set and the darkness has fallen you all started to anticipate for a moment when you could annihilate all those bandits, however since the was still time left Kwang Hee shared some other information he found out recently.

"Today I received a message from my friend that gave me clues to solve your case, recently a map was stolen by the same bandits we going to face tonight." you nodded wondering the map significant to your curse.

"The rumors say that the map has the location of at least three moon lilies, which flowers can be brewed with other ingredients and turn a werewolf back to a human." the three minions seemed more excited about that news than you.

"Could they possibly have it with them today?" Kwang Hee just shook his head while explaining that those bandits made just a small number of the organization, the leader was rumored to have an estate in the mountains, but so long no knights were lucky enough to find his residence.

"I see." when you guys were whispering among each other, being genuinely happy for receiving such excellent news, your ears were the first ones to pick up a handful of steps that steadily approached the village. You sent the other guys the look, warning them it was time to get to action. You changed into a wolf in a blink of an eye, for more convenient agility. As planned you ambushed the last troops with your sharp teeth, trying to impact only minor and non-threatening to life injuries afterward tying them up with a steady rope. The group of bandits became fast disorganized after they realized what happened to their comrades in arms. The man in charge realized the unknown threat had an upper hand in the surrounding dark forest, so he quickly commented his men to run into the village, hoping that the settlement's surroundings would bring them favor in this fight. But once they arrived they came face to face with the knights and your three musketeers. With your great teamwork, the fight ended fast, your bunch only ending up with minor cuts and scraps. When you were tying up everyone Kwang Hee started to clean your teams injures and pathing them up so no major infection would manifest.

"I hope you can get the guys from the capital to get their asses here so they can take care of those trouble makers, our jail is too little to manage such huge amount of people." The knight tower only 2 small-sized cells making you guys barely accomplishing of cramping those bandits inside of it. None of these criminals felt comfortable and none of you felt a tad sorry for them.

Word Count: 1299

Author's Note:

I want to say congratulation to Chen, now when this news about his fiance came out, I hope he be blessed with incredible family life from now on. And I truly hope the immature exo-ls stop bullying him for wanting to get married.

Additional news about my update schedule, I decided to update this story every week on Friday evening *^*/

So see you again next Friday I believe :3

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