The Realization of bob

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(Disclaimer I don't own any of these photos.)

Quick background info, they're 14 and going into high school. 

I was always close to bob. I had always thought he was attractive even though he was chubby. Even though I thought he was attractive, I never would of thought I was the hots for him. I mean I didn't think I was gay, I don't think I'm gay. I'm just confused. That's it I'm just confused. 

I was walking home from wrestling practice when bob popped out of no where. 

"Bobby!" He screamed as he tackled me. I was shocked and felt a slight bush when my pants tightened. 

"Dude Space!" I snapped scrambling up, and put distance between me and bob. 

"I'm sorry." he looked down. My heart started beating fast. 

"It's fine just don't do it again." He looked up at me and smiled and nodded.  

"What are we doing today." 

"Look I gotta go home, my Mom needs me home." I lied. Really I was going to a party with my "girlfriend." I couldn't be around him while I was still "confused." 

"Oh ok, so when can we hang out?"

I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to hang out with Bob, and I mean REALLY wanted to hang out with him. But if he found out I was having these kind of feelings for him he would think I was a freak. If he thought I was a freak my heart would break. 

"I don't know, later I guess, look I gotta go see ya." 

"Bye." he chirped before he sadly walked away.  

That hurt my heart. 

A couple hours later... 

I was at the party making out with Jessica, or whatever her name was, but I was imagining it was bob. Usually I would fight my imagination, but right now I didn't care. I wanted him, and this was the only way I could be with him. In my head. 

When I opened my eyes I saw a heart shattering sight. Bob was starring at me with tears in his eyes. Shit. 

"bob, omg." 

He started walking away when a senior pushed him to the ground. 

"Watch it Fatty!" the senior shouted. Everyone started laughing. I was fueled with anger. I was about to stomp over and punch that guy in the face, but Jenifer, or whatever held me back. 

"Stop, if you defend him then you'll also be a target." i froze. She was right. I slowly backed up and left. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 or so years later. 

I had finally graduated law school. I had decided to become a lawyer to get closer with bob. I mean of course I didn't expect anything out of the relationship, but I couldn't stand to be away from him. Yes I was still in love with bob, but who cares. I know I'll never be with him, and I'm okay with that. 

I was excited. I was finally going to see him. I was going to see my bob. I walked into his office. He was a year more experienced than me because I started law school a year after him. I walked in and was shocked at the amount of photos he had on his walls. 

They were all of a women. 

"Who's that." I suddenly blurted. bob looked up from his work. 

"Number one, who are you talking about, number two why are here?!" he said with his cute accent. 

"That women." I said pointing an accusing finger at one of the photos. 

"That is my wife, now why are you here." I looked at his hand only to find a big fat wedding ring on his finger. My heart broke into a million pieces and I felt jealousy boiling in my chest. 

I don't know why I was feeling this way. I knew that we weren't going to get together, but I still felt a little heartbroken. To hell with a little. I was full on crying and listen to Taylor Swifts songs and adopting five cats heartbroken. 

"Hello, Bob, why are you here!!!" I suddenly was out of my daze and into reality. 

"I umm, bye." my voice cracked as I was overwhelmed by tears and ran out of his office. 

From that day on, I became a D.A the professional nemesis of bob freakin ArmStrong because I had an insatiable need to make my bob's life just a little bit crappier. 

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