(This chapter has a lot of sexual tension, and I don't think y'all are ready, but I am so on fourth with the BOBS!)
When I heard that Coralee and my bob's marriage was on the rock, I was ecstatic. I mean with her out of the picture i could spend more time with him. If we couldn't have a romance then we could have bromacne.
I was at the school helping out with wrestling stuff when I walked into the coaches offices and saw.
We both said at the same time. Great minds think a like.
"What are you doing here." He questioned.
"I'm a wrestling booster. Gotta keep up team spirit. Go Merlins!" I said very hyper. I was suddenly in a very chipper mood.
Then the coach came in. "Now if you wanna know wrestling, Mr. Armstrong, there's nobody better than to explain it than Bob."
"Really because your the coach. It's kinda your job to explain." my bob snarky replied.
"Who better than the former captain of Masonville's championship team." The coach pushed.
I chuckled. This wouldn't be so bad. Spending a little more time with my bob couldn't hurt.
"Happy to help, here put this on." I handed him some tights. Maybe I shouldn't have given him tights, because I knew that was going to be distracting, but I couldn't help it. I really wanted to see his cute little but in these tights.
"What you want me to wear a unitard."
"It's called a singlet," I corrected him, "Now get dressed I'll show you some moves."
"Oh, no. I just came here to talk."
"Easier to show then to tell," I paused for effect and put an evil smirk on my face as I turned to my bob, "that is, unless your chicken."
I saw his eyebrow furrow and I knew I got him.
"I am not... CHICKEN!!" I could tell he was trying not to scream.
"Great meet me in the gym in ten." we were giving each other intense glares, but all I wanted to do was kiss him.
When we got in the gym I was excited. Little did I know that shit was about to go down.
"Watch and Follow." I instructed. "Now you gotta lower your level," I said while crouching down as he did the same. "Bend your knees, tuck your elbows." He wasn't going low enough, but I got a smile once I though of something.
"Like this bob." I got up and grabbed his head and pushed him right to where my harden member was. Luckily it was tucked because I knew this would happen, but I was having fun with this position.
"Ok so the first move I'm going to show you is the penetration shout." I tried not to giggle as I thrusted towards and grabbed on to my bob's thighs. He gasped and held on to my shoulders. It felt nice. I slapped his ass and got up.
I showed him how to do it, and then let him try. Him being a beginner, I was easily able to dodge it, but I wanted him hold on. Trying to ignore my sudden surge of emotion, I decided to start teasing him.
"Have you talked to Coralee yet?"
"No have you?"
"Yeah, she's checked in. She seems pretty upset."
"If I were you I wouldn't be so focused on my marriage, I would be more focused on winning Miss Magic Jesus, especially with Patty in the race." We were going at each other. When he mention Patty, I got made and tackled him, but he fought back.
"You should be the one who is concerned about Miss Magic Jesus," I let him up but tackled him again and pinned him down for a couple seconds, "That's called finishing."
I know had an insatiable hunger to finish of Patty stupid Pageant rein, but I had a more insatiable need to let my bob be happy.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey this one was super short, especially compared to the last chapter, but don't get used to it.
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