Bad Bob

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*Ahhhhh that title!!!!*

I was in bed, I just woke up and my bob was next to me. I got up and looked at him. Before he could speak I shushed him. 

"Shhhhh, just go with it." I know that I just woke up in someone else bed and I don't know how I got here, but who cares. He was here and that's all that matters. 

I got on top of my bob and whispered seductively, "Now that I have you, I'm never letting you go. I'm deep inside of you." I leaned in to feel his soft lips against mine again, but then I heard this loud annoying screech. I turn over to see my alarm, and I turned my head again to see that my bob wasn't there, and I was back in my old bed. 

I signed as I got ready for work. 

I practically ran to work that mourning. I had to talk to my bob. I mean this was the start of many kisses I hope. I mean come on, he kissed me back. It was like everything I had ever wished for came true. 

I smoothly strolled into the office like nothing happened. The first thing I saw was my bob sitting there on his phone. Probably texting Patty, ugh. How annoying. 

I smirk when he noticed me and I walked over to him, but he ran into his office without giving me another glance. 

I walked into his office with high hopes. 

"Hey Bob." he said as if nothing happened. Does he really think he can fool me? 

"We need to talk about our kiss." I said bluntly. I noticed when I talked to him my voice gets a little deeper. Maybe that will work in my advantage. 

"Never happened, my word against yours." I screamed walking to his desk. 

"I meant what I said bob. I'm in love with you." 

"Stop saying that." he snapped. How cute. He's in denial. 

"I can't stop. It's been bottled up for so long, now that I've said it out loud, I can't stop. I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!" I confessed loudly walking near him. 

"Why do you keep stabbing my in the back!" he accused. So suspicious. 

"I'm just pulling on your pigtails cause I couldn't tell you how I feel." 

"Sleeping with Stella Rose was pulling on my pigtails!" 

"Now that I did to try to get closer with you." I paused at the look he gave me. He slowly walked away. "Hey you do crazy things after years of pinning away." 

"What about Etta Mae." I stopped. I knew this would come up, but I didn't want it to be this soon. 

"She's an intelligent, beautiful woman who keeps up my image. She is also out of town a lot, so I can go along with my... business." 


"bob, in my heart I always wanted to be with you, but I never thought it could be mutual," I paused for affect, (which I got,) "that is until you kissed me." 

He looked at my shocked that I brought that up. 

"I wasn't kissing you, I was pushing you away with my lips." I defended himself, but that was not going to work today. 

"You didn't fell like a man who didn't want to be kissed." 


"Just stay open bob." I tried to reason with him. 

"I love women." that one sting a little. 

"Tell yourself, you bi, we all go through that phase." 

"Bisexuals are like aliens and demons, they don't exist." he said trying to increase the space between us. 

"I agree, bi is just another stop on the way to Gaysville, chaga chaga choo choo." 

"Back off." he suddenly snapped. I stopped. "This is harassment, you are my boss." 

"Think of us as partners." I smiled quoting him. 

He stomped to the door and opened it. "Get out." 

"Ok," but I did peck him on the cheek before I ditched. 


It was late that night and my head was filled with thoughts about my bob, about our kiss, about the bitch a.k.a Coralee. After the high of our kiss where'd out my head was swarmed with possibilities. Right now one of two things could happen. We could get together and be a couple or we will not. At first is was obvious on which of the two options I wanted. I wanted my bob. But now I wasn't so sure. 

If we were together how would we deal with our wives. Sure I had a couple affairs here and there, but never a full blown relationship that could be something real. What about Magnolia? What would she think? Would she shun me? Also he had Brick and his daughter to think about. 

Also to be out gay in this community was pure extortion. 

But if I gave up my bob, I would never be truly happy. He was, and still is, the source of my happiness. 

I was in my house sipping on a cup of wine in my house when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see a soaking wet bob with a priest's uniform on. I will admit, it was pretty arousing. 

"I love my wife." he paused. 

I felt that little light of hope in my body, that one day me and my bob were going to be happy together fade away and I felt darkness. Then before I could let myself break down I was attacked. 

I was attacked by a bunch of kisses and love. My bob was showing my so much affection in that moment I couldn't handle it.

Wait, yes I can. I kissed him back, and he started taking off my clothes. I helped him, and started taking off his clothes, and this time he didn't stop me. 

In that moment, I don't think I was the only one, but I had the insatiable need to have him, and when I say had him, I mean fuck him against the wall. 



Ok so I am only posting every Friday now so you should know that, and I'll she you. 

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