Shouta Aizawa X reader

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Eri was one of the best things to happen to you and your husband. He clearly loved her with all his heart. The same could be said for you. Which lead to why you were on the floor in front of Shouta. He wanted to get better at braiding hair so he'd be able to braid Eri's. You chuckled watching Mirio attempt to put Eri's hair up in a ponytail only to fail and laugh it off. You felt your hair go slack.


You turned to your husband and smiled encouragingly.

"It's okay honey, no one expects you to learn how to braid hair overnight."

"I know. How hard can it be though?"

You pat Shouta's leg and turned back around as he started over again. You closed your eyes. After a peaceful moment, you opened you them to see Mirio and Eri had moved on to coloring.



"When you see us in the future, what do you see?"

Shouta's hands paused before moving again.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious is all."

He thought for a moment.

"Hmm...well, I see us with Eri, of course, and an army of cats."

You snort and hit his shin.

"I'm being serious!"

"And so am I."

You could hear the teasing tone in his voice. He sighed and focused on braiding your hair.

"Well, I see us being a little family. Just the three of us. Maybe a couple cats, but mostly just us."

You smiled softly and watched Eri's face light up as she told Mirio about her drawing.

"You know what? I see that too. I see the three of us being an amazing little family. Just you, me, Eri, and all your students."

"Woah, woah, woah, back up there a minute."

You laughed.

"I'm just teasing. But seriously, If Eri wants that little family to become a big family I wouldn't be opposed."

He hummed thoughtfully and finished the braid. You pulled your hair around and smiled.

"Hey! This isn't that bad. Eri, sweetie, wanna see how papa did with mama's hair?"

Eri looked up and smiled brightly and nodded. She pulled Mirio over and sat down in your lap. She looked at the braid with wide eyes and smiled up at Shouta.

"You did really good papa!"

Shouta smiled, "Thank you."

You're heart swelled with affection as you watched the little exchange. You really loved this little family and you wouldn't trade it for the world.

Word count- 415

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