Mina x fem reader

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"Oh, hanta, you're a trick ass bitch. I don't know if I should beat your smilling face to next week or give you a big hug and become your damn personal assistant." He wore a shit-eating grin with little to no shame. "Why are you like this, why'd you plant this idea into Yaomomo's head?"

Hanta Sero Y/N's neighbor, was currently sitting on the foot of her bed. "Y/N, you leave in like a hour, it's to late to have cold feet." Y/N let out a hefty sigh before pulling out her tan bookbag. She dumped all of the school related materials onto her bed next to Sero and started haphazardly shoving pajamas and other necessary items ik not the bag. "Well I promise Ochako that the next time I spend time with Mina outside of school that I'd confess. And I can't break a promise I made to that angel face. It'd break my heart faster than Mina ever could."

Sero snorted on the water he was drinking, a hacking fit commencing afterwards. "Yeah, choke you fucking bitch." Y/N hissed. His laughter conflicted with the coughing, an odd mix. Y/N found herself grinning at the sight. Her phone went off, buzzing several times before her ringtone then proceeding to emit a predator clicking noise with sad kazoo music. It was Jirou. "Y'ello?" Sero watched with interest as he knew that everyone in Y/N's phone had a custom ringer. "Yeah, don't worry about me getting there, I can get to Momo's house myself. Yeah. Ah, right. Sorry, thank you for the offer though."

Like that, the call was over. " That was quick." Sero deadpanned. "She was offering me a ride. She'd have to go out of her way to pick me up, and she shouldn't have to do that." Sero shrugged "I would've taken up on the offer." Y/N sighed as she finished packing.

"And Ochako is winning while playing sorry." Momo traled off as she led Y/N in from the front porch. "Suck a chode, you two Faced frog bitch!" Y/N's brow furrowed at the sudden outburst, considering she could clearly hear Ochako's discontent shout from rooms away.

"Wow, Ochako, Tsu fucked ya' in the ass raw dog!"

"Sorry, kero, you activated my trap card" Momo and Y/N kept composed at the ensuing chaos, Y/N's sparkling eyes taking in all the details of the new room. It wasn't a room Y/N was introduced to during the prior study sessions with Momo. Ochako, the current aggressor in their game, wore pink cotton pajamas with little white polka dots. She had a frustrated face, her cheeks tinted with a more furious shade of pink.

Tsu, the new dominator in the game, wore and soft lime green tee-shirt and some dark green pajama bottoms, the faces of our decorated on her period. She fashioned a sly and slightly cocky smirk as she moved ahead twelve spaces to the dismay of the others. Tooru, though invisible, was the most animated. Her arms were flailing, breathing life into a fluffy light blue bathrobe. "Tsu, stop getting g so lucky!!" Her exasperation palpable. Jirou also played, much to Y/N's surprise. Jirou was usually fine with just observing the antics from the sidelines. She wore a red shirt and some grey sweats, she was the most chill player during the trivial game of sorry. And lastly there was Mina. Heat rose to Y/N's face when she saw the pink skinned girl in only a plum colored tang top and some blue shorts. She was giggling while watching the game.

Noticing the two arrivals, Mina quickly rose to her feet and bound over to the door. "Yaomomo, Y/N!" She chirped, basically launching herself onto Y/N for a welcomeing hug. Jittery as can be, Y/N returned the embrace. "So glad you made it!" Mina cooked while petting the top of her admirer's head. Y/N couldn't tell if it was purposeful or not, she bargained that it was just a friendly caress.

"Hope I didn't miss any crazy fun, getting here took longer than expected." Y/N grinned at the group of friends, them all reterning the converting smile. "They've only been around for thirty minutes or so, do you want a drink?" Momo offered. Y/N nodded. Knowing Y/N's beverage preferences, she slid over a Dr. Pepper with a wink. "That wassus, did you spike it?" Momo only snickered as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Ah, fuck I thought. If it's spiked, I'll die." Mina, playing along with the joke, grinned and fliced the tip of Y/N's nose, "Think optimistically." "I'll die quickly"
A slam of Ochako's forehead was heard after some cackling. "Give me a break-!" Her wining about the game received some snickers.

It wasn't long before Ochako and Mina convinced Momo to make some alcohol. "Nihonshu."tooru requested when Momo was begrudgingly taking request.

"are you guys sure that this is a good idea?"

"I mean, who's staying sober?"

Jirou raised her hand. "I just want grape juice, alcohol hurts my throat so I'll be the watch dog." Momo smiled, also nonverbally deciding she would drink astronomically less than the rest of the giddy teenage girls. "Amazake would be nice!" Ochako said dreamily. Making alcohol for tooru and Ochako Momo smiled

When reading up on sleepovers, a common thread was drinking lightly before playing traditional sleepover games. Eventually the girls divided into two groups. Tsu and Jirou were in the corner playing a heated Uno game whilst the rest gathered into a circle. Y/N sat in between Ochako and Momo. Y/N wouldn't stop playing with Momo's hair in her buzzed state, as her hair was down.
"Truth or dare, bitches!" Ochako clapped her hands together. "Who's going first?" Tooru raised her arm, the loose sleeve started to fall due to gravity. "I can!"

"Momo, Truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you have a big fat lesbian crush on Jirou or are you pinning towards Todoroki?"

All eyes landed on Momo as expected.

"Ah, um.. Jirou." Momo spoke in a hushed whisper, glad that the Violet-haired girl was preoccupied with Tsu.

The cycle continued, "Ochako, truth or dare?"


"Amit that you're shit at sorry." It was expected that Momo's dare on Ochako would be rather tame, but still relatively amusing. Ochako chewed the inside of her cheek as Momo watched with amusement.

"I'm shit at sorry." Ochako huffed and crossed her arms. She wore a pout until she looked at a dazed Y/N who probably drank a little to much when given the opportunity. She was quiet, but her everything was rather clouded. "Y/N, truth or dare?" Y/N turned her head and looked at Ochako "dare, bitch!"

With an almost devilish glint in her eyes, Ochako spoke loud and clear. "I dare you to kiss the person who you think is the hottest in the room, and sit in her lap for the rest of the game." Y/N sighed, disappointed that she can't sit in her own lap. She crawled away from her previous spot, all eyes were on Y/N as she crossed the makeshift circle. She placed a band on Mina's knee before curling up completely in her lap. She put a finger under Mina's chin and put her other hand behind Mina's head as support, giving the pinky a kiss covered in alcohol and blatant lust.

Mina found herself turning red, her ears burning up. Both their body's pressed together, Y/N siphoning Mina's warmth. The release was surprisingly pleasant as they looked admiringly into one another's eyes. "I like you, pinky." Y/N cooed before nuzzling into Mina's neck. Mina couldn't help but internally melt at Y/N's cute behavior. "I like you to." Mina said with a low tone before wrapping her arms around Y/N. Ochaco was taking hundreds of pictures off of Y/N's phone of the occurring event.

Y/N skilled against Mina's neck, happy that her love was required.

Thank you for reading.
Hoped you Enjoyed!!!!!❤❤❤❤

Word count- 1370

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