kirishima x reader

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The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all.

Ideas, good or bad can be there but gone in a flash, little moments had and missed. Hallucinations gripping your core, you can feel it.

But this isn't a hallucination.


You looked around the corner. Your tied back (h/c) hair was coveted in the safety of your mask which was styled white with a regulator to help you control your breathing, the suit was becoming a bit to tight in the chest area but you could easily deal with that later.

The mission right now was a stealth mission, retrieve, replace, escape.

You where working on the escape bit but guards where everywhere searching for you and your friend after he had haphazardly set off an alarm.

"You really need to be more careful next time Red." You said in a low whisper to Kirishina.

"I didn't mean too, I'm sorry, we just need to get out of here."

You sighed and looked beyond your hiding spot again, staring right at a gaurd, who was staring back at you,

God fucking dammit.

You whipped your head back around and clicked the side of your helmet. "Get ready to fight Kirishima, because I just blew our cover." You said, breath shakey.

You pulled your gun from your holster on your thigh and held it up. "Dammit." He murmured.

"So much for a quiet escape." You said in a normal voice as the foot steps came closer. You pushed yourself up and turned on your heels, aiming your gun, you fired. Only to watch as he shot a blast back at the pair of you. Your eyes widened youh didn't expect him to fire that fast.

But, like a true hero, Kirishima jumped infront of you and took the blast full force, sending his body into yours and knocking you two away into the nearest wall. Other guards where alerted but the both of you where out cold.

That's how you got here now.


You looked at your hands, once small and dainty and well manicured where now large and your fingernails where bitten. Your hands and arms had a few scars, your breasts where gone and replaced with a well times chest, subtle curves of your waist where now hard muscle. The plump flesh of your thighs was now small.

You patted your cheeks to try and wake up but the only thing you felt against your skin was rough calluses. You felt an on coming panic attack shake you violently as you hyperventilated.

"Now now no need to freak out." You said as you receive a sharp slap on your back from Recovery girl. You jolted and shook your head.

"Give me a mirror, what's happening? Where is Kirishima?" You asked, swinging your legs over the bed.

"He's right there." Recovery Girl said pointing to a covered body. Small, with (hair color) hair peeking out from under the sheet.

It was you,

Your body,

And you where in Kirishima's

You two, had switched bodies, or minds, you didn't know the correct science, but you knew that blast had something to do with it.

And you where totally, and utterly fucked.


When Kirishima woke up, he didn't say much if anything, just staring stands that where not his. His body sat next to him, but worse than that, the person he had to get body swapped with, just had to be his crush since you transferred to U.A.

If there was a god, it hated him.

"I'm sorry." He murmured from your lips.

"Don't be." You said without hesitance. "It's not anyone's fault but that bastards."

Hi both kept your gazes off of one another, afraid to look at eachother. Kirishima suddenly moved his smalled hand to lace into what was once his own.

"I think it'll be awkward to confess to my own body, since I'm not that narcissistic, but. . . I don't know what else to do, if I don't do it now, it'll be even more awkward afterward, and I'm not sure if you'll even want to talk to me afterwards but I'm still gonna try." Kirishima began, he looked up at you, at his face and then cupped your cheek that wasn't exactly yours.

You flushed a bit as he leaned in to kiss you, you shrunk up in your larger body and he missed completely, kissing the tip of your nose instead, he pulled back and you watched as your body flushed as red as a tomato. You felt your face heat up, and everything felt hot, the room, the clothes you wore even though you where partially shirtless.

"You missed." You said softly.

"I-what?" He asked, looking back up at you.

He chuckled, leaning forward to wrap an arm around your own body to pull him close to his own. Leaning in to place a real kiss on his lips. Your eyes fluttered shut while he just stares at you like an idiot. Leaning into the kiss again, reciprocating completely, he wrapped the arms that where once yours around your neck and pulled at your now red spikey hair gently. You pulled away but leaned your forehead against his.

"I said you missed."

"Damn right I did. Show me how to aim again?" He asked.


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