Katsuki Bakugou

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You are Bakugou (Y/N), the older sister to Bakugou Katsuki. And you and your brother are not on speaking terms. Unfortunately you were quirkless.

You knew better than anyone how Katsuki looked down on the quirkless. Through out the years, what turned into playful sibling insults turned into genuine hate.

And one day it reached a breaking point. It was a month before he applied to UA and you can remember it so clearly. It all started with a stupid small argument.

"Hey, Katsuki. Have you seen my project?" You asked. It was your college final and it was worth 50% of your grade. "Beats me." He said, lounging on the couch.

"Well, can you help me look?" "Why? Its not my shit." You glared at him and turned off the TV. "If you're gonna be the Number 1 Hero, why don't you get up and help me."

"Just because you don't have a quirk and couldn't be a hero, doesn't mean I have to help you." He said smugly. Maybe it was because you were hangry or it was from losing your important project, but you said something that was sure to start a fight.

"Well, at least I'm strong enough not to have Izuku save me from a villain." You smirked. He jumped up from the couch and glared at you.

"What the hell did you say?!" He growled. He stomped away and held up your project that was in the kitchen. "You think you're so perfect?!" He then used his quirk and burned your project. It was a packet of designs.

"What are you doing?!" You yelled. You ran to him and he dropped it in the sink and turned the water on. "Oops." He smirked. You picked up the soggy ashes and turned to him.

"What is your problem?! You act all high and mighty but you're a douche. I don't know how you'll ever become a hero when you act like a villain." You said. He had a look of seething anger.

"You're just an inconvenience. Everyone would be better off if you died, why don't you take a swan dive off the room." He said, with an angry smile.

You left and you haven't talked to him in over a year. You saw all his achievements at UA and when he was captured. There were a lot of times where you wanted to make up to him, but you are family so you were both stubborn.

One day you were walking to class and a huge villain attack happened. And you were trapped right in the middle of it. You were helpless as the heroes tried to defeat the villain.

Suddenly a hero uncovered you and was trying to lead you to safety. But you saw a familiar head of spikey blond hair. "Katsuki!" You yelled. He didn't hear you and he was getting weaker.

"Ma'am we need to get you to safety." The hero said. He led you away and you ducked under his arm. You ignored him and ran to Katsuki.

You pulled him to the side. "What are you doing here?!" "None of your business!" He yelled and tried to go back out. "No! You're too young for this! You're gonna get killed!"

"Get off my back!" He yelled. He ran out and started to fight. You watched from the sidelines and noticed a villain about to attack Katsuki.

"Katsuki!" You yelled. You ran out and pushed him out of the way. You were knocked out of the way and roughly hit into a building.

Katsuki looked up just in time to see you collide with the building and crumpled to the ground. The villain was taken down, but he didn't care.

His legs moved automatically and he ran to you. He couldn't breathe. He stared at your battered and bruised for and felt a lump in his throat.

"(Y-Y/N)" He chocked out. No response. "(Y/N)." He said. He shook your shoulder until you stirred. "K-Katsuki..." You said weakly.

"W-why did you do that?!" "I-I couldn't w-watch you get h-hurt. You're m-my baby brother." You smiled, weakly giving him a playful punch.

"(Y-Y/N)...I-" "Katsuki, I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that happened that day. Y-you're a great hero. I'm proud you're my brother."

"N-no. I'm a dick. I-" "I know you're gonna be a great hero." You said. You felt your eyes grow heavy and you laid your head down.

"N-no. (Y/N)..." He said. You were motionless and limp. "Please...wake up." No response. "Wake up dammit!" He said shaking you. "Please...I-I'm sorry." He felt tears run down his face. "Wake up! Please, I'm sorry!" He said, kneeling over your body

He never got to apologize to you. You died without him telling you how much he regretted his words. How much he was sorry...

Word count- 827

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