Eijirou Kirishima X reader

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How long has it been? It felt like it was yesterday. The days blurred together. He still could feel the heartbreak, the sorrow. The agonizing pain of losing you.

He had the letter you wrote, clutching it like a lifeline. He had to have read it at least 100 times. The paper crumpled from being handled so often.

The smell from your stuff starting to fade. Boxes of your possessions sitting all over. He once felt ready, but now he couldn't bear to remove any of your things.

He stood up and looked in a mirror. He looked awful. He decided to shower and put on new clothes to at least make an effort.

Mina scolded him about how much he had let himself go. She made him walk around a local park at least once a day and this was that time.

He got dressed, but didn't shave. He dried his hair and put on his shoes to go out.

He looked around, already missing being in bed. He zoned out and was pulled from his thoughts by a surprised gasp. He looked up and saw a man proposing to his girlfriend.

They were so happy. They had their whole lives ahead of him. This upset him.

He ran back to his apartment and slammed the door. He leaned against the island counter in his kitchen. He was struggling to keep the tears in. He fumbled to his bedroom and yanked open doors. Searching for a small box.

It was in his bedside drawer. He opened it up and saw the simple ring he was going to give you. He let the tears loose and began to take his anger out. He began to destroy some of his furniture. He made his way from his room to the kitchen.

He hardened and began to punch his walls. He took out his anger from your death. Anger from people being happy. Anger from you leaving him.

He was lost destroying his counter. Suddenly, he was in his room. It was night. He jolted up and looked around. Nothing was destroyed and everything looked the same.

His breath got caught in his throat. He whipped his head to your side and... you weren't there. He couldn't believe it. You weren't there. He began to cry when a tired voice snapped him out of it.

"Eijiro?" He stared dumbfounded. He jumped up and cradled you in his arms. He began to cry in your shoulder and you comforted him.

"Eijiro, what's wrong?" You asked worriedly. He shook his head and continued to hug him. He then stood up, went to his bedside drawer and pulled out a small box.

"(Y/N) I never want to lose you. I always want you by my side." He opened the box and showed you. He didn't even get to ask before you said yes and hugged him tightly.

He planted small kisses on your face and hugged you tightly. "I had a horrible nightmare that you died. It felt so real. It's unbelievable!" You hugged him tightly. "I won't leave you. You can't get rid of me that easily." You two laughed and he once again hugged you. Unbelievably happy that you were there.

Word count- 542

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