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Aizawa - EmoHobo
Hizashi - Cockatoo
Midnight- Midnight
Snipe - KnockoffMcCree
Vlad King - BlehBlehBleeeh
Ectoplasm - Venom
Powerloader - BobTheBuilder
All Might - DadMight
Nezu - HighOverlordOfInsanity
Cementoss - Schnitzel
Thirteen - Thirteen

BlehBlehBleeeh has logged on.

BlehBlehBleeeh: has any1 seen snipe lately?

Apollo: uhhhh

Apollo: is he not in his classroom?

BlehBlehBleeeh: no, and I have an assignment I want to discuss with him

Midnight: Thirteen broke him yesterday

Apollo: I did not

Midnight: ....

Apollo: actually u know what

Apollo: yes I did

BlehBlehBleeeh: wut did u do to him?

Apollo: dont worry about it

BlehBlehBleeeh: okay I just backread

BlehBlehBleeeh: Thirteen....why?

Apollo: not my fault he's so sensitive

Midnight: well, since we lost our comedic relief can I add Emi?

EmoHobo: i swear to god i will kill u

Midnight: have u been lurking this whole time?

EmoHobo: yes

EmoHobo: always

Apollo: Aizawa did I ever tell u I get serial killer vibes from u

EmoHobo: thanks

Midnight: okaaay

Midnight: I'm adding Emi

EmoHobo: I will actually kill you

EmoHobo: I find you and I will kill you

Apollo: Why do u hate Ms. Joke so much?

EmoHobo: she's to happy

EmoHobo: its sickening

Apollo: your depression is sickening

EmoHobo: the fact that your able to wake up in the morning with a smile on your face is sickening

Midnight: well goddamn

BlehBlehBleeeh: Someone didn't get enough love as a child

Cockatoo: He's just mad he didn't get my attention this morning

Midnight: oooh so he got blocked

Apollo: That's an oof

EmoHobo: Hizashi I thought we talked about this

Cockatoo: ;)

Cockatoo: I gtg grade some essays now ^3^

Cockatoo has logged off.

Midnight: u two still confuse me

Apollo: Yamada is definitely the man in the relationship

EmoHobo: fuck u too

BlehBlehBleeeh: I found Snipe

Midnight: oh shit rly?

BlehBlehBleeeh: He just clocked in, wearing a suit, not even his hero costume, and his hair combed back

Midnight: Apollo wtf did you do to him?

BlehBlehBleeeh: he just came up to me and said "hi how are ya" and walked away

Apollo: whoops

Apollo: I plead the fifth

BlehBlehBleeeh: he's wearing loafers

BlehBlehBleeeh: Thirteen wtf did you do to him

EmoHobo: she made him question his life choices

Midnight: he'll be fine

Midnight: I think

Midnight: he just made eye contact with me

Midnight: he's literally running away

BlehBlehBleeeh: o_o he's like...idefk

EmoHobo: Goddamnit Thirteen

Apollo: LISTEN

Apollo: ................

BlehBlehBleeeh: I'm listening.

KnockoffMcCree: Good morning my fellow coworkers. What a wonderful day it is.

EmoHobo: ....wtf

Midnight: Heeyy Snipey. How uh, how ya feeling bud?

KnockoffMcCree: Greetings Ms. Kayama, I must head back to work now.

KnockoffMcCree has logged off.

BlehBlehBleeeh: Thirteen you gotta fix him

Apollo: WHY ME?

EmoHobo: your the one that broke him

Midnight: I'm actually a little scared

Midnight: I want our cowboy back

BlehBlehBleeeh: Thirteen, apologize for breaking his innocence


Midnight: So it's lunch break, Katsuki blew up the bathroom stall apparently, and that grape kid won't stop stalking Yaoyorozu.

EmoHobo: So everything is going GREAT

BlehBlehBleeeh: Snipe is still having a midlife crisis...

Apollo: No I think he's just drunk at this point

Midnight: So that's where my wine bottle went....

HighOverlordOfInsanity: Midnight, you brought alcohol to school?

Midnight: Uhh...no?

EmoHobo: Yes. Yes she did.

Midnight: Shota!

HighOverlordOfInsanity: Nemuri, can you meet me in my office before break is over?

Midnight: Well fuck...

BlehBlehBleeeh: LOL

BlehBlehBleeeh: I mean oh nooo....

Apollo: So...anyone going to karaoke tomorrow night?

EmoHobo: That's still a thing?

BlehBlehBleeeh: yes dumbass

EmoHobo: why are you attacking me

Apollo: Is it bad I kinda wanna see Yamada sing 'Hips Don't Lie'?

BlehBlehBleeeh: That's...

EmoHobo: His hips really dont lie I would know

Apollo: Aight, I'm out. Got tests to grade.

Apollo has logged off

BlehBlehBleeeh: I am a child of Jesus

BlehBlehBleeeh has logged off.

EmoHobo: ¯\_( ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ )_/¯

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