Enji (character Endeavour)

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Notes on Enji

He is already an actor he has been in a movie in his past and saw the opportunity to go for an exciting role and he got it.

He is actually completely different then his character.

Enji is actually married and she recently had two twin girls.

He is the kindest man on set his has a happy family, loving wife two small toddles, two girls, and he wants to adopt anyone who has a bad family.

He and his wife has basically adopted the Todoroki stage family and they go on road trips all together, their favourite so far was the zoo and they loved seeing how happy the two girls were.

Enji helps Todoroki go through his ADHD and he teaches him ways to help he knows how as he has a younger sibling that has ADHD.

Enji's daughter assume that the Todoroki children are actually their siblings and call them their big brothers and sisters.

Whenever his wife can't look after the toddlers he can takes his girls to the set they play extra roles when they need small children they love it but get scared when their dad is evil and mean to their fake siblings.

When Enji is busy with a scene Kayama will babysit them and gives them hugs.

After season 3 Enji learnt that Dabi had abused by his parents and so he got it dealt with

After every scene where he shouts he hugs whoever he shouted at child, teen or adult he hates to shout at them.

Enji was extremely happy that he got the role as it was fun to play someone different then the way he actually is. He's greatfull to have a chance to play the number 2 pro hero and an evil father.

Extra information

His daughter are called Emiko and Mai.

He has been married for 20 years

He dealt with bullying on set whenever he saw it happen

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