Evan x Michael Headcanons

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•They hid it from Jeremy for a while 

•Basically how Michael tells Jeremy 

*chloe is bitching about Madeline and leaves the table*

... *michael looks and Jeremy* "sooooo I'm dating your stepbrother—"

"W H A T—?!"

•Jared is just like "I CALLED IT—"

•Michael gets Evan a smol succulent plant and Evan keeps it on his windowsill and takes good care of it 

•Michael and Rich have competitions to see who can run fastest while carrying their boyfriends (Rich carries Jeremy—)

•Evan got super high with Jeremy and Michael and spilled water on himself and Michael went upstairs to get Evan a new shirt while Jeremy tried to get Evan to change and Evan was just like "I REFUSE TO DISROBE IN FRONT OF YOU I HAVE A BOYFRIEND NAMED MICHAEL" and Michael videoed the whole spiel of Evan being super stoned

•Evan loves it when Michael carries him and wears his hoodie a lot

•7/11 and park dates 

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