Episode 35 - Neo Egoist League

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Bachira: Whoo! I'm getting pumped!

Chigiri: My blood is boiling.

Nagi: Time for a new stage.

Shidou: What do you think'll happen Y/n?

Y/n: 4th selection I guess...I don't know.

The group walk into the room and see some face they didn't expect to see

Y/n: U20?

Shidou: RinRin's team?!

Bachira: Ah! AAH!

Isagi: Hm...

Neru: Yo!

Darai: You're being noisy.

Niou: Hmph.

Sendo: Keh. So you're here, Isagi Yoichi

Isagi: Eh?! How come you guys are here?!

Aiku: Because Ego called us. He said he wanted us to be members of his new project. Only the regulars, though.

Bachira: Hell yeah, nice!

Niou: The payback for that bowling match is gonna come!!

Y/n: I wonder who won that...

Chigiri: Barou won it for us

Barou: Hmph!

Shidou: Hey look! It's a lone Rin!

Y/n walks to Rin

Y/n: I didn't know if they'd let you back in. Good thing you're here.

Rin: Don't talk to me. You wanna get stabbed?

Y/n: That's what I get for trying to be nice I guess.

Ego: Hello there, you diamonds in the rough. Did you all enjoy the holiday? As you might know, I now hold the power...To decide every member of Japan's U-20 team. And since I figured that even losers might have their uses...I've decided that the new U-20 will be formed from the members I've gathered here.

Sendo: Losers are we...

Aiku: Tough words, Ego.

Ego: There's 100 days left before the U-20 world cup starts. If you guys were to take part as you are...let's see...Victory...is simply impossible.

Y/n: I wonder what type of players we'll see in the U-20 world cup

Ego: This next stage will show you that, but putting it aside "strike the iron while it's hot." I came up with a method to allow all of you to evolve at a rapid pace. Here's a question. What was the "cause" of you guys getting stronger? "awakening your ego". "Becoming aware of your innate weapons." The reason that happened to each of you is without a doubt...This environment. This special and cruel enclosed space called "blue lock". And to rise to greater heights. a new "environment" will be needed. And thus, I've decided to throw you guys at the hottest hellfire that exists. In Blue Lock's phase 2...You all will be thrown in...

Ego: Popularity. Ability. Money. These European pro football leagues are at the peak of all these things. Among these 5 countries, each of you is going to choose which environment you want to sharpen yourselves in. For reference, I'll give my biased judgement regarding each league...First:

The mention of the best striker in the world caught Y/n's and Isagi's attention

Ego: That's basically it. Those of you who favour positions other than forward...make your decisions with that in mind. The survival battle in the new environment" you select will double as the final selection for the U-20 world cup, as well. And with such an environment being the highest peak of the world, one thing that will be the key to win your place among the best will be demonstrating your "uniqueness". Your talents and weapons may stand out here in Japan but against the whole world, you'd be average. What you feel then, and what you believe...will be a test for you. If even then you're still able to show you have value that no one else does the world will be waiting for you.

Ego: Therefore, you must accurately visualize what you want to become


Ego: And choose the best environment for yourself.


For better or worse, this choice is guaranteed to completely derail your life.


Igaguri: I'm picking Germany! I feel like Japanese people are suited to go there!

Y/n: ...what?

Otoya: I'll go to Spain. Since it's the country of passion.

Aryu: Italy for me. The Florence Cathedral calls me.

Zantetsu: I'm picking France. Just because. It sounds smart, right? Going to France?

Chigiri: Don't just decide based on stereotypes...

Karasu: But it's not like we have much to go on.

Y/n: So we just gotta pick one that you feel comfortable with...

Y/n is in deep thought about which team he's going to choose

Shidou: Hey, Y/n. What team you choosing?

Y/n: No clue...I'm guessing you're picking France?

Shidou: Obviously. I'm gonna guess you aren't huh?

Y/n: No...

Shidou: If I was in your shoes, I'd definitely pick Germany.

Y/n looks at Shidou with a confused expression

Y/n: Why?

Shidou: Let's be honest, your physical stats don't need any work so the only thing you'd need work on is your brain. And that's just Italy or Germany and Germany has Noel Noa.

Y/n: For someone like you, that's a scarily well-reasoned explanation... Just come visit if they let you.

Shidou: You sound so dependent! That's new!!

Y/n: Shut it, zesty boy

Shidou would usually punch Y/n for this but instead, he offers a hand to him

Shidou: How about a promise?

Y/n: ?

Shidou: Next time we meet on the field, it'll be against each other. Let's get real strong! And when we finally meet each other we can go all out alright?!

Y/n: That's so like you...but yeah sure.

Y/n shakes Shidou's hand as they agree to the deal

Y/n: You better catch up Demon. I'll leave you in the dust at this rate.

Author note: Since you can only have 9 players per country, Neru will be joining England as a replacement for Junichi (hopefully he doesn't do anything TOO important lol)

Y/n and Isagi look at each other

Y/n: It's impossible for me to go anywhere without you!

Isagi: I'm excited too surpass you, Y/n.

The team of 9 walk into the starting room for the Germany route. It's a dimly lit room with a hologram of Ego placed in the centre

Ego: Hello there, folks who chose Germany. Welcome to the football of rationality and logic.

Y/n: I couldn't even imagine stuff like this existing before I came to Blue Lock...

Ego: The current strongest team in Germany is Bastard München. You will play with the members of this team's U-20 category and train with them.

Y/n: That's pretty insane...

Raichi: Holy shit...

Igaguri: So we're going?! To Germany?!

Y/n: Definitely not...

Ego: Unfortunately, quite the opposite. The environment of the Big 5 European Leagues will be recreated right here in Blue Lock!! For that purpose, I have invited players your age, who currently play for the strongest teams in 5 big leagues. For England, it's Manshine City. For Italy, It's Ubers. For Spain, it's FC Barcha. From France, it's Paris X Gen. And from Germany, It's Bastard München. Your next goal will be to win in this environment. And the one who will be guiding you all won't be me, but instead...

Ego: As a result of the match against Japan's U-20, Blue Lock now holds the attention of the entire world. And this pipe dream of mine caught the attention of plenty of greedy sponsors. So now, our phase 2 will turn out even better than what I had planned. And of course, this isn't limited to the German team.

Raichi: That means...in the strata for the teams that picked other teams...

Igaguri: There's still other superstars...here in Blue Lock...!?

Ego: Indeed. Gathered in each stratum are the U-20 regulars of each champion team...and a master striker of their own. Meaning you all will have a chance to absorb a new dimension of football. Allow me to introduce them...

Ego: They'll each guide their players on their own philosophy and you all will evolve in that environment. Whether you want to or not. Let us move on then, to the details of phase 2. First, you will train under the master. Then you will have to be chosen for the regulars. You must show your value to be chosen above other members of the club. The 11 chosen will play in matches. The opponents will, of course, be the teams made in the other strata and a league will be formed with those 5 teams.

Yukimiya: So we're going to fight the people who went to other strata...!!

Ego: That's indeed the main event! But these matches have special rules, you see. One, it's "first to 3 goals". A measure to guarantee the matches will be speedy and dramatic. 2 "infinite substitutions". Anyone can be subbed in or out at any point, infinitely. And 3. Once per match, each team will be allowed to sub in their master striker for 3 minutes.

Y/n: That's crazy unfair! I love it!

Ego: I call it the "star change system".

Y/n: He's way better at names than Kuon. I wonder what he's doing right now...

Ego: Don't forget that this is also the final selection. For the team that's going to the U-20 world cup. Depending on how the matches go, after each of them is over the rankings could change completely...

Author note: The ranking right now would go like this

1. Y/n

2. Isagi

3. Rin

4. Shidou

5. Nagi

Raichi: That's wild!

Gagamaru: This league sounds awesome.

Igaguri: Blue Lock has turned into something too amazing...!!

Y/n: I can't wait to have a shot at the big names. I'm too much for Blue Lock now

Ego: Ah, one last thing before I forget. On Bastard München, the team Noel Noa is, there's gonna be another player who I just had to personally include. All of you who won your place in Blue Lock. If the route you've taken here would be called the "proper path" you could say I prepared a "hidden path" for the ones who failed and I forced philosophies upon them. And I've elected to bring back to the program...the monster born out of that path. Come on in! The only survivor of the wild card! And the final dark horse...

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